Andrade (40ppt) gyno Flashcards
Studies in cog psych could help workers doing repetitive jobs who cannot concentrate
- How could results of Andrade applied to this problem?
- memory for names + places by doodlers (7.5) better than mean of control group (5.8)
- doodling during work may aid their concentration
- will be able to notice + remember things they have to do better
Describe how Andrade recruited her sample of ppts + explain why she decided to recruit them this way
- all completed diff study at uni (unrelated)
- asked if they had 5 mins to help w another study
- opportunity sampling
- enhance boredom of task by using ppl who were alr planning to go home
- done to recruit ppt faster/quicker as ppt alr there
State aim of study
- to investigate wheter doodling aids concentration or not BY ENHANCING MEMORY
- to investigate if doodling affects recall of places/names.
How was ‘monitoring’ performance score’ calculated for each ppt?
- number of correct names - number of false alarms
- difference between (same as above)
One result from monitoring performance score
- monitoring performance significantly higher in doodling condition (7.8) compared to control (7.1)
Describe materials used in BOTH ‘doodling’ condition and control groups
- mock telephone message recorded + rate of 227 words per min
- played at comfy listening vol
- script had 8 names of those attending party
- names of 3 ppl + one cat who couldn’t attend
- a piece of paper + pencil
Outline one finding from this study
- memory score for doodling group was higher than control
- doodling aids concentration while participating in boring task (positive correlation)
Explain one real world application based on finding outlined
- could be useful for teachers as they may allow students to doodle during a difficult task requiring them to concentrate on
Outline the procedure for a participant who was in the doodling condition
- recruited aft completing diff study
- taken in visually dull room
- asked to listen to dull tape recording of mock telephone message
- WHILST LISTEINING asked to shade in squares + squares on paper given to them
- told it doesn’t matter how neatly/quickly as its to relieve boredom
- instructed to write names of party goers
- aft 1 min of talking w experimenter asked to write names of party goers or places
Identify two feature of sample
- 18-55 years old
- (20) ppt in each condition
-35 females + 5 males - gynocentric
- all from applied psychology unit
State how ppt were allocated to conditions i
- Randomly
- Had equal chance of being chosen for either condition/doodling vs non doodling
Identify one strength
- experimental so easy to replicate + cause and effect relationship found/studied
- quantatative data collected = comparison easier
Learning Approach
The learning approach assumes that:
- conditioning helps to explain changes in behaviour.
- social learning helps to explain changes in behaviour.
Outline situational vs individual explanations in psych
- individual side refers to behaviours that are dispositional e.g personality
- situational side refers to behaviour from external factors in enviornment e.g home life/upbringing
- everyone doodled diif based on personality type e.g someone doodled 100 items so large range of shapes
- e.g ppl who are labeled as extroverts may require to do more than 1 thing at once to stimulate themselves aiding in concentration
- Andrade ensures everyone was bored so situation caused them to doodle + concentrate more when doodling
- task itself caused an improvement in concentration as doodling helps focus more = doodling group recalled more names than control
Describe ways to aid concentration via Andrades model
- could provide paper and instruct ppl to doodle whilst completing task
- they can doodle anything they want
- could give the paper with preset shapes for shading in whilst completing task focusing on specific info
Identify 2 examples where reponse is recorded as “false alarm” for recall of names
- names mentioned on tape as non attenders
- any new name
1 problem with sample
- might not be representative sample as all members of Pscyhology unit ppt panel so might be more motivated
- Sample was gender biased = more females so results may not generalize to males doodling + memory
Outline instructions given ONLY to “doodling group” listed before listening to telephone message
- Asked to shade in squares + circles
- Told it doesnt matter how neatly they do it
- Told it doesnt matter how quickly they do it
- They were told it was to relieve boredom
State experimental design used in study
- Independent groups/measures
- ppt took part in either doodling or control conditions
Outline materials used by ppt in doodling condition
- used pencil for shading
- shapes on paper approx, 1cm in diamter
- paper was A4
- cm margin on left side to write info down
- alternating rows of shapes of eitheir squares OR circles
Outline results for false alarms for places
- both doodling + control group has same avg recal
1 result from memory scores for names (monitored info)
- doodling condition scored avg higher (7.8) than control as they had mean score of (7.1)
1 methodolical strength
- standerdized procedure+ controls e.g length of script so replicable + reliable
- clear cause + effect only doodling causing changes in recall rates
Ethical weakness
- ppt decieved as unaware they would have to remeber names/surprise test
- ppt may experience psychological distress as not expecting memory test/couldn’t remember names + placs
Describe procedure of study from when tape finished playing
- experimenter collected in response sheets
- engaged ppt for 1min in convo
- experimenter apologized for surprise recall test
- 1/2 ppt asked to recall names
- 1/2 ppt asked to recall places
- debriefing happened + asked if suspected memory test
Describe psychology being investiagted
- looking at wheter doodling aids concentration/memory
- cognitive processing of dual tasks
- arousal levels must be maintained to concentrate
- encoding of info w/ dual tasks
1 strength of study in EXPERIEMNETAL designs
- Potential reduction in demand characteristics as ppt ONLY allowed to doodle or not = would NOT have worked out the aim
- Two groups could be compared w/o any risks of order/practice/boredom effects
2 features of mock telephone message
- Monotone/dull voice
- 227 words per min
- Lasted for 2.5 mins
- Comfortable listening vol
- Contained 8 names of ppl attending party
- Contained 3 names not attending + cat
- 8 place name