Safe Medication Administration Flashcards
Medicine act 1968
It governs the control of medicines from human use and veterinary use which includes the manufacture and supply of medicines and the manufacture and supply of animal feeding stuffs
Categories of medicine
- Prescription only medication
- Pharmacy
- General sales
Misuse of drugs act 1971 - offences under the act
- Possession of a controlled drug unlawfully
- Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply it
- Supplying of offering to supply a controlled drug
- Allowing premises you occupy or manage to be used unlawfully for the purpose of producing or supplying drugs
Misuse of drugs act 1971 - drugs controlled by the act
- Class A
- Class B
- Class C
Human medicine regulation act 2012
The authorisation of medicinal products for human use for the manufacture, import, distribution, sale and supply of those products for their labelling and advertising and for pharmacovigilance
Mbra - the medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency
- Regulates medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion in the uk
- Ensuring that medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion meet applicable standards of safety, quality and efficiency
- Ensuring that the supply chain for medicines, medical devices and blood components is safe and secure
- Promoting international standardisation and harmonisation to assure the effectiveness and safety of biological medicines
- Helping to educate the public and healthcare professionals about the risks and benefits if medicines, medical devices and blood components leading to safer and more effective use
- Supporting innovation, research and development for the benefits to public health
- Influencing uk, eu and international regulatory framework so that they’re risk proportionate and effective at protecting public health
Yellow card scheme
- Run by the mhra and is the uk system for collecting and monitoring information on safety concerns such as suspected side effects or adverse incidents involving medicines and medical devices
- The scheme relies on voluntary reporting of suspected side effects or medical device incidents to be reported by health professionals and the public, including patients, carers and parents
Medicines and medical devices act 2021
- The content for the mmda is the uks first departure from the eu given that much of the legal and regulatory framework for medicines and medical devices derives from eu directives
- Introducing broad and wide ranging powers to the secretary of state for health to make regulations in relation to human medicines, clinical trials, veterinary medicines and medical devices to safeguard public safety
- Civil sanctions instead of criminal prosecutions
- Introducing patient safety commissioner
Professional standards
- World health organisation
- RCN 2020
- Nice guidelines
- Bnf
HCPC standards of proficiency
Understand how to store, issue, prepare and administer prescribed drugs to patients and monitor the effects of drugs on patients
Medication error
- Medication errors are any psi where there has been an error in the process of prescribing, preparing, dispensing, administering, monitoring or providing advice on medicines
- Errors of commission
- Errors of omission
Where are the errors being made ?
- Administration 54%
- Prescribing 21%
- Dispensing 16%
Adverse drug reactions
A response to a medicinal product that is noxious and unintended effects resulting not only from the authorised use of medicinal product at normal dose but also for medication errors and uses outside the terms of marketing authorisation
What drugs are implicated ?
- Aspirin
- Anti platelet drugs
- Anti epileptic drugs
- Insulin
- Diuretic
- Inhaled corticosteroids
- Cardiac glycoside and beta blockers
The 9 rights
- Patients
- Medication
- Time
- Route
- Dose
- Medication
- Reason
- Response
- Education
Risk factors
- High workload
- Drug calculations
- Verbal orders
- Lack of following up
- Challenging patients