***Ben Waterson and Lucy Reed (20.05.24) Forwarded Questions also from both Flashcards
On-line tutorial on Interview and Presentation (RICS website); Guidance for Candidates during interview
Pan laptop
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Presentation duration - 10min15secs (no longer)
Microphone went quiet - check this out.
Slides - size of text needs to be consistent! (later slides looked wrong!)
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2 assessors will ask case study questions
Chair might take role of one of the assessors if not all present (competency questions)
Supposed to be 15 mins one assessor (tech and mandatory) then 15 mins the other (tech and mandatory) -although might not follow this format.
Focus is on Level 3!!
Address questions at right level ie:
-if question is asking how advise - give answer on how advised/how would advise!!
-if question on give an example - give an example!!
This also demonstrates LISTENING SKILLS!!
Case study question:
How did you establish the Client’s drivers? (Note: this is a Level 2 question ie HOW; also focusing on Client Care)
I discussed with the client!!!!!!
-discussed the briefing document
-discussed the basis the contractor originally awarded.
-discussed there would be variables to cost, time, quality, and risk!!
As mentioned in the Case Study, I identified the drivers as:
i. Cost
ii. Time and Timing
iii. Quality (of execution)
Reviewed the Client’s briefing document
Reviewed the tender documentation (including price/quality scoring split, and the quality questions)
Regularly discussed aspects of the project/progress with the client and sought their views/priorities in particular instances.
Case study question:
How did you know they were satisfied with your advise on the options provided? (Note: this again is Level 2; also focusing on Client Care)
Clearly presented the options, positives and negatives. Obtained confirmation they understood and agreed. Allowed any questioning and answered these. Satisfied their issues had been addressed and the appropriate action was to be taken.
From answer above, I had identified their priorities,
-Provided options based on these priorities
-Presentation in concise and clear manner with advantages and disadvantages
-Presented likelihood of achievement
-Presented recommended option with reasons
-Sought their understanding and agreement/or disagreement that the recommended option provided the best most likely outcome.
-Only proceeded once they confirmed their agreement and no other considerations were required.
Case Study question:
How frequent were the Cabinet meetings?
These were infrequent and depended on the workload requiring Cabinet review:
-They could be monthly at the most frequent, or could be several months
-Next meeting at times could already be booked
-Application sometimes required by client to book an appointment
Case Study question:
Was there a risk/did you investigate whether the tender figure remaining firm period and the frequency of Cabinet meetings posed a risk? ie could a Cabinet review be obtained within the firm cost holding period?
16 weeks for tender to remain firm in the Form of Tender.
(prepared before I got involved in the project), however:
-Prior to tender pack going out - client in advance has already identified a date for the Cabinet Procurement Committee, and timed so that tender returns and analysis are completed a few weeks before the sitting.
-The Client intention that once Cabinet has approved budget, works will proceed.
-Should there be difficulties there would be circa further 3 months to increase budget before firm cost lapsed. This could be tight but not unreasonable.
-Ultimately the decision would be the Client’s
Case Study question:
What legal requirements are you aware of in relation to asbestos?
Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR)
Case Study question:
What considerations did you give in relation to the effects of trying to Terminate the contract? (open to challenge?)
I understood that Termination based on Frustration could be contested (no provision in contract as Frustration is covered by English Common Law - as a legally defined matter - could need legal interpretation to determine if this would be warranted)
If contested, then this could go to dispute resolution or ultimately litigation.
Costs associated:
i. legal advise and remedy costs
ii. contractor L&E costs
Case Study question:
The ‘control methodology’ you mention in relation to Key Issue 2, Option 3: Did the Client approve this methodology? Did they understand? Did they agree?
In terms of what the control methodology involved:
- refer to Mock WW and JL Deck Flashcards.
Client approval - yes.
Client understand - yes.
Client agree - yes.
In reference to the above ‘yes’s:
Presented the Options
Identified Option 3 as the preferred
Went into more detail on how Option 3 would be implemented (ref Mock WW and JL Flashcards, mentioned above)
Went into detail on what would be required to bring the agreement of the new process about (no need for amendment to contract; agreement between client and contractor captured in Minutes of meetings/correspondences/exchange of shared documentation; incentive for contractor staying with new procedures as already has relationship with client on other projects (partnering incentive);
Revisiting at end of interview is a good opportunity - but not too many!
-view the panel as a friendly client.
-they are looking for reassuring answers
-good overall impression
-safe pair of hands
-protecting client and giving good advice.
Lucy Reed Questions (forwarded)
- Please can you tell be about the construction of the building of your case study project?
- Please can you talk me through the risks to the project with the properties being occupied?
- You mention re-tendering the works - how would you do this?
- Define value engineering?
- What did you include in your tender report?
- How can a contract be terminated under a JCT contract?
- Are you aware of any upcoming changes to termination clauses in the new JCT 2024.
- Can you talk me through how you presented your advice on one of your key issues?.
Key Issue 1:
-Rang client and arranged a Teams meeting to go through the options.
-At the teams meeting, reminded the client of the problems the issue presented, and confirmed their understanding of why a resolution was required.
-Presented an excel spreadsheet with the 3 options listed and the cost, time, quality implications
-Discussed the risk in achieving each of the options.
-Finished by stating my recommended option and the reason
-Asked for their opinions/queries, and addressed these.
-Sought confirmation they wished to proceed
-Following meeting, issued email stating what was agreed and the actions that would be taken.
- Can you give me an example of when you have acted with integrity?
- What are the professional obligations for RICS members?
- What is PI - who does it cover?
- What can you tell me about handling client money?
- Define Bribery
- How can a firm prevent bribery
- What are the penalities for bribery?
- What is a balance sheet
- What is turnover?
- Why are cashflows important?
- What types of cashflow do you come across?
- You mention companies house - what information is available on this?
- What is insolvency?
- What are the stages of adjudication?
- Under a JCT who is the adjudicator?
- What are the benefits of adjudication?
- Can an adjudication be appealed?
- What is mediation?
- What can you tell me about the supplemental provision for disputes in the JCT - 2024 change -
- How can disputes be avoided?.
- What is case law?
- Which court does construction cases take place in when it’s litigation?
- What legislation regarding data management are you aware of?
- Tell me about a way your company manages data
- How long should data be stored for?
- What are some of the general principles of GDPR?
- What are the key roles of GDPR?
- What are the 3 pillars of sustainability
- How can sustainability be achieved on site?
- BREAAM measured?
- What is embodied carbon?
- What can you tell me about ICMS -
International Cost Measurement Standard.
NRM 1 can also be mapped to ICMS, a principles-based international standard that provides
consistency in classifying and analysing and presenting global construction cost data at a project,
regional, state, national or international level
- Can y ou give me an example of a section of the building regs and what it covers?
- What is the build up of a flat roof?
- Talk me through how underpinning is formed?
- What forms of waterproofing are you aware of in a basement?
- Please can you explain a time when you have advised on construction tech?
- List some types of foundations you are aware of
- What does the JCT Practice note cover?
- How are errors dealt with?
- What do you include in a tender pack?
- How do you produce prelims?
- Can you explain when you have advised your client on contractor selection
- What is a tender opening record
- When have you advised a client on contractors to tender to?
- What do you consider when choosing contractors to tender to?
- What are the benefits of 2 stage tendering
- How do yo udeal with qualifications - give an example
- What is quantitative analysis?
- What do you request to be included in a tender return
- What are the benefits of e-tendering
- How do you prepare a cashflow
- How would you advise your cleint if over budget
- How do you manage contingency post contract
- What is final account
- How do you confirm final agreement of final account
- How often do you issue cost reports and why
- What key things do you cover hwen you present a cost report to a client
- What are the timeframes for an EOT -
- What is the process for verbal instructions -
- How do you prepare a val schedule -
- How do you deal with bank holideays -
- What is a relevant matter
- What is a relevant matter but not an event
- What is a pay less notice -
- Define practical completion -
- What is QS role under the contract -
- What other JCT contracts are you familiar with
- What other JCT contracts are you familiar with
- What is a CW -
- What are step in rights
- What are implied and express terms -
- Name 3 sectgions of a contract
- What are contract amendments
Ben Waterson Questions (forwarded)
- You mentioned your client drivers were “firstly cost, secondly timing and duration, and finally quality of works.
How did you establish these were the Client’s drivers? How did you obtain feedback that the Client was satisfied?
- You stated “they would need to uplift their costs an additional £100k. I advised the Client the contractor’s right to increase costs and that a contract could not be entered into until the contract sum is agreed with the contractor”.
In preparing this advice, how did you assess the uplift in the cost? Was £100k reasonable?
- On your case study project. How many times a year do the cabinet meet?
- How long were the tender prices held for?
- Given the timescales and the high probability of this occurrence, was any foresight applied to this issue by You as QS?
- In key issue 1 you mention a potential uplift to the budget. Was there a risk allowance or contingency? How did you formulate your advice on the appropriate level of contingency?
- You say the Asbestos removal was a provisional sum. What type of Asbestos survey had you obtained? What other types are there? What is the principle UK legislation when it comes to working with Asbestos? How could you de-risk this ACM removal price rather than a single large provisional sum?
Key Issue Nr 1 – Tender Price Uplifted Before Entering into Contract
You mention in option 2, value engineering. Could you provide a definition of value engineering?
- As the QS are you qualified to give design advice on light fittings and floor finishes? Does your PII cover design advice?
- In your case study: You say the end Client did not receive their new furniture. How did you obtain feedback from your Client that the VE changes were acceptable?
Key Issue 2 – Contract Scope of Works Unsuitable
- You say you weren’t the QS involved at the outset, but as an RICS member how did You take Responsibility for this issue once You commenced work?
- You mention the scope of works was unsuitable. What components would you expect to find in a well-defined market ready scope.
- Option 1 – Terminate the Contract: What is termination? You mentioned the term ‘Frustration’, what’s that in a JCT contract?
- What are some key risks for Clients associated with Termination?
If found to be repudiation of contract, then contractor can claim for loss and expense as a result of the termination.
Another contractor needs to be found.
Disruption to client’s timelines/obligations. Option 3 – Negotiate with the Contractor to Manage the Scope of Works/ Solution
-Reactive process along the standard JCT mechanisms is going to be impractical.
-Collaboration and joint management is going to be required to make management efficient.
-Joint ownership of costs and programme required ie AFA document; Programme; Variations list.
-Regular meetings
-No set completion date
-No LADs
-Variation costs based on valuation rules will apply unless contractor requests Open Book process (Prime Cost basis) to agree on additional costs for variations where the contractor requires it.
-Agree as many variation costs as soon as possible.
-cannot claim for payment above the original contract sum.
- Can you describe your negotiation strategy?
Before negotiation:
-Identify the problem/issue to be discussed.
-determine what solution is required
-if necessary, discuss with client if approach is acceptable
-identify likely contractor position and accommodation required.
-identify red lines and compromises that can be made.
-Have all necessary information to hand when entering the negotiation.
At negotiation:
-Be mindful of the considerations made before the negotiation
-Discuss the problem/issue
-Propose my solution
-Note the contractor’s response
-See where I can reach agreement/accommodate in accordance with my previous red lines identified.
-Reach an acceptable agreement for both parties
-Confirm an agreement has been made.
-Restate what has been agreed for final confirmation.
-Immediately after meeting confirm what was agreed in email to the contractor, and the actions which will now be taken.
- What was the outcome of the negotiation?
As above.
- You said, “Adaptations and compromises may sometimes need to be made within contractual frameworks as a means to managing risk and resources”.
- Does that mean you’d agree things outside the contractual mechanisms? Are you someone who negotiates outside the contract?
Absolutely not.
The collaborative agreement operated inside the contract agreement - the procedure was a way for facilitating mutual agreements for cost and time within the contract conditions.
- “Although I was not involved in the preparation of the tender documentation or the original scope of works, and the tender documentation had already been quality assured, I could have taken it upon myself to double check the veracity of the documentation”.
- If you had an identical project next week, how would you approach it differently and apply lessons learnt?
Get a greater understanding of how the scope of works was developed and whether this was an appropriate and accurate method of capturing the client’s requirements.
Scope was based on 1) Design Guide, 2) Condition Report based on Surveyor opinion, 3) Client validation once works had started - this would be a good method if Client and Surveyor agreed on a sound basis of what constitutes poor condition.
Mandatory Questions (10 mins) (Approx 1 question for a level 1, 2 if a level 2 or 3 level 3)
- Communication and negotiation
- Can you define communication,
- and can you explain what negotiation is.
- Can you tell me about one negotiation strategy you’ve used and the outcome.
- How would you define a successful negotiation?
- Client Care
- Level 1
- How do you establish your Client’s drivers
- How do you obtain feedback from your Client?
- Level 2
- On the Haringey project you say you highlight key information to clients. What kinds of information? What do you do if the Client doesn’t seem to understand your advice?
- Tell me about a piece of negative feedback from a Client and how you dealt with that?
- Sustainability
- Define sustainability?
- What is net zero?
- What a the 3-pillars of sustainability?
- What is social value. Please provide an example?
- What’s the difference between lifecycle costs and whole life costs?
- What is the difference between carbon in use and embodied carbon?
- Data management
- What is GDPR?
- Who owns you personal data?
No-one ‘owns’ the data. The data must be managed according to law and regulations.
- What steps do you take to protect Client’s data?
- Business planning
- Level 1
- You mention Strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities, & threats? Can you give me an example of an threat in Your Firm’s current business plan, and an opportunity?
- What other things would you expect to see in a business plan?
- What’s profitability? What procedures does you company adopt to ensure they are profitable?
- What would you expect to see in a profit and loss account/ and in a balance sheet?
- What is a cashflow?
- What objectives are in your Firms current business plan?
Technical (10 mins) (3 questions per competency)
- Contract practice
- Level 1
- In common law what conditions must be met to form a contract?
- How do you define practical completion?
- What are some key principles of the NEC contract?
- Level 2
- What things do you consider in selecting the appropriate JCT contract?
- In the JCT what things need to be in place before deducting liquidated damages?
- What’s the general principle in deciding the appropriate level of LAD’s?
- Level 3
- On the British Museum Project, What things do you consider when formulating your advice in selecting the appropriate JCT contract?
- On the South Dock project what things did you consider when recommending partial possession? Did this advice have any impact on the way the site was insured?
- Design economics & cost planning
- Level 1
- When you are estimating, How do you know the appropriate cost adjustments for date and location?
- Level 2
- How do you establish the appropriate level of Preliminaries?
- If a tendered Preliminaries was very low what could this indicate?
Tenderer doesn’t understand the operational requirements/methodologies.
- Level 3
- On the British Hirayama Project can you provide some examples of the VE you advised?
- Arre there any areas or situations where you would not recommend value engineering?
- Quantification & costing
- Level 1
- What is the difference between the structure of NRM 1 and NRM 2? What are the common applications of each?
- Where do you obtain cost data?
- How do you know what’s a Variation in JCT? What’s your definition?
Alterations or modifications …..design, quality, quantity, conditions of working.
- Level 2
- On St Monica’s Church Hall where did you obtain your obtain cost data?
- On the Peabody project you mentioned that you measured the works on site. How did you assess the appropriate rates?
- Level 3
- On the British Museum you mentioned an EOT was made at Final Account Stage. In a JCT unamended When should a contractor make their EOT claim? Was this a ‘relevant event’? What’s a ‘relevant matter’?
Optional competencies
- Risk management
- Level 1
- What’s a monte carlo simulation?
Probabilistic technique for uncertainty
Based on input variables
Calculates probabilities and distributions
Repeated 1000 times
- What are some common ways to manage risk at a project level?
- Level 2
- On the Haringey Firemen’s Cottages; How did you select an appropriate level of contingency?
- On the Peabody project, you say a key operational risk was management of residents. What control measures did you select?
-Contractor to identify and accommodate individual client needs.
-Develop relationships with residents
-Provide contact details to raise concerns.
-Have a point of contact to interface between residents/contractor/client.
-Have management contingency plans in place to accommodate changes to programme.
- As an RICS member where would you look for guidance on the management of Risk?
Guidance Note: Management of Risk
- On your case study project you mentioned the Asbestos removal was a provisional sum. What kind Defined or Undefined? What’s the difference.
General Ethics Questions
Why do you want to be a member of RICS?
What is RICS requirement for CPD for members?
What’s the difference between formal & informal?
What are 2 policies in your firms complaints handling procedure?
What is PII insurance. Who does it protect?
Can you name one rule of conduct? Give some examples of how you reflect the RICS ethical standards in your work
Can you give me an example as a QS when you have been offered a gift and what you did?
What’s the difference between a guidance note and a professional statement?
Following the recommendations of the Birchard report can you tell me one positive change and one thing RICS could do better?
What is confidentiality?
Imagine I’m the Contractor on your case study project and I’d like to invite you to see Tottenham Hot Spurs Play. Explain the factors influencing
your decision?
What would you do if your Client said they had received a poor service?
What if your Client wanted to pay in Cash?
How do you know if your CPD is formal or informal? (RICS decision tree
What is a conflict of interest. Can you provide and example?