SEction 3-01 IFR arrivals Flashcards
Define Instrument Approach procedure (IAP)
A series of predetermined manouevres by reference to flight instruments with specified protection from obstacles from the initial approach fix, or where applicable, from the beginning of a defined arrival route to a point from which a landing can be complete, if landing is not complete, to a position at which holding or enroute obstacle clearance criteria applied.
What is the difference between a precision approach and non precision approach?
Precision approach uses azimuth and glide path and non precision only uses azimuth guidance
Define decision altitude
Altitude at which if an aircraft does not have adequate visual reference to the airport, they must conduct a missed approach. (When on an ILS approach) Decision altitude is heigh ASL and decision height is feet AGL
Define minimum descent altitude
In a non precision approach the altitude below which descent is not to be made until the required visual reference necessary to continue the approach to land has been established
What is the CAP
the cnada air pilot is a document with standard procedures at certain aerodromes.
What is the MArch safe altitude 100 nm?
What is the CAT1 ILS standard decision altitude?
When would you use a CAT2 or 3 ILS?
Very bad weather at large airports
What three elements does the ILS consist of?
Localizer transmitter
GLide path transmitter
Approach lighting system (Also NDB?)
what is the FAF at MArch for the runway 09 ILS?
The bodet NDB, FAFs are denoted by a maltese cross on the arrival plates
What are the 4 phases of a procedure turn landing?
Initial approach segment (between IAF and turn), Intermeditae approach segment (procedrue turn in this segment), final segment (once passed the FAF) and missed approach segment
Why would a pilot fly a procedure turn?
Pilot timing at an aireodrome where surveillance does not exist
Define RNAV approach and whether they are considered precision approaches or not
RNAV approaches are nonprecision
A published IFR approach coded and included in an aircraft navigation database and published in graphic and textual form to be used by aircraft appropriately equipped to conduct the approach
\what is the differnce between a wapoint fly by and a waypoint fly over?
In a fly by the aircraft completes a turn before reaching the waypoint, in a fly over the aircraft does not begin a turn until it reaches the waypoint (resulting in an overshoot)
Define FACF
Final approach course fix ( Center line fix, directs yo on course to the FAF)
Define FAF
final appraoch fix, the point from which the final appraoch leg of flight commences
Define final approach segment
That part of an instrument approach procedure from the time that the aircraft does one fo the following:
Completes last procedure turn or base turn where specified
Crosses the final appraoch fix, way point
Intercepts the last tract specified for the procedure until it reaches the missed approach point
Define visual approach
An approach wherein an aircraft on an IFR flight plan, operating in visual meteorological conditions under the contrl of ATC and having ATC authorization, may procede to the airport of destination
What are visual approach standards and what the March rules for visual approaches
Celing 500’ above the minimum IFR altitude and ground vis at 3sm or more at destination airport.
In march the flight rules are not below 3000’ until the FAF
Is a visual approach of an IFR aircraft an instrument approach procedure?
No it is not and except for published ivsual approachesin the CAP there are no procedures associated with a missed visual approach
Define Contact approach
An approach where an aircraft on an IFR flight plan having ATC authorization and operating clear of clouds with at least 1 mi flight vis and a reasonable expectation of continuing to the destination airport under these conditions, may deviate from the instrument approach procedure and procede to the destination airport invisual reference to the surface of the earth.
These tend to be done by experienced pilots at airports they are very familiar with. They use successive visual landmarks to get to the airport. If the pilots ability to do this is questionable we can deny the contact approach.
We cannot predict their flight path
Define approach clerance
An authorixation issued by ATC for a pilot to conduct an IAP. The type of IAP along with the pertinent information is proved in the approach clearance when required.
Do controller issued missed approach instructions supercede published missed approach instructions? And when would a controller issue missed approach instrcutions that differe from those pusblished?
They do and we would do this if weather was affecting the ability to follow the standard missed approach.
If a pilot misses an approach, what are his 3 options?
Try another approach
Hold and wait
Procede to alternate airport
If an aircraft executes a missed approach for a reason that is apparently unapparent to us, what is likely the cause?
The reason is usually an unstable approach. These are most common is something looks wonky with the plane (too high, too fast, weird angles)
Define unit coordination
Coordinate with other operating positions withing the unit and with other ATS units or concerned agencies. Coordinate with all operating positions if any of the following apply:
the active runway is changed
A landing or takeoff will occur on a runway other than the active
A greater approach interval is required to assist in expediting the movement of airport traffic
what is process for coordinating arrivals or departures on the non active runway in MArch?
Verbal coordination with midtown ACC
True or false, if a pilot makes a request due to operational reasons, we are bound to comply
True, but we don’t have to prioritze or do it immediately.
What is the window for when and th ACC will fowad data concerning arriving IFR aircraft to the tower, FSS or MFAU
15 minutes before ETA
Define secure arrival sequence
The exact order of IFR arrivals as determiend by an IFR controller
Can the tower request the IFR controller to adjust the rate of IFR arrivals into the airport?
IF requested by the tower the terminal controller will adjust the approval interval to the extent feasible to assist in expediting the movement of other airport traffic.
Promptly advise IFR units of pertinent information regarding IFR of CVFR aircraft including:
Departure times
Position reports
control transfer times
arrival times
Time of cnacellation or IFR flight plan closure
Define handoff
The process of transferring the identification of an aircraft and the radio communications for that aircraft to another sector/unit
Does a handoff signify a transfer of control?
Not necessarily but they can occur coincidentally.
What infor do we give IFR aircraft on a handoff?
Wind, altimeter and a sequence if applicable. (the sequence does not include the word follow, it is not an instruction but just for the pilots information)
When is the control of an IFR aircraft transferred to the tower
Unless otherwise specified, control is transferred when the IFR arrival touches the ground
When can we assume control of an arriving IFR aircraft:
Ceiling not less than 1000’ and vis not less than 3mi at aerodrom
-Pilot is cleared for an approach and intends to land
-The aircraft is within the control zone and is either:
-at aposition agreed upon by you and the ACC when you requested control
-estbalished on the final leg, and control transfer in accordance with an agreement
You have done one of the following:
-Sighted the aircraft and are satisfied they will remain in sight and not returen to IFR conditions
-Observed the aircraft on a situational display on the final leg and determined the aircraft is operating in VMC
-you ensure the aircraft remains in the control zone
What are the necessary conditions for autmatic contlr transfer at march?
Vis more than 5 mi and ceiling more than 2500’
Control transfer instructions
Transfer contorl of an IFR or CVFR aircraft to an adjacent sector or unit as follows:
So that control transfer occures at the time of crossing the control area boundary as estimated by the sector or unit relinquishing control
At a specific time
when the aircraft is at a specific altitude, fix or locations
Relay the folowing to the receiving controller:
the appropriate lfight data and control information including amendments
Any information received from the pilot or operator concerning the aircrafts fuel state or reserves
Obtain consent of the receiving controller
Initiate control transfer or approve a request for control
If you are unable to approve a towers request for control, refuse the request and a provide a rreason when workload permits
True or false: if control of an incoming IFR aircraft has been transferred to the tower, the aircraft still requires IFR separation?
What are the rules for a pilot cancelling IFR
IF the pilot of an IFR or CVFR aircraft cancels IFR, if VFR flight is not permitted due to airspace classification or weather conditions:
Inform the pilot
If appropriate pass the most recent weather sequence
Ask intentions
We must acknowledge the cancellation if it is valid, their request to cancel is not subject to ATC approval
Ask whether or not the wish to close their IFR flight plan or intenerary
Ifa pilot canlcesl IFR do they have to close their flight plan? why might they do this?
They do not have to, if htey keep the flight plan open IFr alerting services will still be in place for the flight.
How are visual approaches for IFr aircraft shown in NARDS
denoted with a Z
How do we control IFr aircaft that have cancelled their IFR clearance and are in our zone
The same as any other VFR flight in the zone
What hsape are RNAV approaches on the approach plate?
T or Y
When would a pilot use a circling approach?
When conditions are IFR but there is only an ILS on one runway, and that runway is not the active runway the pilot would use the ILS to appraoch the airport but then circle to land at the appropriate runway