Sahih Flashcards
What is the linguistic meaning of Sahih?
Opposite of sick. In reality, it takes place in within the body. But metaphorically, in within the hadith and other meanings.
What is the technical meaning of Sahih?
When the sanad is linked by a just accurate narrator from the beginning to the end, without any rarity or defect.
What are the 5 conditions of Sahih?
1: The linking of the sanad. The understanding of it is that every narrator from amongst the narrators has taken it (narration) directly from the narrator above him, from the beginning of the sanad to the end.
2: The justness of the narrator. Every narrator from amongst the narrators has been described to be muslim, mature, sane, not an open sinner and not be deprived of good character.
3: The accuracy of the narrator. Every narrator from amongst the narrators is of complete accuracy, whether it be accuracy of the heart (memory), of preserving in within the heart, or whether it be accuracy by writing.
4: Not having rarity in it. The hadith should not be rare, and this rarity is the trustworthy narrator contradicts that narrator who is more trustworthy than him.
5: Having no defects: So that the hadith should not have any deficiency. And the deficiency is a hidden, concealed cause which makes an impact on the authenticity of the hadith, even though the apparent side is sound from it.
What happens if there is a shortcoming in the narrator regarding these 5 conditions?
And if there is a shortcoming of one condition from amongst the 5 conditions, then the hadith in that case will not be known as sahih.
What is the ruling regarding a Sahih hadith?
The hukum of it will be wajib to act upon by the agreement of the people of hadith. And also by those usooliyeen and fuqaha who are considered (throughout the world, like the 4 imams).
Then it will become an evidence from amongst evidences of shari’ah.
A muslim will not be given the room to leave out acting upon it.
What is the intended purpose of them saying this hadith is sahih?
He means that the 5 past conditions surely have been established in within the hadith. Not on the basis that this hadith is certain in within its correctness in the actual matter.
Even within a trustworthy narrator, there is a possibility of mistake and forgetfulness.
What is the intended purpose of them saying this hadith is not sahih?
They mean that some or all of the previous 5 conditions of sahih have not been established (fully) in within the hadith. They dont mean that he is a liar in the actual matter.
Since it is possible for someone who errs often to narrate correctly or to come to the right understanding.
Can it be said with certainty in regards to any sanad (chain of narrators) that this is the most correct sanad unrestrictedly?
The most preferred qawl in this matter in any chain of narration, it cannot be said with certainty unrestrictedly because the ranks of authenticity vary based upon how firmly the 5 conditions of sahih are established within the sanad.
Because rarely does a sanad satisfy all the conditions at the very highest level.
So it is more preferable to refrain from placing any hukm to any sanad that it is the most sahih sanad unrestrictedly.
Despite this, it has still been reported from some Imams that some statements have been reported from sahih sanad and it’s apparent that every Imam gave preference to whatever was stronger according to him.
What were the 1st publications in regarding only sahih ahadith?
The 1st publication in regarding only sahih narrrations is Sahih Bukhari, then Sahih Muslim and these 2 are the most sahih after The Qur’an.
And the ummah has agreed upon embracing these 2 books by accepting this.
Which one is more sahih?
And Imam Bukhari’s Sahih Bukhari is the most sahih from both of them and gives more benefits due to the fact they are stronger in linking and more trustworthy of narrators. And because within Sahih Bukhari, many fiqi matters/issues have been derived.
And it has points of wisdom within it (Sahih Bukhari). That is not found in within Sahih Muslim.
Taking all of this into consideration, Sahih Bukhari is more sahih than Sahih Muslim.
Otherwise some ahadith are found in Sahih Muslim which are stronger than some hadiths in Sahih Bukhari.
And it has been said: ‘Sahih Muslim is more sahih and the first saying is more correct i.e Sahih Bukhari’.
Did both of them (Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim) cover all the sahih ahadiths or preserve all the sahih?
They did not cover all the sahih Ahadith in Bukhari and Muslim, nor preserve all the sahih ahadith in their books. Surely Imam Bukhari (r.h) has said: ‘I did not include in my kitaab (Jami’ Bukhari) except what is sahih, and I left out many sahih, not to make the situation long’.
And Imam Muslim (r.h) says: ‘Not every hadith which is sahih according to me, I have placed in here. I only placed in here what everybody agreed to (that they are sahih).
Did many or a small amount of sahih ahadith pass by them (Imam Muslim and Imam Bukhari)?
Hafiz ibn Akhram states: ‘Only a small amount passed by them’. But this statement has been rejected.
The correct statement is that a lot passed by them.
It has been narrated from Imam Bukhari (r.h) that he said: ‘Many sahih ahadith were left out by me’ and Imam Bukhari (r.h) also says: ‘I have memorized 100,000 sahih ahadith and have also memorized 200,000 ghair sahih ahadith.
What is the number of ahadith from each one of them (Imam Muslim and Imam Bukhari)?
Bukhari (r.h) : 7275 (with repetition). 4000 without repetition.
Muslim (r.h) : 12000 with repetition 4000 without repetition.
Where are we going to find the remaining sahih ahadith, the ones which Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim missed out?
‘Sahih ibn Khuzaima’
‘Sahih ibn Haban’
‘Mustadrak al Hakim’
‘As sunan ul arba’a’
‘Sunan adariqutnee’
‘Sunan al bayhaqi’
Ghair sahih and sahih ahadith also in these books and sahih ahadith coming in other books as well.
Why is it appropriate to do Mustadrak (grading) on Mustadrak Hakim?
The author has mentioned in within it those sahih ahadith which are upon the conditions of shaykayn (Imam Muslim and Imam Bukhari) or upon the (understanding of the) condition of one of them. Yet they did not derive that hadith.
Likewise, he mentioned those sahih ahadith according to him, even though it does not go upon the condition of anyone of them.
Intending them to be with an authentic/correct chain.
Certain times he mentions some hadith which are not sahih. However, he indicates upon it (conditions of sahih).
Therefore, it is appropriate to examine it (hadith) and to grade ahadith of it (mustadrak) which befit its status.
Why is it appropriate to do Mustadrak (grading) on Sunan Tirmithi?
Imam Tahawi (r.h) examined the mustadrak and he graded the majority of the ahadith according to whatever status it befits. And this book will constantly remain in need of examining and attention.
Why is it appropriate to do Mustadrak (grading) on Sahih ibn Habban?
This book, the arrangement of it is on a different style. This book has not been arranged upon baabs, nor is it arranged upon sanads. Therefore this book has been named as ‘divisions and types’ and to search for a hadith from his book is very difficult.
The ulammah gave it an arrangement upon the baabs. The author is very lenient in giving a grading on the hadith regarding authenticity. But he is a bit less lenient than Imam Hakim (r.h).
Why is it appropriate to do Mustadrak (grading) on Sahih ibn Khuzaimah?
This is on a higher rank than ‘Sahih ibn Habban’ due to Ibn Khuzaima’s extensive research, to the extent that he doesnt make a decision upon grading sahih due to even a small criticism in the sanad.
What is the subject of extracting ahadith from Bukhari and Muslim
It is that another author, he writes a book from amongst the hadith books and takes out the ahadith with his own sanad, with a different chain than the author of the book, in a different manner from the previous person of the book. He gathers with him (Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim) in within his teachers, or they gather together at a higher stage (and end up under 1 teacher).
Because they carried out those wordings that reached them from their shaikhs, for this reason, sometimes there is a small difference within some of the wordings that can be found. In the same manner, those ahadith which the previous authors derived in their individual publications.
And Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim and the likes of them say: ‘Bukhari narrated it’ or ‘Muslim narrated it’, yet in some of them, there is a small difference in meaning and words.
Their intended purpose that both of them, they narrated the roots of it.
Are we allowed that we narrate from mustakhraj and refer that hadith to Bukhari and Muslim?
Basing it upon whatever has just passed, it is not permissible for any person that he narrates from other books or from the mentioned books just now, and say: ‘’Imaam Bukhari or Imam Muslim narrated it’ except for 2 reasons:
1: He compares the hadith with Imam Bukhari or Imam Muslim’s narration.
2: The person who did istikhraj himself says, or the author himself says that Bukhari and Muslim have derived it with the same wordings.
What are the benefits of deriving ahadith from the Shaykhayn (B/M)?
Deriving ahadith, there are many benefits (sanad strong, understood his /her sanad, mentioned with different wording will help understanding of hadith M/B brought with their wording, opposite sahih hadith in understanding of same matter, then give preference to the one with more sanads).
It nears to 10 benefits. Imam Suyurti (r.h) has mentioned it in his book Tadreeb ur rawi, I present to you the main fundamental points:
The sanad becoming of a higher rank because the author of Muslim, if he narrates the hadith with a chain of Bukhari of Muslim, for example, then Bukhari’s sanad will be lower than the way it has been mentioned inside the mustakhraj.
Increasement in the understanding of the sahih hadith. Due to this reason, extra wording and perfect understanding occurs in some of the ahadith.
It is strengthened due to many sanads. The benefit of that is given preference at the time of conflict.
Whatever Shaykhayn (B/M) have narrated, what will be the hukm of its authenticity?
Whatever they both narrated (Shaykhayn) with a connected chain (i.e noone missing in the middle), that will be given a grading of authenticity on it.
What is Tarajim?
Understanding of baab regarding the same topic of the baab. Imam Muslim (r.h) only brings sanad mutasil in asl, but sometimes in the tarajim, he brings sanad that are not mutassil. Therefore, the asl sanad of the baab is all sahih, but if he needed to discuss what might not be sahih, it will be in the tarajim ul abwab.
Are there Muallaq narrations inside Bukhari and Muslim?
Yes. From amongst those narrations where in within the beginning of the sanad, one of more narrations have been omitted, which are known as muallaq (hanging narrations) and that in Bukhari is many.
But these narrations are inside the understanding of the baab or the introduction of the baab. But nothing from these (muallaq) can be found in the actual baab at all.
Inside Muslim, there is nothing from amongst muallaq inside there, apart from 1 hadith inside ‘baab-ut-tayamum’. Imam Muslim did not repeat this 1 narration in another place. So the hukm of these muallaq which remained as muallaq will be as follows:
1: Whatever mu’allaq narration has been narrated, a verb that shows you firmness like: ‘He said, he commanded, he mentioned’ then the ruling of authenticity will be referred towards the one it is related to.
2: And those muallaq you don’t find firmness, for example: ‘It was narrated, it was mentioned, it was reported, it was narrated, it was mentioned’, then the ruling of authenticity will not be placed.
Even after all of this, there is no weak narration inside it (B/M). Due to it (hadith) being placed in a kitaab which is known to be sahih.
What are the 3 ranks of Sahih?
1: Highest: That hadith which has been narrated with a chain from amongst the most authentic of chains
2: That hadith which has been narrated from a sanad of narrators, who were a bit lower than the narrators of the 1st chain.
3: Lowest: Like the way the hadith which has been narrated from such narrators who have been described with the least rankings of trustworthiness.
What are the 7 stages of Sahih hadith?
1: Whatever B/M agree upon, that is going to be the highest rank of sahih chain.
2: Then that hadith where B is alone in narrating it.
3: Then that hadith which has been narrated by M alone.
4: Then that hadith which goes according to both of their conditions of accepting a sahih, but both of them did not narrate it.
5: Then that hadith which only goes according to the conditions of sahih of B, but he did not narrate it.
6: That hadith which only goes according to M, yet he did not narrate it.
7: That hadith which is sahih according to others apart from them 2 from amongst the scholars like Ibn Khuzaima (r.h) amd Ibn Haban (r.h)’s narration, which were not upon both of their conditions or doesnt go according to one of their conditions.
What is the intended purpose when the muhaditheen use the words mutafaqun alayh (agreed upon chain of narration)?
What does Ibn Salah (r.h) say?
Shaykhayn have agreed upon it i.e shaykhayn have agreed upon the authenticity of the hadith, doesnt mean the whole ummah has agreed.
Exception of Ibn Salah (r.h), he says: ‘That for the ummah to agree upon it is necessary due to that, and it (acceptance of sahih) comes in automatically with it. Because the whole ummah has agreed upon accepting whatever they (B/M) agree upon accepting (and we agree that the majority of hadiths are accepted).
Is it a condition for sahih, that it be an aziz (have a minimum of 2 sanads)?
The correct qawl is it is not a condition in a sahih ahadith that it be an aziz, in the sense that it has 2 sanads. Because there are many ghareeb ahadith in their books
Some ulama have made that condition like Al-Hakim (r.h). but their saying this, is against what the ummah has agreed upon.