Neuroanatomy_EO Flashcards
Which part of the prefrontal cortex is responsible for cognition
Dorsolateral: working memory, attention, planning Loop between DLPFC, caudate and thalamus

Which part of the prefrontal cortex are involved in the affective circuit?
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, thalamus. Role in motivation, reward and social cognition
Which symptoms are usually associated with a deficit in the orbitofrontal cortex?
Impulse control, self-awareness (am I talking to load?), emotional control. Other structures involved: putamen and thalamus
Name the nucleus associated with serotonine
Raphe nucleus
Name the nucleus associated with NE
Locus coeruleus
Name the component of the Papez circuit and its function
Hippocampus, fornix, mamillary bodies, anterior nucleus of the thalamus and cingulate gyrus. For emotional processing.
Name where the cell bodies of the dopaminergic system reside
Substantia nigra and ventreal tegmental area
Name where the cell bodies of the acethylcoline system reside
Nucleus basalis of Meynert
Most likely aphasia dx when impaired repetition ?
Wernicke Also: impaired comprehension, nonsensical speech but fluent, impaired repetition and naming Left temporoparietal, posterior

What is the aphasia dx when non fluent and comprehension intact?
Broca Left frontoparieral

What is the aphasia dx when repetition intact?
Transcortical sensory
Tx of post stroke depression?
Cipralex, celexa, sertraline, venla, dulox, mirtaz Beware warfarin is metabolized by 3a4, 2c9 and 1a2; highest risk of interaction is paxil, prozac and luvox
Sx of post concussion?
Headache Diziness Fatigue Light and noise sensitivity Decrease concentration, ST memory, word finding, executive functions, mental processing speed = common to all Insomnia Affective lability (overreactive) Irritability, agressiveness Anxiety - depression Apathy Dishinhibition (social, sexual, spending)
Natural recovery of postconcussive sx? (% by months)
3mo = 24-84% 6mo = 30% 12 mo <15%
Most common disorder post stroke and post TBI (peu importe la sévérité)?
MDE Fyi: Psychosis is associated with severity of TBI)
Most efficacious antipsychotic in Parkinson?
Clozapine Olanzapine unlikely efficacious Psychosis: 60% are treated PD, 10% are untreaded
Which Da agonist is associated with impulse controle disorder in parkinson?
Précurseur de norepinephrine?
Which structure decreases in size in a MDE?
Amygdal, hippocampe and caudate

Name the components of limbic system
Hypothalamus, amygdale, hippocampe, cingulated gyrus, thalamus

What happens to brains in schizophrenia ?
Reduce volume of : -thalamus -cervelet -temporal, frontal and occipital lobe Increased volume of lateral and 3rd ventricules Anomalies in basal ganglia and corpus callous Asymetrie of many regions

What happens to brain of PTSD?
Reduction in volume of : -hippocampus -cortex antérieur cingulé During flashbacks: activation of amygdala, hypometabolism of broca area, lateralisation of visospatial cortex Activation of HPA axis but hypocortisolemia, but increased NE

what happens to the brain of OCD?
Reduced volume of basal ganglia Increased volume of thalamis and cortex cingulé antérieur Hypermetabolism of basal ganglio (mostly caudate) and cortex cingulé antérieur Asymetrie amygdale (G>D) Atteinte de la boucle des ganglions fronto-corticaux

What happens to the brain of ADHD?
Delais de croissance du cerveau (<10%, especially basal ganglia and frontal lobes) Dysfonction fronto-striatal Atteinte au cervelet, lobes temporaux et parietaux Augmentation onde theta en frontal a l’eeg

What happens to the brain of MDD?
Reducitoon in volume of: - amygdala - caudate - hippocampus Hypermetabolism of amygdala (increased reactivity to emotions) Hypometabolism DLPFC (reduced inhibition of limbic system) Hypercortisolémie (activation of HPA axis) No suppression at dexamethasone test
Name components of reward system
Amygdala Pre-frontal cortex Nucleus accumbens Ventral tegmental area

Summarize metabolisme and neurological effect of alcohol
1- Etoh is metabolized by alcohol dehydrogrenase by oxidation to form acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyd is then metabolized by aldehyde dehydrogenase which becomes acetyl-coenzyme A 2- NMDA antagonist, GABA agonist
Which brain structure is affected by korsakoff syndrome? What are the main sx?
Corps mamillaires. Permanent in 50% of cases Confabulation, anterograde amnenia, poor recall, desorientation, poor insight. Hallucinations are possible