Hasan Flashcards
What is the linguistic meaning of Hasan?
It is a sifah mushabah in the meaning of beauty.
What is Imam Khatabi (r.h)’s definition of a Hasan hadith?
A Hasan hadith is that hadith where its makhraj (deriving source) is known and its narrators are famous and majority of the ahadith are depending upon it.
And the majority of the ulamma have used it to act upon it.
What is Imam Tirmithi (r.h)’s definition of a Hasan hadith?
Every hadith which has been narrated in this manner where in within its sanad there is no narrator who has been suspected of lying and that hadith should not be rare.
And many other sanads have been narrated like this.
What is Ibn Hajr (r.h)’s definition of a Hasan hadith? Does the author agree?
Khabr wahid will be known as those ahadith which have been transmitted by justness, complete accuracy, a connected chain, without any hidden defects and not being rare. Then this khabr wahid will go into the fold of sahih lithatihi. If the accuracy becomes a bit less in weight, then it goes into the fold of hasan lithatihi.
I say: It is like a hasan hadith according to Ibn Hajar (r.h)’s definition. It is sahih when the accuracy of the narrator is a bit less in weight and this is the best definition known for a hasan hadith.
Are there any criticisms/objections to Imam Khatabi (r.h)’s definition of a Hasan hadith?
As for the definition of Imam Khatabi (r.h), there are many criticisms on it.
Are there any criticisms/objections to Imam Tirmithi (r.h)’s definition of a Hasan hadith?
He only defined one of the qisms of hasan and that is hasan lighayrihi.
And the actual part inside the definition is that the hasan lithatihi is defined.
Because due to the fact a hasan lighairihi is more towards daeef actually.
It (hasan lighayrihi) has rised to the ranks of hasan to fulfill its weakness due to its many sanads.
What is the preferred/chosen definition of a Hasan hadith?
It is possible that a hasan hadith can be defined basing it upon the way Ibn Hajar (r.h) has defined it, like the way its about to come.
A hasan hadith is where the sanad of it is linked by the transmission of a just narrator who had a slight deficiency in accuracy from beginning to end without any rarity or hidden deficiencies.
What is the ruling of a Hasan hadith?
It is just like a sahih in using as evidence, even though it is slightly less in strength.
And for this reason, the majority of fuqaha have used it as an evidence and they have acted upon it and great muhaditheen and usooliyeen have taken evidence from it.
Apart from those people who stand out from amongst the harsh ones.
And certainly some of the very lenient muhaditheen have inserted it (hasan hadith) in the category of sahih, like Imam Hakim (r.h) and Ibn Hajar (r.h) and Ibn Khuzaima (r.h).
Even though their first saying was that a hasan hadith is a bit lower in rank than a clear sahih hadith.
What is the example of a Hasan hadith?
Imam Tirmithi (r.h) derived a hadith that Qatada (r.a) reported to us from Ja’far ibn Sulaiman Ad-Dabaee from Abu Imran Al-Jawnee, from Abu Bakr ibn Abu Musa Al-Ashariyee (r.a). He says: ‘I heard my father saying at the occasion of the enemy presenting itself, Nabi (s.a.w) said: ‘Surely the gates of Jannah are under the shade of the sword’.
Imam Tirmithi (r.h) states in regarding this, that this is a hadith hasan, ghareeb.
I say: And this hadith is a hasan hadith, because the 4 narrators in within the sanad are all trustworthy apart from 1, Ja’far ibn Sulaiman Ad-Dabaee, but he is known to be a good narrator of hadith.
For this reason, the hadith has gone down from the ranks of a sahih to the ranks of a hasan.
Hadith sahih of sanad or hadith with hasan sanad?
When muhaditheen say: ‘This hadith is of a sahih sanad, it is a bit below in using words of ‘this hadith is sahih’.
In the same manner, when they say ‘This is a hadith of a hasan sanad’ it is a bit lower in rank to using the words ‘this is a hasan hadith’. Because sometimes the sanad is sahih or hasan not the matan. Due to rarity or hidden defects. So it is just like when muhadith says ‘this is a sahih hadith’ he takes the guarantee for us that this hadith has fulfilled the previous 5 conditions of sahih.
But when he says: ‘this is a hadith with a sahih sanad, then he takes the responsibility from us regarding 3 conditions from amongst the conditions of sahih. And they are: A connected chain, just narrator, accuracy of narrator. As for ‘nafi-us-shuthooth’ and ‘adm ul illah’, it takes place in the matan and he does not take the responsibility for it.
Because he doesnt have proper evidence for it. But if a reliable hafiz of hadith, if he suffices upon the words of ‘this is hadith of sahih sanad’, but he doesnt mention any defect, then the apparent understanding will be even the matan is sahih. Because the asl (the reality of a sahih hadith) is not to have any illah or shuthooth.
What is Imam Tirmithi (r.h)’s statement and when others say ‘This hadith is hasan sahih’?
The apparent side of this statement is difficult because a hasan hadith falls short of the rank of a sahih. So how can you gather between the two (hasan and sahih) even having a difference between both of the ranks (sahih hasan and hasan sahih).
What does Hafiz ibn Hajar (r.h) say regarding the intended purpoose of Imam Tirmithi (r.h)’s statement ‘This hadith is hasan sahih’?
Many ulamma have given an answer with the intended purpose of Imam Tirmithi (r.h)’s statement with numerous answers. The best of the answers is which is given by Hafiz ibn Hajr (r.h). This answer has also been chosen by Imam Suyurti (r.h) and a summary is as follows:
-If that hadith has 2 sanads or more, then the understanding of Imam Tirmithi (r.h)’s statement will be that the hadith is hasan according to one sanad and sahih according to another sanad.
-If it only has 1 sanad, then Imam Tirmithi (r.h)’s statement will mean that this is a hasan hadith according to a certain people from the muhaditheen and sahih according to others from amongst the muhaditheen.
So its like the person making a statement giving indication regarding the ikhtilaf between ulamma regarding the hukm of this hadith or according to him, the ruling of either of them cannot be given preference.
During Imam Tirmithi (r.h)’s time, they didnt have sahih and hasan, both were the same and the grading came from later muhaditheen.
What does Imam Baghawi (r.h) say about sahih and hasan? What does Ibn Salah (r.h) and An-Nawawi (r.h) say regarding this definition?
Imam Baghawi (r.h) in his kitab ‘Al-Masabih’, he gives a definition which is specific to him and he indicates towards those ahadith which are in sahihayn or one of them as sahih and towards those ahadith which are in sunan arba’a as hasan. That is a technical definition and it doesnt suit with a general technical meaning amongst the general muhaditheen. Because in within sunan arba’a you get sahih, hasan, daeef and munkar.
For this reason Ibn Salah and An-Nawawi (r.h) have directed attention to it (i.e technical meaning does not really suit).
The ulamma have not specifically assigned a specific book in regarding just hasan ahadith like they have specifically assigned just the sahih in particular books. However, there are some famous books where many hasan ahadith are found.
What is the benefit of Imam Tirmithi (r.h)’s Jami’ Tirmithi?
This is the ideal place to understand a hasan hadith and Imam Tirmithi (r.h) has made hasan ahadith famous in this book and he mentions it many times.
But its appropriate to be aware that his different prints/texts differ in his saying hasan sahih and sahih hasan.
So upon the seeker of hadith is to pay attention which gives you benefit by choosing a researched one and to compare it with reliable principles.
The ulamma have not specifically assigned a specific book in regarding just hasan ahadith like they have specifically assigned just the sahih in particular books. However, there are some famous books where many hasan ahadith are found.
What is the benefit of Sunan Abu Dawud?
Sunan Abu Dawud (r.h) has mentioned in his risalaat to the people of Makkah. And he mentions that he will mention sahih ahadith and will also mention anything which resembles a sahih and whatever comes near to a sahih hadith.
He has sahih and daeef also.
And whatever has extreme weakness he will mention it.
And if he doesnt mention anything regarding something then it is reliable.
So basing it upon this, when we find a hadith in Sunan Abu Dawud where he (r.h) doesnt mention its weakness and noone else classifies it to be a sahih from amongst the reliable imams, then according to him (r.h), it will be known as a hasan hadith.
The ulamma have not specifically assigned a specific book in regarding just hasan ahadith like they have specifically assigned just the sahih in particular books. However, there are some famous books where many hasan ahadith are found.
What is the benefit of Sunan Ad-Dariqutni?
Imam Dariqutni (r.h) has specified upon many from amongst hasan ahadith in this book.