Second Quiz Chap 12 Flashcards
first phase of the HRM process involves what 3 tasks?
- human resource planing
- recruitment and decruitment
- selection
human resource planning
process by which managers ensure that they have the right number and kinds of capable people in the right places at the right times
HR planning involves two steps
- assessing current human resources
2. meeting future HR needs
how do they assess current human resources? and what is the def?
inventorying current employees: name training, education, special skills etc…
job analysis
an assessment that defines jobs and the behaviors necessary to perform them
job description (position description)?
written statement that describes a job
job specification?
written statement of the minimum qualifications a person must have to perform a given job successfully
- identifies knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to do the jobs
locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants
reducing an organizations workforce
what are some ways people recruit or find employees? (5 things)
- internet
- employee referals
- company website
- college recruiting
- professional recruiting organizations
screening job applicants to ensure that the most appropriate candidate is hired
decruitment options? (7 things)
- firing
- layoffs
- attrition
- transfers
- reduced workweeks
- early retirements
- job sharing
temporary involuntary termination that could last a few days or extend to years
not filling openings created by voluntary resignations or normal retirements
decision is correct because it does two things?
when an apllicant was predicted to be successful and proved to be successful,or when they thought they would be bad and was not hired, you have successfully rejected and successfully accepted
decision is incorrect when it does two things?
we hired someone who did a poor job, or didnt hire someone who couldve done a good job
reject errors?
not hiring someone who could have done good one the job
accept errors?
accepting someone who does a poor job
valid selection device?
characterized by a proven relationship between the selection device and some relevant cirterion
reliable selection device?
indicates that it measures the same thign consistently
quality of fill?
look at contributions of good hires vs bad hires
5 key factors are considered in defining the quality of fill
- employee retention
- performance evaluations
- number of first year hires who make it into high- potential training programs
- number of employees who are promoted
- what surveys of new hires indication
what are the best known selection tools for finding goods employees? 6 things
- application forms
- written tests
- written and performance simulation tests
- interviews
- background checks
- physical exams
realistic job preview (RJP)
preview of a job that provides both positive and negative information about the job and the company
introducing new employees to his or her job and the organization
two types of orientations?
work unit orientations and organization orientations
most popular training types?
- job specific training
- management skills
- mandatory compliance information
- customer service training
employee interpersonal skills training
- communication
- conflict resolution
- team building
- customer service
training methods?
- on the job
- job rotation
- mentoring and coaching
- experiential exercises
- workbooks/manuals
- classroom lectures
performance management systems
establishes performance standards used to evaluate employee performance
performance appraisal methods? 7 things
- written essay
- critical incident
- graphic rating scale
- BARS (behaviorally anchored rating style)
- multiperson comparison
- 360 degree appraisal
skill based pay?
pay system that rewards employees for the job skills they can demonstrate
variable pay?
pay system in which an individuals compensation is contingent on performance
planned elimination of jobs in an organization
sexual harrassment
nay unwanted action or activity of a sexual nature that explicitly or implicitly affects an individuals employment, performance, or work environment
family friend benefits?
benefits that accommodate employees needs for work-life balance
employees not performing at full capacity when they are on job vs absenteeism is when they arent performing bc they are not there