Peripheral anatomy; Cranial nerves Flashcards
Primary Motor Cranial nerves
III; oculomotor
IV; trochlear
VI; abducent
XI; accessory
XII; hypoglossal
Trochlear nerve innervates _____
The superior oblique muscle
Abducent nerve innervates _____ and causes______
Lateral rectus muscle and pulls view to lateral fields
Accessory nerve innervates____
Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscle
Hypoglossal nerve innervates ____
Tonue and floor of mouth
Pure sensory cranial nerves
I: Olfactory
II: Optic
VIII: Vestibulocochlear
Specialized signal transduction
signal transduction is taking one phenomenon, looking for it and changing to electrical impulse that can move across the neuro pathways in the body.
Olfactory nerve innervates____
have first order olfactor fibers in the nasal cavity -> cribriform plate, ethmoid bone -> olfactory bulb (2nd order) -> processsed close to frontal cortex.
What nerve innervation can be closly associated with memories
1; olfactory
Optic nerve innervates______
Rods and cones detect light and create electrical impulses that connect to the retinas and take information to the middle of the brain where it crosses over at the optical chiasm and the occipital lobe/visual cortex does the processing
Vestibulocochlear nerve innervation____
As sound vibrates the tympanic membrane -> bone movement -> measured by chocleus -> turned to auditory signal-> processed in the temporal lobe
Tympanic bones
malleus, incus, tapes
Vestibular organ loops lie in what directions?
MIxed nerves (sensory and motor)
V: trigeminal nerve
VII: facial nerve
IX; glossopharyngeal nerve
X: Vagus nerve
Trigeminal nerve takes care of _____
sensory for the front of the head (s) and chewing (m)
Trigeminal nerve divisions
V1; ophthalmic
V2; Maxillary
V3; Mandibular
V1: Ophthalmic Division branches
Supraorbital Nerve- primary sensory
Supratrochlear Nerve- top of the nose
Maxillary Division V2 branch innervation/ branching
Infraorpital division via the infraorbital foramen
Palatine nerves- sensory to top of mouth
V3: Mandibular Division
Interior alveolar nerve- inside jaw/ floor of the mouth (sensory) -. mental foramena-> mental nerve
Lingual nerve; Anter 2/3 of the tongue
Opening for the inferior alveolar nerve
mental foramena and turns into the mental nerve
Head sensory nerves
Supraorbital - V1
infratrochlear- V1
infraorbital- V2
Mental n- V3
Chewing muscles and nerve that innervates it
Motor to Masseter and Temporalis Muscles via V3.
Facial nerve branches- motor
Two chicken bit my zebra
Marginal Mandibular branch
posterior auricular and
Sensory functions/ innervations of the the facial nerve
sublinguial gland
submandibular gland
lacrimal gland
tongue sensory
Glossopharyngeal nerve innervation (7)
-Posterior 1/3 of the tongue
-Oropharynx soft palate
-Chemoreceptors; carotid body
-Baroreceptors; Carotid sinus
-glandular parotid gland
-sensory; inner/middle ear and auditory canal (pressure/pain)
Vagus nerve efferent Function (6)
Laryngeal muscles
Pharyngeal constrictors
PSNS to heart
PSNS to lungs/airways
Vagus nerve afferent function (5)
Aortic arch: BP & acid/base
Part of inferior cranium and ear
Vagus nerve laryngeal branches
Pharyngeal constrictor branch
superior laryngeal branch
recurrent laryngeal nerve
inferior laryngeal nerve
Superior laryngeal nerve branches and functions
internal laryngeal nerve; sensory for inside the larynx
External laryngeal nerve; motor for cricothyroid muscle
R and L recurrent Laryngeal nerve locations
R= subclavian
L= Vagus nerve
inferior laryngeal nerve functions
motor pathways for speech
sensory for trachea and mainstem bronchi
Layers of the nerve
nerve sheath
Exterior epineurium
internal epineurium
Bundles of axons in the same direction
What consists of the endoneurium
Axons, bv, some connective tissue
Brachial plexus ultrasound starting point
supravlavicular fossa