Science In Medicine Flashcards
critical appraisal is the process of carefully and systematically assessing the ___ of ___ ___ to judge its ___, ___ and ___ in a ___ context
critical appraisal is the process of carefully and systematically assessing the outcome of scientific research to judge its value, relevance and trustworthiness in a particular context
evidence based medicine is the ___, ___ and ___ use of the current best evidence in ___ ___ about the care of ___ ___
evidence based medicine is the consciencious, explicit and judicious use of the current best evidence in decision making about the care of individual patients
EBM is a combination of ___ ___, ___ ___ and ___ ___ ___
EBM is a combination of patients concerns, clinical expertise and best research evidence
the 5 A’s of the cycle of enquiry are ___, ___, ___, ___, ___
the 5 A’s of the cycle of enquiry are ask, acquire, appraise, apply, assess
formulatiing a ___-___ ___ is the first step in the EBM process, the common framework used is ___ which converts information needs into a ___, ___ question
formulatiing a well-built question is the first step in the EBM process, the common framework used is PICO which converts information needs into a specific, answerable question
in the PICO mneumonic, P = ___, ___ or ___, I = ___, C = ___ or ___ and O = ___
in the PICO mneumonic, P = patient, people or population I = intervention, C = comparison or control and O = outcome
a common critical appraisal framework is PICOTT
PICO - determining ___ and if they were all ___
T - ___ of ___ (___/___)
T - ___ of ___ (___ ___/___ ___)
a common critical appraisal framework is PICOTT
PICO - determining relevance and if they were all appropriate
T - type of question (therapy/diagnosis)
T - type of study (clinical trial/review article)
Qualitative research is an ___ approach using data gathering methods such as ___ or ___ ___, the data is in the form of a ___ ___ with frequency in ___ ___
researchers can identify main ___ in the responses to answer the research question (often oriented around ___ ___)
Qualitative research is an observational approach using data gathering methods such as interviews or focus groups, the data is in the form of a text transcript with frequency in open answers
researchers can identify main themes in the responses to answer the research question (often oriented around patient experience)
Quantitative research is more ___ than qualitative and it measures ___ and collects ___ data
the trial outcome can then be determined by ___ ___
Quantitative research is more experimental than qualitative and it measures variables and collects numerical data
the trial outcome can then be determined by statistical analysis
in quantitative research, the more ___ the observation, the better the ___ ___
observational studies are often used in ___ or ___ studies, where as experimental studies will ___ the ___ or ___ to individuals or groups
in quantitative research, the more systematic the observation, the better the evidence quality
observational studies are often used in control or cohort studies, where as experimental studies will assign the exposire or intervention to individuals or groups
a ___ ___ is a weak form of research as it only describes the ___ of one ___ by one or more ___
a case study is a weak form of research as it only describes the history of one patient by one or more clinicians
___-___ ___ and ___ ___ are moderate research study types as they select individuals based on ___ or ___ ___ to a ___
case-control studies and cohort studies are moderate research study types as they select individuals based on exposure or potential exposure to a condition
___ ___ of ___ ___ are stronger research studies as they ___ ___ and ___ existing studies
systematic review of cohort studies are stronger research studies as they critically assess and evaluate existing studies
randomised controlled trials test the ___ concerned with the ___ or ___ of certain ___
meta analysis studies analyse multiple ___ ___ ___ for greater ___ ___ and ___ within the reviews
randomised controlled trials test the interventions concerned with the treatment or prevention of certain conditions
meta analysis studies analyse multiple randomised controlled trials for greater statistical analysis and confidence within the reviews
name the advantages of randomised controlled trial
randomisation produces - comparable groups, valid statistical tests
study groups closely matched for factor affecting outcomes
gold standard to assess cause and effect
name the disadvantages of randomised controlled trials
costly, time consuming, difficult to run
generalisable results (may not represent population, patients have more diseases than just trial focus)
difficult to recruit
administrative complexity
clinical reasoning is a ___, ___ or ___ where clinitians ___, ___ and ___ data to diagnose/treat patients
it entails both concious and unconcious ___ ___ interacting with ___ ___ (include patients ___ and ___)
clinical reasoning is a skill, process or outcome where clinitians observe, collect and interpret data to diagnose/treat patients
it entails both concious and unconcious cognitive operations interacting with contextual factors (include patients circumstances and preferences)
what are the 6 pillars of clinical reasoning?
clinical skills
use/interpretation of diagnostic tests
shared decision making
patient centred EBM
critical thinking
understanding cognitive bias/human factors
name the aspects of critical thinking
logical, clarity, accuracy, relevance, depth, breadth, significance, fairness
name things that can cause human error
incorrect info
flawed knowledge
thinking erorrs
logical fallacies