-a motor nerve; from the dorsal divisions of L-4, L-5 and S-1
-exits the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen and passes posterolaterally
through the gluteal region to supply the gluteus minimus, gluteus medius and tensor fasciae latae muscles
Superior Gluteal Nerve
-a motor nerve; from the dorsal divisions of L-5, S-1 and S-2
-exits the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen inferior to the superior gluteal nerve and passes posterolaterally through the gluteal region to supply the
gluteus maximus muscle
Inferior Gluteal Nerve
- from dorsal division of S-2, (may have contribution from dorsal division of S-1)
- passes directly into the piriformis muscle
- does not exit the pelvis before entering m
nerve to piriformis muscle
- the major formation of the sacral plexus
- a sensorimotor nerve; from the dorsal divisions of L-4 through S-2 and the ventral divisions of L-4 through S-3
- exits the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen and usually continues as a single nerve to the lower thigh; however it may divide into its two component parts at any level
Sciatic Nerve
-a sensorimotor nerve; from the dorsal divisions of L-4, L-5, S-1 and S-2
-the lateral portion of the sciatic nerve
-provides muscular innervation in the thigh and leg, articular innervation
to the knee and proximal tibiofibular joints, and the following cutaneous
nerve branches
Common Fibular Nerve / Common Peroneal Nerve
name this branch of the common fibular nerve?
-a sensorimotor nerve; from the dorsal divisions of L-4, L-5 & S-1
-supplies part of the anterolateral aspect of the leg and ankle, and most
of the dorsum of the foot
Superficial Fibular Nerve / Superficial Peroneal Nerve
name this branch of the common fibular nerve?
- a sensorimotor nerve; from the dorsal divisions of L-5, S-1 & S-2
- supplies the 1st web space and adjacent sides of the 1st and 2nd toes
Deep Fibular Nerve / Deep Peroneal Nerve
name this branch of the common fibular nerve?
- a sensory nerve; from the dorsal divisions of L-5, S-1 & S-2
- supplies the proximal 2/3 of the lateral aspect of the leg
Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of the Calf
name this branch of the common fibular nerve?
- a sensory nerve; from the dorsal divisions of S-1 & S-2
- passes inferiorly and joins the sural nerve
Sural Communicating Nerve
- a sensorimotor nerve; from ventral divisions of L-4, L-5, S-1, S-2 & S-3
- the medial portion of the sciatic nerve
- passes inferiorly through the leg, posterior to the medial malleolus and
divides into its terminal branches, the medial and lateral plantar nerves,
prior to entering the foot through the porta pedis - provides muscular innervation in the knee and leg, articular innervation
to the knee and ankle joints and the following cutaneous nerve branches
Tibial nerve
name this branch of the tibial nerve?
- a sensory nerve; from the ventral divisions of S-1 & S-2 - supplies small area of the posterior leg, posterolateral aspect of the ankle, the lateral aspect of the foot, and the lateral ½ of the fifth toe
Medial Sural Cutaneous Nerve (Sural Nerve)
name this branch of the tibial nerve?
- a sensory nerve; from the ventral divisions of S-1 & S-2 - pierces the flexor retinaculum to supply the medial ½ of the calcaneal region
Medial Calcaneal Nerve
- not a direct branch of the Medial Sural Cutaneous Nerve
- a sensory nerve; from dorsal and ventral divisions of S-1 & S-2 because the sural communicating nerve joins to make the sural nerve
- supplies the lateral ½ of the calcaneal region
Lateral Calcaneal Nerve
- a sensory nerve; from the dorsal divisions of S-1 and S-2, and ventral divisions of S-2 and S-3
- dorsal divisions lie close to the inferior gluteal nerve divisions, ventral divisions lie close to the pudendal nerve divisions
- exits the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen with the sciatic nerve and passes distally to the knee, anterior to the deep fascia, to supply cutaneous innervation to the posterior aspects of the thigh and the calf
Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
- from the dorsal divisions of S-1 & S-2, and ventral divisions of S-2 & S-3
- small branches of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve that arise near
the exit point from the pelvis and provide cutaneous supply to the inferior gluteal region
branch of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
Inferior Cluneal Nerves