Schater And Singer (185) andro Flashcards
State 1 closed q’s used to measure mood, including answer choices
- Mood = “how irritated would say you feel at present?”
- 5 choices given from “I don’t feel at all irritated’ —> ‘I feel extremely irritated’
Q: “How happy would you say you feel at present?”
- Five choices from “ I don’t feel at all happy/good —-> “I feel extremely happy/good”
State 1 q used to measure physical condition including answer choices
Physical condition
- Have you experienced any palpitation ?
- “did you feel and tremor?”
- 4 choices from “not at all” to “an intense amount”
Describe procedure in anger condition aft ppt met stooge
- told by experimenter that he would return in 20 mins
- stooge complains abt questionnare w/ statements abt it being unfair
- stooge began showing anger
- stooge makes standardized comments abt questionnare
- questions begin w/ “innocent” ones before getting more personal
- he crumples up questionnaire at the end - stomps out of room
- ppt behaviour placed into 6 categories
Describe psychological theory that was tested in study
- Psysiological + cognitive
- when someone experiences emotions/cognitions, physiological arousal happens
Identify one ethical issue raised in study
- deception/ppt decieved
- lack of informed consent
- lack of physical protection
Describe how sample was recruited
- study advertised to students who were part of ppt pool
- volunteers from psych classes at Minnesota uni
- recieve 2 extra points
Outline 1 strength of sampling technqiue
- volunteers tend to more motivated + less likley to drop out of study thus ppt more likely to agree to injection part of study
Describe 2 aims of study
- to test out how cognitive labels like anger + euphoria affect how we perceive our own emotions
- to investigate effect of stooge on behavior who would angry or euphoric
Outline whay ppt in EPI IGN told during injection
- told injection was harmless/mild
- told there were no side effects
Describe what ppt in EPI MIS were told
- told to expect some side effects from Suproxin
- side effects would last for 15-20mins
- “ypur feet will probably go numb”
- “you will get an itching sensation over your body”
Describe 2 independent variables from study
- emotional sitaution = anger/euphoria
- injection info = EPI MIS/ EPI IGN/EPI INF
Why is study ethical vs unethical
- data collected kept confidential + no individual data was published all we know is “Male students from Uni Minessota”
- Ppt deliberatley decieved + told wrong info whilst getting injection
- told injection was Suproxin for vision
Identify 2 behaviours from ppt in euphoria condition that would be coded as ‘joins activity’
- made or flew paper airplanes
- threw paper basketballs
- hula hooped
- shooting paper with rubber band
Explain 1 methodoligical strength of this study
- study was experiemental/well controlled so cause + effect established knowing it was ‘injection information’ causing behavioural chang
- study was standardized so could be easily tested for reliability and action of stooge in anger/euphoria conditions meant that another research team would replicate/check for reliability
Suggest instructions to replicate EPI INF condition
- you must tell ppt study is abt vision
- must tell them its abt how vitamins affect vision
- you must tell them injection is mild/harmless
- reveal possibility of side effects
- tell them theyll last 15 mins or so
- tell them hand will get shaky + heart will pound
Suggest how to replicate EPI MIS condition
- you must tell ppt study is abt vision
- must tell them vitamin/suproxin is being assesed
- must then gain their permission to be injected w suproxin
- injection is mild/harmless
- reveal possibility of side effects
- tell them will last 15mins or so
- tell them feet will numb + itching + headache
Suggets how to repliacte EPI IGN condition
- you must tell ppt study is abt vision
- must tell them its about how vitamins affect vision
- must gain permission to be injected w suproxin
- tell them injection is mild/harmless
- you must NOT tell them abt side effects
- you must leave room
Outline how cateogory ‘initiates new activity’ was operationalized
- initiated euphoric behaviour outside stooges routine
- beaviour had to be one that never been seen by ppt from stooge
Name 1 behaviour shown by ppt in this study that was categorized as ‘initiates new activity’
- threw open window
- throwing paper basketballs
- hula hooping on neck + leg
Describe results from euphoria condition of EPI INF compared to EPI MIS and placebo
- Epi-INF scored lowest euphoria (with score of 12) compared to EPI-MIS w/ score of 22.56
- Placebo scored 16
Name 2 categories observer used to code ppt behaviour during euphoria conditions
- join in activity
- initates newactivity
- ignores stooge
- watches stooge
Outline 2 conclusion from study
- 2 factors involved when we experiemce emotions a physiolgical/biological one AND cognitive one
- epi inf scored lowest in euphoria condition so those without cognitive label/reasonable explanation to physiological arousal MORE succeptible to stooges mood
- in all EPI conditions pulse rate increased for ALL ppt
- This is biological reaction as hormone (adrenaline) realeased into blood stream
- humans biological reaction si to react to EPI with increased pulse rate, sweating etc
- In euphoria condition MIS groups produced HIGHEST EUPHORIA activity index score comapred to all other groups
- Ppt may have been choosing enviornmental/behavioural cues to explain feeling so acted in this way as reuslt of external factors
how was stooges act standerdized
- in euphoric stooge always began doodling fish for 30s
- in anger stooge always ended up crumpling questionnare + ripping/throwing on floor
- set script to be followed e.g experimeters script when injecting = replicability
interrater reliability (s)
- 2 observers scored acts of ppt through 1 way mirror
- on euphoria had inter observer lability of 88%/0.88 = high agreement
Quant data collection (s)
- through self report/fixed answer scale q’s “how irritated do you feel”
- ## through structured OBSERVATION e.g behavioural categories + activity index
2 weaknesses to do with ppt ONLY
- Generalisbaility = study done on 185 psych males/andronenctric students at Uminessota
- all students admitted to be fearful of admitting anger in fear of losing extra credit = role of student is confounding V so findings may not be applicable to NON STUDENTS
External validity (W)
- LOW external validity as completed in a lab w high control
- ppt may behave differently in lab as nervous + unfamiliar setting (dont join stooge = no misbheaviour)
- ## lacks eco validity –> mundane realism as not daily task to be injected w unkown drug +sit in room for 20mins w stooge who is extremly euphoric/angry
S+S vs Canli/D+K
* Both experimental
* Both examined emotions
* Ratings of emotions from questionnaire/being asked
* Sample size/characteristics
* Invasive/non-invasive
* Generalisability
* Equipment used (brain scan vs questionnaire)
* Stooge vs no stooge
Describe activity levels of EPI mis + placebo
- EPI mis scored highest activity index/ most euphoria of 22.56 compared to lowest activity index/lowest euphoria score of placebo of 16
Describe the procedure in the Euphoria condition from immediately after the participant was injected, until the stooge started their routine
experimenter/stooge entered the room
- wait 20 mins for the Suproxin to enter the bloodstream
- They would be taking some vision tests
- tolld they had had Suproxin injection
- experiemter left + stooge introduced himself again.