Scales_EO Flashcards
What is VABS?
Vineland adaptive behavior checklist
For intellectual deficiency
Clinician rated
What is MMPI-2?
Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory
Self rated
576 true or false questions
What is conners?
Conners rating scale for ADHD
Teacher, parents and patient version- not clinician rated
Also measures opposition
Short, long and adult versions
What is CDS?
Calgary depression scale
Evaluates MDD in scz patients versus negative symptomes
Clinician rated
9 items
What is HAM-D?
Hamilton rating scale on depression
Rates depression severity (less useful in elderly and medically ill because focuses on somatic sx)
Clinician rated
Total on 39 ; remission <7 ; mild <13 ; modarate <14-18 ; severe >19
what is Global deterioration scale (the other GDS)?
For functional decline Stage 1-7 Useful for severe dementia (once MMSE no longer valid) Clinican rated 3=mild 4=major NCD
What is PCL-R?
Psychopathy check list revised
Clinician rated
Threshold dx: >30/40
20 items rated 0-2
Factor 1 : interpersonal and emotional features - correlates with lack of treatability
Factor 2 : lifestyle and antisocial features
What is cage?
Cut down Annoyed by criticism Guilt Eye opener Clinician rated Screening tool (>1 explore ; >2 suggestive of SUD)
What are McArthur, SORAG and VRAG?
Actuarial tool for violent patients
Clinician rated
What is YMRS?
Yound mania rating scale
Clinician rated
Mania if >20
What is SPIN?
social anxiety inventory
Self rated
Screening and severity of social anxiety
>20 = SAD
Yale brown obsessive compulsive scale
Research and clinical use - but NOT diagnostic
Clinician rated
Total on 40 ; response = decrease of 25% ; remission is <8, extreme is >32
what is COWS?
Clinical opioate withdrawal scale
Clinician rated
What is the ASRS?
adult adhd self report scale
Self rated
18 DSM criteria, 6 most predictive in part A
>4/6 items on part A
What is EES?
Epworth sleepiness scale
Screen for OSA
Self rated
Abnormal >10
What is GDS?
Geriatric depression scale Clinician rated Normal <9 ; severe >20 High Sp (95%) Low Sn (84%)
What is the WISC?
Wechsler intelligence test for children
6-16 yO
Clinician rated
What is the WURS?
Wender Utah rating scale for ADHD
Adult rating themselves as children
What is HAM-A?
Hamilton rating scale for anxiety
Used in clinical trials
Clinician rated
Positive if >14
What is the EDE-Q?
Eating disorder examination questionnaire Self rated (the EDE is clinician rate, lenghty)
What is ADOS
Autism diagnostic observation schedule
Semi-structured interactive sessions - clinician rated
4 modules based on development and language of patient
Observe play
30-60 minutes
What is ADI-R?
Autisme diagnostic interview - revised
Assesses language, reciprocal interactions, restricted-repetitive interests/behaviors
Clinician rated -semi-structured parent interview
93 items
What is barns?
Barnes akathesia rating scale
Objective, subjective and global rating
Clinician rated
4 categories
what is the WAIS?
Wechsler adult intelligence test
Clinician rated
What is AIMS?
Abnormal involuntary movement scale
Dental status, orofacial, tongue, sitting, rigidity, tremor, gait
Clinician rated
What is GAD-7?
Generalized anxiety disorder 7
Primary care
Self rated
Response if <7
What is ESRS?
Extrapyramidal symptom rating scale
What is the SNAP-IV?
Parents and teacher rated
90 items rated 0-4
What is the WAIT?
Wechsler individual achievement test
Academic achivement
What is MADRS?
Montgomery asberg depression rating scale
Clinician rated
Remission <6 ; severe > 35
what is EPDS?
Edinburg postnatal depression scale
For peri-partum depression
self rated
Depression if >10 or 12
What are the essential features of the PANSS
Positive and negative syndrome scale
Sensitive to clinical response in psychosis research
Remission is <3pts in all items (around <60pts)
5 factors: +sx, -sx, excitment, cog, dep/anx
What is SCID-II?
Structure clinician interview for DSM-IV
Personality questionnaire screen from SCID (SCID is axis 1 vs SCID-II for axis 2)
Best predictor of current fonctionning
Clinician rated
What is PHQ-9?
Patient health questionnaire Primary care - recommended in canmat 2016 Self-rated 9 DSM criteria Depression >10
What is WIPPSY?
Wechsler preschool and primary scale of intelligence
3-6 yo
Clinician rated
What is HCR-20?
Historical clinical risk management
10 items from the past, 5 items from present, 5 items on future risk
Clinician rated
What is the difference between MMSE and MOCA?
MMSE Sn = 79%
MOCA Sn = 100%
MMSE Sp=82-88%
MOCA Sp=87%
Best screening tool for mild NCD is MOCA
Best screening tool for moderate NCD is MMSE (less Sn if higher education)
What is CIWA?
Clinical institute withdrawal assessment of alcohol scale
Tremors, headache, anxiety, agitation, No, Vo, halluc, orientation
Treat until score is <8-10 for 24 hrs
10 items ; <8 mild ; 9-15 = moderate ; >15 severe
What is DIB-R?
Revised diagnostic inventory for borderline
4 categories: affect, cognition, impulse action pattern and interpersonal relationships
Clinician-rated - clinical and research use
What are the essential features of BPRS?
Brief psychiatric rating scale
Used in older studies for SCZ
Clinician rated
What is Rorschach test?
Projective personality test
Free association on ambiguous inkblots
Clinician rated