Peripheral anatomy; upper Flashcards
front and on top
posterior and back portion of the body. Something in the rear.
upper front and is used to describe something superior and anterior / front/ top portion of the body.
sensory and peripheral. Peripheral from the cns and covers sensory information. Sensory in nature
Bundles of neurons/ axons outside the CNS
Budneldes of neurons inside the CNS
collection of cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system
collection of cell bodies within the CNS
CNS -> periphery
rootlets-> root-> spinal ganglia -> spinal nerve -> ramus -> trunk -> divisions -> cords -> nerves
when we have a junction of the posterior and anterior root.
spinal nerve
What information comes from the front of the sc
Front of the SC= Carries motor or efferent output
What information comes from the back of the sc
Back of the SC = connects to sensory system = afferent part of the cns.
Anterior ramus gets information from the cns to the sympathetic ganglion chain by _____
rami communicans
white and gray
gray is more proximal
Spinal nerve projections in the sacrum split into two parts_______ and
The posterior part of the posterior ramus division on the spinal nerve goes out the back of the sacral foramen
The anterior part; comes out the openings at the front of the sacrum foramen
Left sympathetic chain features
further posterior and lateral than the R sympathetic chain because we have a large blood vessel (the aorta) that sits on the L side of the vertebral bodies, and during development that pushes the L spinal ganglia more lateral and posterior compared to the R side of the spine.
Branches of the posterior rami
and medial branches
mostly sensory
Anterior ramus branches
lateral cutaneous branches
anterior cutaneous branches
Other name for the anterior ramus
intercostal nerve
Where are the intercostal nerves positioned?
hang out on the inferior side of the rib thats above them.
Term for nerves below the rib cage
subcostal branches
C1 name
Cervical nerves #
8 spinal nerves
C1 sn comes off above c1 vert
C8 sn comes off below C7 vert
Position of spinal nerves and vertebrae in thoracic, lumbar and sacral nerves
pinal nerve tends to exit below the spinal vertebrae for which its names
Coccygeal nerves number and origination
1 pair that originate below the saccrum
Spinal nerve pairs
8 Cervical
12 Thoracic
5 Lumbar
5 Sacral
1 Coccygeal
Lateral branch of the Posterior rami innervation area
lower thorax/ upper lumbar area
T4 innervation
Nipple line
T6 innervation
xiphoid process
T10 innervation
Phrenic nerve spinal nerves
C345 anterior rami
Greater occipital nerve spinal nerve
3rd occipital nerve spinal nerve
What nerve is not part of the cutaneous innervation of the body
C1 is only motor -> suboccipital nerve
the trapezius muscle is innervated by what nerve?
Cn 11 the accessory nerve
C1 posterior ramus forms the _____
suboccipital nerve; motor only
Greater occipital nerve is innervated by the _____ ramus at _____
Greater occipital nerve is innervated by the Posterior ramus at C2
3rd occipital nerve comes from the ____ ramus of _____
3rd occipital nerve comes from the posterior ramus of C3
collection of spinal nerves that are connected to each other, the part doing the connecting is the anterior rami in the c spine
cervical plexus
the nerves that make us the cervical plexus
lesser occipital nerve
great auriclular nerve
transverse cervical nerve
supraclavicular nerve
origin of the supraclavicular nerve
C3 and C4
origin of the transverse cervical nerve is
C2 and C3
origin of the Great auricular nerve
C2 and C3
origin of the lesser occipital nerve
The muscle that the phrenic nerve sits on is the _____. The skm its next to is the ________muscle and is more_____ and______ to the anterior scalene muscle.
The muscle that the phrenic nerve sits on is the anterior scalene muscle. The skm its next to is the middle scalene muscle and is more lateral and posterior to the anterior scalene muscle.
Under the cervical plexus is another muscle of nerves that have places that they come together and differentiate and that complex of the different spinal nerves is the______
brachial plexus
Spinal nerves apart of the brachial plexus are____
C5-T1 anterior rami
Space between the middle and anterior spinal muscles is the____
interscalene space
Structures above the clavicle are termed____
subraclavular structures consist of the anterior rami of the spinal nerve C5- T1
Upper trunk origin
Middle trunk origin
Lower trunk origin
C8 and T1
Posterior division originates from____
all the trunks (middle, anterior, lower) branch to form posterior divisions. There for comes from C5-T1
Posterior division leads to____
the posterior cord
What are the two anterior divisions and where do they comes from
Anterior division of C5-C7; upper and middle trunk
Anterior division of C8-T1; comes from the lower trunk
anterior division of C5-C7 leads to ______
Lateral cord
Anterior division of C8-T1 leads to ____
medial cord
Rami, tranks and divisions of the brachial plexus
5 Rami: C5-T1
3 Trunks:
Upper: Rami C5 & C6
Middle: C7 Rami
Lower: C8 & T1 Rami
6 Divisions: Anterior & Posterior
Each Trunk has 1 of each
3 Posterior Divisions form Posterior Cord
2 Anterior Divisions from C5-C7 form Lateral Cord
Anterior Division from C8-T1 forms Medial Cord
Demarcation point between the superior clavular branches and the infraclavicular branches of the brachial plexus
When the divisions become cords
What does the posterior cord form?
axillary nerve and the radial nerve
What are the terminal main branches of the brachial plexus?
axillary and radial nerve
What does the lateral cord branch to?
musculocutaneous nerve
lateral root (combines with medial root to make median nerve)
what does the medial cord form?
divides into the medial root that combines with the lateral root from the lateral cord to make the median nerve
also makes the ulnar nerve
where does the axillary nerve originate from and where does it innervate
C5 and C6
lateral deltoid
where does the radial nerve originate from and where does it innervate
lateral superior thum
lateral anterior icaep/ triceps
lateral posterior triceps
middle posterior forearm
posterior thumb and 1st two fingers
where does the musculocutaneous nerve originate from and where does it innervate
Lateral antebrachial cutaneous on anterior forearm
small lateral posterior portion
where does the ulnar nerve originate from and where does it innervate
originates from c7-t1
medial posterior wrist
most of the last two fingers posterior
anterior medial plamar surface of last two fingers
anterior medial wrist
where does the median nerve originate from and where does it innervate
posterior fingertips for first two digits
proper palmar digital nerves
most of the palm, anterior thumb, anterior surface f the first two fingers, small section of the anterior wrist
palmar branch of median nerve
common and proper plmar digital nerves