Safety, Security and Privacy Flashcards
Use approved car seat which should be in the back seat, facing
Never leave the infant unattended on a raised surface.
Check the temperature of the infant’s bath water and formula prior
to using it.
Hold the infant upright during feeding. Do not prop the bottle. Cut
food in small pieces. Do not feed the infant peanuts or popcorn.
Newborns and Infants
Place children in back seats when traveling in a car.
Teach children not to put objects in the mouth.
Keep plastic bags and objects with sharp edges out of children’s
Keep cleaning solutions, insecticides, and medicines in locked
- Toddlers
Do not allow children to run with candy or other objects in the
Teach children not to put small objects in the mouth, nose, and
Remove doors from unused equipment such as refrigerators.
Always supervise pre-schoolers when crossing streets and conduct
safety teaching about obeying traffic signals and looking both ways.
- Preschoolers
Teach children safety rules for recreational and sports activities: Never
swim alone; always wear a life jacket when in a boat; and wear a
protective helmet and knee and elbow pads when needed.
Teach children to obey all traffic and safety rules for bicycling,
skateboarding, and roller skating.
Teach children to use light or reflective clothing when walking or cycling
at night.
Teach children safe ways to use the stove, garden tools, and other
School-age Children
Teach adolescents to wear a safety helmet when riding
motorcycles, scooters, and other sports vehicles.
Encourage adolescents to use proper equipment when
participating in sports. Schedule a physical examination
before participation, and be certain there is medical
supervision for all athletic activities.
Reinforce motor vehicle safety. Drive defensively, use “designated
drivers.” If alcohol is consumed, routinely check brakes and tires, and
use seat and shoulder belts or car seats for all passengers.
Remind the young adult to repair potential fire hazards, such as electric
Reinforce water safety. Know the depth of a pool or lake before diving;
supervise backyard pools and other water activities.
Young Adults
Reinforce motor vehicle safety: Use seat belts and drive within the speed limit,
especially at night. Test visual acuity periodically.
Make certain stairways are well lighted and uncluttered.
Equip bathrooms with hand grasps and non-skid bath mats.
Test carbon monoxide detectors, smoke detectors, and fire alarms regularly.
Keep all machines and tools in good working condition at work and at home.
Follow safety precautions when using machinery.
Reinforce safety measures taught earlier in life, such as the hazards of
excessive sun exposure.
Middle-aged Adults
Encourage the client to have regular vision and hearing tests.
Assist the client to have a home hazard appraisal.
Encourage the client to keep as active as possible.
Ensure eyeglasses are functional.
Ensure appropriate lighting and mark doorways and edges of
steps as needed.
Keep the environment tidy and uncluttered.
Set safe limits to activities.
Older Adults
Consider and respect religious
and cultural beliefs
Encourage to resume normal
Encourage expression of grief
Facilitating Grief Work
Therapeutic silence
Acknowledge grief
Provide appropriate information
Offer choices that promotes
Providing Emotional Support
Pray with client
Ensure quiet and calm
Provide privacy
Support Religious Practices
is an actual or potential situation in which something
that is valued is changed or no longer available.
can be recognized by others
experienced by one person but cannot be
verified by others
perceived losses because they are
not directly verified
Psychological losses
experienced before the loss actually
Anticipatory loss
Loss of an aspect of oneself, a body
part, a physiological function, or a
psychological attribute
Loss of an object external to oneself
Separation from an accustomed
Loss of a loved or valued person
Sources of loss:
The total response to the
emotional experience
related to loss.
Manifested in thoughts,
feelings behaviors
associated with
overwhelming distress or
A subjective response
experienced by
surviving loved ones
Behavioral process through
which grief is eventually
resolved or altered
Often influenced by
culture, spiritual beliefs,
and custom
Cerebral death or higher
brain death which occurs
when the higher brain
centers the cerebral cortex is
irreversibly destroyed.
Focuses on support and care of the
dying person & family with the goal of
facilitating or peaceful dignified death.
Based on holistic concepts,
emphasizes care to improve quality of
life rather than cure.
Supports the family through
Services focus on symptom control
and management.