SCIP/ERAS Flashcards
SCIP stands for….
Surgical care improvement project (scip)
Each infection estimated to….(3)
↑ hospital stay 7 days
↑ cost $3,000
Complications lasting 30 days decrease median survival 69%
SCIP goal
Goal: decrease morbidity and mortality of SSI
SCIP performance measures (3)
Proportion of pts who get abx started within 1 hr of incision (no less than 15m minutes before incision)
Proportion given abx regimen consistent with guidelines
The proportion of pts whose abx is discontinued within 24 hrs of surgery stop
Why were the performance measures selected.
Based on evidence that abx administered no less than 15 minutes before incision and no more than an hour our= decreased risk of infection. Abx outside 24 hr period = increased risk of bacteria developing resistance to the abx or if gave dose that was inadequate or gave an inappropriate abx.
SCIP abx measures
Administration of prophylactic antibiotic within 1 hr of incision
Correct antibiotic choice based on procedure
Discontinued antibiotics within 24 hours of surgery end time unless there is documentation of infection or suspected infection
When vancomycin and clindamycin administered for SCIP
2hrs of incision
When are abx dc for cardiac surgery
w/in 48 hrs
SCIP Beta blockers measures
Beta-blocker must be taken within 24 hours of surgery start for all patients on chronic beta-blocker therapy
Beta-blocker restarted after surgery for all patients on chronic beta-blocker therapy
SCIP hair measures
Documentation of appropriate hair removal;
Clippers only
No razor/shaving
SCIP foley measures
Urinary catheter removal on or before POD 2 unless an order exists to extend the catheter;
Reason to extend must also be documented
Reason to extend may not be written on postoperative admission orders
SCIP sugar measures
Cardiac patients with controlled post-operative blood glucose of </= 200 mg/dl at 6am
180 within 18-24 hours after anesthesia end
SCiP DVT measures
SCDs placed during surgery for all procedures >/= 1 hr
Orders for appropriate DVT prophylaxis on the postoperative admission orders.
Unless documentation criteria for not administering pharmacologic and mechanical prophylaxis
RN administration of the appropriate DVT prophylaxis within 24 hours of surgery end
SCIP temperature measure
Normothermia or active warming in OR
1st temp in PACU >/= 96.8F within 15 minutes of leaving OR
96.8 F in Celcius