Rough Flashcards
What is a mursal sahabi?
A mursal sahabi is when a sahabi informs regarding the saying of Rasulullah (s.a.w) and his action which he has not heard or he has not witnessed due to young age or due to bringing Islam at a later age of he was absent (i.e on a travel and heard it from someone else).
And there are many of these types of hadith mentioned due to them being young, like Ibn Abbas (r.a), Ibn Zubair (r.a), and other than them (e.g Ibn Umr (r.a)).
What is the hukm of a mursal sahabi?
*He heard, witnessed etc. but did not give the name of the sahabi that he heard it from.
The preferred and sahih qawl, the ne which the Jamhoor have already decided upon is that mursal sahabi is sahih and can also be used as an evidence. Because narrating of a sahabi from a taabiee is very rare (i.e took from another sahabi) and if they were to narrate from tabieen then they would make that clear.
If the sahabahs don’t make that clear and they (sahaba’s) say: ‘Rasulullah (s.a.w) said’, then the actual fact/reality is that they heard it from another sahabi (and it is impossible that another sahabi got it wrong, even though he never mentioned him).
And the dropping of the sahabi is no harm, like already mentioned (i.e therefore sahih muhtajjun bihi).
Is there a difference of opinion with regards to hukm of mursal sahabi?
Yes, it has been said that a mursal of a sahabi is like a mursal of someone else i.e taabiee, tabi’ taabiee, and this is a weak, rejected statement.
What is the linguistic meaning of Mu’dal?
To make tired/weak.
What is the technical meaning of Mu’dal?
That hadith within its sanad, 2 or more narrators are dropping off in succession.
What is worse, Mu’dal or ***?
Mu’dal is worse and it is due to the fact that there are so many narrators omitted from the sanad and this hukm has been given by the majority of Ulama.
What are the 3 scenario’s when a mu’dal can join with a muallaq?
1: 1 mu’dal + 1 muallaq at the same time.
2: hadith can be a mu’dal but not a muallaq.
3: Hadith can be a muallaq but not a mu’dal.
Mu’dal can join with muallaq in some situations and between them there is a relationship of Aam and Khaas in some aspects.
How can they join from the perspective of Aam?
Mu’dal can gather with muallaq in one form throught is istilahi definition and that is :
From the beginning of the sanad, 2 successive narrators are dropped off. Then it (narration) will be known as mu’dal and a muallaq at the same time i.e it fulfills both parts of the definition.
Muallaq: Because 1 or more narrator is dropped off in succession.
Mu’dal: Because 2 or more are in succession. Therefore taking meaning in the same aspect i.e 2 narraotrs dropping off.
Mu’dal can join with muallaq in some situations and between them there is a relationship of Aam and Khaas in some aspects.
How can they join from the perspective of Khaas?
A mu’dal and a muallaq will be different in 2 situations:
If from the middle of the sanad 2 narrators are dropped of successively, it is a mu’dal and not a muallaq.
-Why? Shart of mu’allaq is fulfilled.
If from the beginning of the sanad 1 narrator is dropped off, then it is a muallaq and not a mu’dal.
-Why? Shart of mu’dal is not fulfilled.
What is the linguistic meaning of munqati’?
It is an ism-ul-faail from inqitaa’ opposite to itisaal (connected).
What is the technical meaning of munqati’?
That hadith which does not have a mutassil sanad. That cutting off can take place in any manner.
What is the general rule of a munqati’ hadith and does it apply to mursal, muallaq and mu’dal?
Every sanad which has inqitaa’ in any place, whether that inqitaa’ be at the beginning, middle or end of the sanad. Therefore, mursal, muallaq and mu’dal will also enter into this definition.
What have the later ullama said with regards to a munqati’ hadith?
That hadith where sanad is not mutassil, is connected in a manner it doesn’t share the name mursal, muallaq or mu’dal. Therefore, it is a general name for any type of dropping within the sanad apart from the three forms of munqati’. Erasing of 2 narrators successively.
Defined it differently to mursal, muallaq and mu’dal. Narrates below Tabieen
What is the ruling regarding Munqati?
It is daeef according to ijma’ due to missing a condition from the conditions of Qubool (itisal us sanad) and ambiguity of the state of the missing narrator.
What is the literal meaning of Mudallas?
Concealed in the dark from the word tadlis.
What is the technical meaning of Mudallas?
Concealing a flaw in the isnad and enhancing its external appearance.
There are two opinions about the ruling on Narration of the Mudallas. What is the first opinion?
Rejecting it without exception, even if there is clarification of direct hearing, because tadlees itself is a form of criticism.
There are two opinions about the ruling on Narration of the Mudallas. What is the second opinion?
If there is a clear statement of direct hearing or something similar, then the narration is accepted.
If there is no clear statement of direct hearing or somethng similar, then the narration is not accepted.
How is Tadlis identified?
Admission of the Mudallas himself.
One of the scholars of hadith stating its occurence and knowing that based on his research and investigation.
There are 3 reasons for censuring the Mudallis. What are they?
1: Giving the false impression of hearing directly from someone whom he did not hear from.
2: Resorting to ambiguity instead of clarity.
3: Knowing that if he were to mention the person of whom he made tadlees, he would be disapproved.
What is tadlees al isnad?
A narrator reports from someone he is known to have heard from but he narrates something he did not hear directly from him and does not say he heard it directly . As for the hadith of which he is doing tadlis, he did not hear it from this 1st shaykh but heard it from another shaykh. Therefore he omits the second sheikh and narrates it from the first sheikh, using a phrase such as Qala or ‘An which implies direct hearing.
He doesn’t openly claim that he heard the hadith directly by using phrases like sami’tu or haddathanee so that he would not be caught out in his lying.
As well as this, it is possible that he may have omitted one or many more people in the sanad.
What is the difference between Mudallas and Mursal Khafee?
Both of them have the narrator reporting something from a sheikh which he did not hear from while using a word/phrase which implies direct hearing.
Mudallas heard ahadith from the sheikh other than the hadith of which he is making tadlees.
Mursil did not hear anything from the sheikh to begin with but he was alive at the same time and may have met him.
What is the ruling regarding Tadlees al isnad?
Extremely undesirable and most of the scholars have considered it blameworthy with Shu’bah saying that ‘Tadlees is the brother of lying’.
What are the reasons for which someone would do Tadlees al isnad?
1: To give false impressions of uluww al isnaad.
2: Having missed ahadeeth from a sheikh whom he heard much from.
3: The sheikh being daeef and not thiqa.
4: The sheikh living a long life, such that others heard from the sheikh along with him.
5: The sheikh being younger than the one who narrates from him.
What is Tadlees at-Taswiyah?
A type of Tadlees al isnad where the narrator reports from his sheikh then omits a daeef narrator between 2 thiqah rawi’s who met eachother.
So the narrator narrates a hadith from a sheikh who is thiqa.
That sheikh narrates from a daef narrator who narrated from another thiqah narrator and the 2 thiqa narrators met eachother.
So Mudallis who heard the hafith from the 1st thiqa narrator omits the daeef narrator and links the isnad to the thiqah sheikh of that omitted narrator using a word/phrase which implies direct hearing, making the isnad appear to contain only thiqa narrators.
What is the ruling regarding Tadlees-at-Taswiyah?
Even more disliked than Tadlis-al-Isnad and Al-‘Iraqee stated that ‘It emanates from someone who did it deliberately’.
The one who is aware of the works of hadith gives the hadith the hukm of sahih by narrating it from a second narrator and in this there is a great deception.
What is Tadlees-as-Shuyookh?
A narrator reports a hadith from his sheikh which he heard from him directly but names him using a name, kunyah, nasab or description which he cannot be recognised in order to conceal his identity.
What is the ruling regarding Tadlees-as-Shuyookh?
It is not a disliked as Tadlees ul Isnad because the Mudallis did not omit anyone.
It is only disliked due to losing track of the person from whom it was reported ‘and’ making it difficult for the person hearing to recognise him.
Its severity varies based on the reason/motive for which it is done.
What are the reasons for which someone would do Tadless-as-Shuyookh?
1: The sheikh is daeef not thiqa.
2: The sheikh living a long life such that others heard from the sheikh along with him.
3: The sheikh being younger than the one who narrates from him.
4: There being a large number of narrations from him so the narrator dislikes frequently mentioning his name in the same form.
Who are the two people famous for Tadlees?
Baqiyyah bin Waleed and Waleed bin Muslim