the anterior tibial artery is a branch of the popliteal artery that enters this compartment through this opening where?
anterior crural compartment
proximal opening in the interosseous membrane
neck of the fibula
at the inferior ankle, the tendon of the extensor hallucis longus passes over the anterior tibial artery and the artery is renamed this?
dorsalis pedis artery
when the anterior tibial artery is absent, what supplies the anterior compartment muscles? so what is the continuation of the dorsals pedis artery?
perforating branches of the posterior tibial artery
perforating peroneal artery
what is the main arterial supply of the anterior crural compartment?
anterior tibial artery
what is the nerve supply of the anterior crural compartment?
deep fibular nerve
the deep fibular nerve enters the anterior crural compartment by piercing?
anterior crural inter muscular septum/anterior crural fascial septum