Milgram (40 men) Flashcards
Milgrams study produced surprising findings,describe them
- strength of obedient tendencies = 26/40 ppt followed instructions to hurt another person e.g disregarding moral conduct/despite no obligation to continue + disobedience brings no material loss = Germans weren’t different
- emotional strain (against their consciousness) e.g stuttering, sweating, hands in head saying “Oh god, lets stop it” = Germans were not different
Descrbe how procedure of MIlgram can help w military training
- Experimenter wearing AUTHORITATVE uniform e.g camo + badges appeared to effect obedience = government needs to dress authority figures in uniform portraying authority + increasing obedience
- Prods ensure ppt stayed on task throughout study = government sets out commands in STERN VOICE to ensure soldiers obey correctly
Outline one real world application based on findings from Milgram
- 65% of ppt went to 450v under persuasion of authority fig. = shows ppl follow orders of authority fig.
- So if an act of terrrorism occurs its useful for police to find the “authority figure/leader” behind it to STOP others committing destructive obedience
- helps to explain why holocaust happened
Describe whaat ppt were told
- we know very little abt effects of punishment on learning
- we don’t know how much punishment is best for learning
- we want to know what effect diff ppl have on each other as teachers and learners so we are bringing ppl from diff occupations that to test this
At the start of the procedure of the study by Milgram , the 5 ppt + stooge were randomly allocated to the
roles of teacher or learner. Later the paired-associate learning task began.
- Describe the procedure between these two events.
- learner strapped to an electric chair apparatus
- the electric chair apparatus in seperate room
- experimenter explained the straps prevented excessive movement
- an electrode attached to learners wrist w paste (to avoid blistering)
- told electrode was thatched to shock generator
- told a shock would be painful but not cause permanent damage
- teacher/naive ppt given sample shock of 45v
Explain one reason why procedure was standardized in study
- allow study to be more easily replicated = can be tested for reliability/high reliability —> knowing sample shock was 45v means replication possible
- increases internal validity of study —> cause + effect more seen e.g knowing prods/authority causing obedience levels
Outline why u think either individual or situation is correct suing evidence from study
majority of ppt obeyed authority figure to 450v = felt more obliged to continue + having authority figure watching them + having prods to keep them going to this level of V
- All ppt went to 300v as min voltage = due to core personality ppl have which makes them obedient to certain point
- not all ppt obeyed to level of 450V/ some panicked = shows diff ppl reacted diff —> individual
Describe the shock generator
- consisted of 30 lever switches/buttons
- each switch clearly labeled with voltage
- volts ranged from 15V to 450V + went up in 15V levels
- last two were labeled XXX
- upon pressing switch red light emitted
- electric buzz emitted
- labeled slight shock to severe shock
One advantage of a sampling method used
- volunteer
- ppl willing as they volunteered = likely to be prepared to complete experiment/unlikely to withdraw
- volunteered so consent already given + quick/easy
State first prod experimenter used when ppt refused to continue
- please continue/ please go on
Describe what experimenter said if ppt asked wheter learner suffering injury
- shocks may be painful
- there is no real permanent tissue damage
- please go on
Explain why milgram ensured ppt met the learner at the end
- to make study ethical
- ppt would leave in state of well being
- reduce any tensions between ppt
+ stooge/Milgram
- to investigate how obedient people are to an authority figure asking them to physically harm another person
Describe one strength of this study
- standerdised so replication would be easier e.g prods + test for relability/replicability
- measure of obedience was quant + objective so compparion between ppt is valid
How many ppt pressed max voltage switch labelled 450v + what label was underneath switches 375-420v + increments
- 26 ppt
- danger/severe shock
- 15v
1 conclusion from study
- individuals appear to be more obedient to authority fig than we expect
- ppl willing to harm someone if reposnbility is taken away/passed on to someone else
Describe procedure when teacher given “sample shock”
- given before they took on role of teacher
- shock always was 45v
- shock applied to wrist
- source was 45v battery attached to shock generator
Describe methodological weakness
- study lacks mundane realism as acts of shocking a stranger if they get word pair wrong is not real life task
Describe instructions given to teacher abt how to deliver shock to learner
- told to give shock each time a wrong reponse given
- told to move to next button up each time a wrong reponse is given
- had to announce voltage level before giving shock
- shock was ‘given’ by pressing the button
Identify 2 examples of signs of ‘tension’ that were shown by ‘teachers’
- sweating
- trembling/stuttering
- biting lip/groaning
- nervous laughing/smiling
- seizure
Describe learning task used in Milgram
-was paired associate learning task
- ppt read out 1 word along w 4 terms
- learner had to indicate which word had been originally paired w/ corresponding word
- each incorrect answer recieved shock
Outline how milgram ensured ppt was never learner
- the ppt drew slips from a hat
- both slips always had word ‘teacher’ on it
- ‘true’ ppt always first to choose
Describe ‘preliminary run’ that ppt had to compete before ‘regular run’
- ppt/teacher was given 10 words to read to learner
- 3 neutral ones learner would get correct
- 7 were ‘incorrect’ answers
- voltage of 150v administered
2 characteristics of LEARNER
- 47 y/o
- male
- accountant
- irish american
- likealble
Sample of ppt used in study
- aged 20-50 years
- from new haven area
- wide range of occupations e.g teachers/laborores
- volunteer sampling
- range of educational levels
Why does this study links to social approach
- study was looking at how an individual affects peoples ability to be obedient
- experimenter would give prods to ppt when refused to stop to keep them giving larger shocks
Describe procedure victim followed to give feedback to teacher during learning task
- predetermind responses
- no vocal response heard up untill shock level 300
- when 300V given leaner pounds on wall
- no more answers from learner aft this
- learner pounds at 315V then stop pounding + no answers
Suggest 1 reason for obedience other than payment
- experimenters prods
- way experimenter was dressed
- presence of authority figure
3 features of experimenter in study
- male
- high school bio teacher
- dressed in grey lab coat
- stern appearnace + gave prods to continue study
Outline why this study is unethical
- ppt decieved about procedure as they did not know elelctric shocks to learner were fake
- many showed signs of pscholgical distress like stress when admisntring shocks
- given prods even if they wanted to stop they werent allowed to withdraw
Describe 2 changes on shock generator aft ppt pressed switch
- electric buzzing
- bright red light illuminating
- electric blue light labeled energizer lit up
describe interview + dehoax procedure at end of study
- ppt debriefed
- asked to rate how painful they thought the shocks were = 14 point scale
- ppt met stooge/learner
- reasure ppt no harm occured
Describe the procedure after the ‘preliminary run’ until the participant pressed the 300-volt shock level switch.
- ppt read out series of words
-read out 1 word along w 4 terms - admister shock at wrong answer and no answer as treated as wrong
- continue untill learner leant ALL WORD PAIRS
- increase shock by one/15v
- prods used if ppt refused to continue
Describe the experimenter feedback given to a participant if they did not want to continue with this study.
- experiemter responded w series of 4 prods
- please go on/please continue
- although shocks are painful they cause no permanent tissue damage
- firm tone