last quiz chap 14 Flashcards
transfer and understanding of meaning
communication involves?
the understanding of meaning
communication is often confused as what?
people agreeing with what u say. they cant understand but still disagree
interpersonal communication
communication between two or more people
organizational communication
all the patterns, networks, and systems of communication within an organization
communication serves 4 main functions?
- controlling employee behavior
- motivating employees
- providing a release for emotional expression of feelings and fulfillment of social needs
- provide information
purpose to be conveyed
converting a message into symbols
the medium a message travels along
retranslating a sender’s message
communication process
seven elements involved in transferring meaning from one person to another
any disturbances that interfere with the transmission, receipt, or feedback of a message
managers can evaluate the various communication methods according to their….. 12 htings
- feedback
- complexity capacity
3 breadth potential - confidentiality
- encoding ease
- decoding ease
- time-space constraint
- cost
- interpersonal warmth
- formality
- scanability
- time of consumption
communicaiton methods include….. 17 things
- face to face
- telephone
- group meetings
- formal presentation
- memos
- traditional mail
- fax
- employee publications
- bulletin boards
- other company publications
- audio and video tapes
- hotlines,
- computer conferencing
- voice mail
- teleconferences
- videoconferences
what are the barriers to effective communication? 6 things
- filtering
- emotions
- information overload
- defensiveness
- language
- national culture
how do managers overcome barriers to effective communication? 5 things. by using…
- feedback
- simplifying language
- listening actively
- constraining emotions
- watching for nonverbal cues
formal communication is?
communication that takes place within perscribed organizational work arrangements
informal communication is not defined by…
the organizations structural hierarchy
communication in an organization can flow what 4 ways?
upaward, downward, laterally, and diagonally
3 communication networks are?
- the chain
- the wheel
- the all-channel
what is the chain communication network?
network in which ommunication flows acording to the formal chain of command
what is the wheel communication network?
network in which communication flows between a clearly identifiable and strong leader and other in a work team
what is the all channel communication network?
network in which communication flows freely among all members of a work team
negative consequences of rumors can be minimized by
- communicationg openly, fully, and honestly with employees
workplace design should support four types of employee work:
- focused work
- collaboration
- learning
- socialization
communication acts to motivate bc
it clarifies to employees what is to be done and the expecation
body language
refers to the gestures, facial expressions, and othe rbody movements that convey meaning
verbal intonation
refers to the emphasis someones gives to words or phrases in order to convey meaning
deliberate manipulation of information to make it appear more favorable to the receiver
information overload
when information exceeds our processing capacity
specialized terminology or technical language that members of a group use to communicate among themselves
active listening
listening for full meaning without making premature judgements or interpretations, demands total concentration
town hall meetings
informal public meetings where top executives relay information, discuss issues, or bring employees together to celebrate accomplishments
downward communication
communication that flows from managers to eomployees
upward communication
communication that flows from employees to mamangers
lateral communication
communication that takes place among any employees on the same organizational level
diagonal communication
communication that cuts across work areas and organizational levels
communication netwrokjs
variety of patterns of vertical and horizontal flows of roganizational communication
informal organizational communication network
ex… i heard it through the grapevine
open workplaces
workplaces with few physical barriers and enclosures