Sabrina 07.05.24 (Notes) Flashcards
What constitutes a complaint?
An expression of dissatisfaction from the Client which they require to be recorded and rectified/resolved.
How handle a complaint? (must note, confirm within 7 days)
As other flashcards.
Confirm receipt within 7 days
Resolve within 28 days
Log complaint and progress
Pass on to relevant person
Raise need for notifying PII insurers
If not resolved, refer to 3rd party able to provide redress eg RICS
Does RICS need to get involved? (complaint)
Who can act/will act as a third party? (complaint; refer to RICS website)
Refer to list on RICS website
What is a Consent Order?
What is the process?
Guidance? (RICS website)
Disciplinary measures?
Refer to Guide book flashcards.
Consent Order - requirement to stop or implement certain actions; include possible fine.
Process - Refer to RICS website - disciplinary measures
Rules of Conduct - examples in your experience? (public interest; case study)
Examples of RoC in other flashcards.
RICS guidance on Bribery?
Guidance Note/Practice Note: Bribery, Corruption, Money Laundering….
What is the definition of Bribery?
Refer to other flashcards (LR Q&A)
What is your company’s money laundering policy?
Note: RICS Regulated Firms must have it.
Refer to other flashcards.
Procedures related to Bribery procedures?
-Top Level Commitment
-Risk Assessment
-Due Diligence
Bribery and financing - other guidance?
Bribery Act 2010
What is whistleblowing?
When people raise malpractice.
Highlighting bad practices/procedures
When was the RICS founded? Granted Royal Charter?
Of the RICS, who:
-the President?
-the President Elect?
- the Vice President?
-the CEO?
Refer to other flashcards.
Tina Paillet
Justin Sullivan
Nicholas McClean
Justin Young
What is the RICS Motto and Logo?
Est Modus in Rebus - there is measure in everything
What RICS Committees are there?
Note: Hot Topic 2024 - Governance and Management Structure undergoing reform.
Privy Council
Royal Charter
Governing Council (Bye Laws)
Management Committee; Regulation and Standards Committee; Auditing Board;
New Committes - as above?, plus?:
- Diversity and Inclusion?; Sustainability?; Young persons?;
RIBA Plan of Works?
As other flashcards.
Producing a Cost Plan?
SH: Document Sections - as other flashcard deck (key docs/lists)
Difference between a cost plan at stage 2 and stage 4?
Stage 1 Cost Plan:
Initial estimate during Preparation and Brief.
Rough order of magnitude costs based on project outline.
The Order of Cost Estimate is typically produced during Stage 1: Preparation and Brief of the RIBA Plan of Work. This initial estimate provides a rough cost projection based on the project’s early scope and objectives, setting the foundation for more detailed cost planning in subsequent stages.
-Order of Cost Estimate: Produced during Stage 1, it provides an initial, high-level cost projection based on early project information and assumptions.
-RIBA Stage 0 (Strategic Definition): At this stage, the Order of Cost Estimate provides an initial, high-level cost projection based on very early project information, helping to establish feasibility and budget considerations before detailed planning begins in Stage 1.
-Cost Plan: Developed in more detail during subsequent stages (Stages 2 to 4), it involves detailed breakdowns and more accurate estimates as the project design and specifications become more defined.
Stage 2 Cost Plan:
Concept Design phase.
Preliminary cost estimates based on overall scope and early design.
Stage 3 Cost Plan:
Developed Design phase.
More detailed costs, including specific elements and materials.
Stage 4 Cost Plan:
Technical Design phase.
Highly detailed and accurate, based on finalized design, item costs, and quantities.
Other measurement methods?
Code of Measuring Practice?