***Mock (WW and JL) 14.05.24 (Forwarded Questions) Flashcards
SDM: Partial Possession when only ‘defects’ were left? Shouldn’t this be PC?
The works were not complete to the extent that the client could take full ‘beneficial occupation’ therefore only Partial Possession was certified.
-Electronic remote controls of pedestrian and lock gates were not in operation (reprogramming and cabling still required)
-Lock gates still required ‘worn parts’ to be replaced
-O&M Manuals had not been finalised
-H&S File had not been finalised
-Temporary shut down of gates for a period required to allow contractor to finish Lock Gate repairs.
The whole site formed the area consisting of the ‘partial possession’ to allow full control of the site which was needed (consequently the whole site reverted back to the client’s insurance)
Key Issue 1: Option 3 - How did this achieve for money in comparison with the other options?
Value for Money in this situation would be defined as: meeting the goals and priorities of the client at the lowest cost
Risk (and time) were the fundamental factors here. The risk was too great for Options 1 and 2 (as indicated in my considerations) - the result of this failure would be additional time and money spent whilst not maintaining quality.
Therefore, Option 3:
Minimal additional cost
Minimal additional time
Minimised loss of quality
This saving could then contribute to the costs of furniture procurement.
More detail?:
Value for Money in this situation would be defined as: meeting the goals and priorities of the client at the lowest cost - this being minimising impact on time and quality whilst also ensuring that costs are reduced.
It was shown that time was best met by the recommended option however quality was better met by options 1 or 2 if they were successful - the likelihood of success was rated as low, therefore the benefits to quality would not be obtained. The result therefore would have been spending more time and money whilst at the same time lowering quality - this is a worse outcome for VfM compared to Option 3 where little time and cost was expended and this saving could then contribute to the time and costs of furniture procurement.
Key Issue 2: Requirement stated in options for ‘redesign/rescope’ with cost impact - why have you included a cost impact when it was the designer at fault?
The ‘erroneousness’ of the original scope was relayed to senior colleagues which became a matter for them and the client to resolve.
My role was to develop advice based on my competencies and scope of action.
i therefore determined that I needed to proceed on the basis of acting within the moment and how the works could be carried forward. I was not to pre-judge what was legally right or wrong (outside awareness of facts and professional competency) - my determination was to arrive at a recommendation that could be seen as making the most out of the situation which would also be looked upon favourably by a dispute body as minimising damage for the client and possible claims against the consultancy.
When developing and presenting my proposals I and the client were aware of the potential legal implications between Ridge and the Client and that my recommendations were subject to the potential legal implications.
The final decision on what action to take based on my proposals was ultimately a question for the Client considering this background. Legal implications and eventual allocation of costs was a matter which would need to be considered separately and potentially at a later stage in the interests of salvaging the project.
Key Issue 2: Termination - on what basis and what procedure would termination be implemented?
Based on Frustration: Unforeseen event renders performance impossible, leading to automatic termination.
Based on Vitiated Contract: Void due to defects like misrepresentation (with remedies outlined in the contract terms???)
-No specific clause addressing frustration as frustration is a common law doctrine. Parties would rely on common law principles rather than clauses.
-The legal consequence of a contract which is found to have been frustrated is that the contract is automatically terminated at the point of frustration.
-A Notice would therefore be issued by the Client to the Contractor identifying that Frustration has occurred (giving reasons) and that the contract is automatically terminated at the point of frustration (when it was identified the erroneous scope).
-If the Contractor wished to dispute this, they could call upon clause (impediment by Client; continuous period of suspension) and Terminate contract on those ground with right to claim for damages.
An Order of Cost Estimate - what are the constituents? (Note - this the same as a cost plan but with less breakdown of costs ie subcost levels)
Ref Key Lists Flashcards
-How was L&E claimed? (heads of claim)
-How did you assess the claim? (reasons ie Relevant Matter)
-What was the process for agreeing the claim? (first 2 questions plus - programme, costs, contract process)
Contractor notify as soon as becomes apparent
Submit costs
Further submissions as required
CA within 28 days, subsequent iterating within 14 days
Heads of Claim:
As Guidebook Decks - acronym
Relevant Matter:
As Guidebook Decks - acronym
When claim items have passed the Heads of Claim, and the Relevant Matter Claim, test:
-Programme implications valid?
-Cost claims valid?
Then agree costs
Broadly, how is a loss and expense claimed and evaluated in relation in respect of variations? (what must the claim establish?)
[from Grad Dip notes]
When there is a claim for direct loss and/or expense arising under JCT, clause 26.2.7, in respect of a variation, the contractor’s claim must establish the following:
-The an instruction amounting to a variation has been properly issued and carried out by the contractor
-The date of issue and receipt of the variation instruction
-The content of the variation
-The time at which it was necessary to carry out the work contained in the instruction
-That the carrying out of the variation instruction unavoidably affected regular progress of the work
-The extent to which the work was affected as a direct result of the carrying out of the variation which must be more than trivial
-Appropriate evidence of the direct loss and/or expense suffered or incurred directly resulting from the variation
-That the contractor made a proper and timely written application to the architect in respect of direct loss and/or expense.
What was the nature of the supporting evidence when the L&E claim was made?
[from Grad Dip notes]
Firstly, it was the ‘actual’ loss and/or expense, and not figures taken from the BoQs or other indices.
Detailed cost records and comparative programme/progress schedules will be necessary, together with references to correspondence, records of the site meetings, site diaries and the like.
Cost Records - timesheets, plant time, materials, - all clearly referable to the particular disruption or event
Programmes/schedules - able to refer to (how disrupted); progress that could have been achieved
Records of site meeting - which prove a contractor claim
Site Diaries eg site manager/clerk of works (evidence to progress)
A SCOTT SCHEDULE is most organised method.
What does it mean ‘loss’ in a ‘loss and expense’ claim?
A result of:
-Disturbance to regular progress
-Full an uninterrupted possession of the site and full information as and when - is disturbed
-Reimbursement of loss of PROFIT ON OTHER WORK which he might have been performing with the CAPACITY which he has had tied up against his will. [drop in productivity]
-Needs to demonstrate a reasonable likelihood that he could have been so engaged.
-Show that he is running with a reasonably full order book across the contract period and beyond, so that his prime resources are adequately committed without the disturbance element now in question.
Name a formulaic method for calculating overheads in an L&E claim? (can also be used to calculate loss of profit)
Hudson Formula:
The below is wrong?:
Head Office (and profit) % / 100
Contract Sum
Period of Delay (wks) / Contract Period (wks)
BM: Would you have accepted the submitted tender if it did not include the addendum amendment? (public Client)
As a public client - no.
If a private client - referred to the client for their acceptance or not.
What’s the difference between Adjudication and Arbitration?
Arbitration is binding and it can be a much longer and more formal process and both parties need to agree to enter into it and agree the terms.
Adjudication involves the quick resolution of disputes between parties where an adjudicator hears the outline of both sides of the argument and makes a fast decision within 28 days (or 42, days extended).
What is a ‘Dispute Board’?
A dispute board is a contractual form of dispute resolution procedure. It typically consists of one or three members, whose powers to resolve disputes are set out in the contract or relevant dispute board rules. The dispute board may be formed on an ‘ad hoc’ basis when a dispute arises, or at the outset of a project as a ‘standing’ dispute board.
Dispute boards typically fall into one of three broad categories:
a dispute review board (DRB), which issues informal advice and non-binding recommendations;
a dispute adjudication board (DAB), which issues binding decisions;
JCT has now issued its 2021 dispute adjudication board document, which is Construction Act compliant.
Key Issue 2 (JL and WW):
Option 3:
-was this really an advised option?
-how was this option implemented?
-wouldn’t a formal agreement be required? (amending contract)
-what ‘understanding’ was reached/agreed?
-how was this collaboration/cooperation from the contractor ‘enforced’?
Yes. Using contractual mechanisms ‘in isolation’ was too IMPRACTICAL, ie on THEIR side in ‘isolaton’ for preparing variations:
-THEIR cost assessments
-THEIR EoT assessments
-THEIR L&E assessments
–THEIR programme changes
On MY side in ‘isolation’ for reviewing and agreeing/or rejecting on the basis of:
-MY cost assessments
-MY EoT assessments
-MY L&E assessments
-My review of acceptable programme changes.
How advised:
Discussed with contractor and agreed collaborative working based on sharing information, risk, and collaborative working:
-Joint ownership of AFA
-Joint ownership of Cost Reports and reporting at weekly client meetings
-agreeing that the FA will not exceed budget (through joint ownership including all cost elements ie varitions, EoT, claims)
-Any claims for L&E or EoT would now no longer apply and replaced with Time at Large and variation costs based on Open Book Accounting (contractor costs and profit protected) where divergences from contract rates WERE REQUIRED.
-Compiled and compiling variations would be budgeted on contract rates (to obtain a budget AFA and projected prolongation) and firmed up on priority basis (programming requiring Instruction). Management of budgeted items items based on AFA and the VE/Scope Reduction measures required.
Wouldn’t formal agreement/amendment of contract be required - no:
-Contractor and Client can agree between themselves within contract conditions what costs to agree, what additional time to accept
-actions and agreements minuted in weekly progress meetings and discussion of the joint owned AFA document
-actions and agreements recorded on email exchanges
How enforce? - Not a matter of enforcement (contractor’s profits will be protected); additional contractor resource (management) obtained and paid for.
What’s the incentive/discipline for the contractor to cooperate in this manner? - Contractor has a wider relationship/commitment with the Client on other projects
What was the ‘understanding’? - WW: Can say, operated on understanding that contractor’s costs/profit will be accommodated when required - a COLLABORATIVE RELATIONSHIP!
The following Flashcards derive from the Questions List document Will sent me after the interview.
Key Issue 1:
One of the predominant roles of a QS is to ensure the Client achieves VfM. It appears that the Option recommended may in fact be the least VfM, can you explain your rationale.
Value for Money in this situation would be defined as: meeting the goals and priorities of the client at the lowest cost
Risk (and time) were the fundamental factors here. The risk was too great for Options 1 and 2 (as indicated in my considerations) - the result of this failure would be time and money spent whilst not maintaining quality.
Therefore, Option 3:
Minimal additional cost
Minimal additional time
Minimised loss of quality
This saving could then contribute to the costs of furniture procurement.
More detail?:
Value for Money in this situation would be defined as: meeting the goals and priorities of the client at the lowest cost - this being minimising impact on time and quality whilst also ensuring that costs are reduced.
It was shown that time was best met by the recommended option however quality was better met by options 1 or 2 if they were successful - the likelihood of success was rated as low, therefore the benefits to quality would not be obtained. The result therefore would have been spending more time and money whilst at the same time lowering quality - this is a worse outcome for VfM compared to Option 3 where little time and cost was expended and this saving could then contribute to the time and costs of furniture procurement.
Key Issue 1:
The case study suggests that re-tendering would result in reduced costs compared to the £100k increase. Can you explain how you came to this understanding?
And if the selected Contractor wasn’t offering VfM, was there anything that could have been done with them to agree a cost?
In the original tender the winning contractor was not the lowest cost - the lowest cost was circa £80k lower which suggested another tender could reduce costs (however quality may be sacrificed). WHAT WAS THE PTE???
The case study was reviewing options that were possible, however, no guarantee of success.
This ‘understanding’ was discussed in the consideration where it could be possible but unlikely. The review of the option discussed that this was the hoped for outcome however it was unlikely (without restricting scoring to just just price - which would reduce quality).
If we are talking about the original winning contractor - there was no mention that their uplift resulted in the them not being VfM - rather, because of the increase in prices over the period, their cost increases were justifiable. Re-tendering would therefore be the hope that greater VfM could be achieved (although considered unlikely).
In terms of anything being done - well, I had discussed with them lowering costs but this impacted on their profitability. In the end, we reduced the scope and agreed changing specifications to get costs down (retaining quality, VfM, but omitting furniture - sacrifice for time wasting and fee costs for other options - not value for money!)
Key Issue 1:
Is there anything else you could have done to provide the Client with more information to allow for clearer decision making? (Provide a cost estimate for professional fees etc?)
For Option 1 and Option 2, for both the additional fees were of comparable costs to the original fee proposal costs for works to get to these stages - which was mentioned to the client. In the best interests of speed and not expending resource on further investigation into consequences, it was better (VfM) that I investigate the options at high level. If it became apparent that any options were difficult to separate in terms of positive outcome then further investigation would be warranted. In this case, I judged I had enough information to convey to the client the preferred option and the reason I proposed it. If the Client wanted further information based on the information I presented then I would have done this however the client would be informed that this would take more time and confirmation of fees (senior approval).
Key Issue 2:
Under key issue two, you have stated additional professional fees for carry out Option 2. Can you talk me through your advice in relation to this, given the fact the design team have proposed a design that doesn’t meet the Client’s brief? (Ie, why should the Client pay additional fees to redesign a new project when the design team did a terrible job in the first place)
Option 2 - Re-Tender Additional Works.
The ‘erroneousness’ of the original scope was relayed to senior colleagues which became a matter for them and the client to resolve.
My role was to develop advice based on my competencies and scope of action.
i therefore determined that I needed to proceed on the basis of acting within the moment and how the works could be carried forward. I was not to pre-judge what was legally right or wrong (outside awareness of facts and professional competency) - my determination was to arrive at a recommendation that could be seen as making the most out of the situation which would also be looked upon favourably by a dispute body as minimising damage for the client and possible claims against the consultancy.
When developing and presenting my proposals I and the client were aware of the potential legal implications between Ridge and the Client and that my recommendations were subject to the potential legal implications.
The final decision on what action to take based on my proposals was ultimately a question for the Client considering this background. Legal implications and eventual allocation of costs was a matter which would need to be considered separately and potentially at a later stage in the interests of salvaging the project.
Key Issue 2:
Under option 3, please explain what you mean by the contract mechanisms not being adequate to come to an agreement with the Contractor, and what was the process you use instead?
Using contractual mechanisms ‘in isolation’ was too IMPRACTICAL, ie on THEIR side in ‘isolaton’ for preparing variations:
-THEIR cost assessments
-THEIR EoT assessments
-THEIR L&E assessments
–THEIR programme changes
On MY side in ‘isolation’ for reviewing and agreeing/or rejecting on the basis of:
-MY cost assessments
-MY EoT assessments
-MY L&E assessments
-My review of acceptable programme changes.
The Process instead:
Discussed with contractor and agreed collaborative working based on sharing information, risk, and collaborative working:
-Joint ownership of AFA
-Joint ownership of Cost Reports and reporting at weekly client meetings
-agreeing that the FA will not exceed budget (through joint ownership including all cost elements ie varitions, EoT, claims)
-Any claims for L&E or EoT would now no longer apply and replaced with Time at Large and variation costs based on Open Book Accounting (contractor costs and profit protected) where divergences from contract rates were required.
-Compiled and compiling variations would be budgeted on contract rates (to obtain a budget AFA and projected prolongation) and firmed up on priority basis (programming requiring Instruction). Management of budgeted items items based on AFA and the VE/Scope Reduction measures required.
Key Issue 2:
Under option 3, did you advise the Client on any issues with requesting an open book approach with the contractor mid-way through a project, if so, what were they?
I advised the client on the proposed process, how this could be agreed and implemented as follows: ????????…….explained impracticality, how overcome, measures required, their involvement required, any risks and assurances involved, best and worst outcome.
What works would be subject to ‘open-book’ - those works which were still ‘budgeted’ by contract rates and formal agreement (with Instruction and cost stated) not yet achieved - to these items, whenever the contractor stated they needed to increase costs to maintain profit (and hence submission of evidence of costs/payments - open book).
Wouldn’t formal agreement/amendment of contract be required - no:
-Contractor and Client can agree between themselves within contract conditions what costs to agree, what additional time to accept
-actions and agreements minuted in weekly progress meetings and discussion of the joint owned AFA document
-actions and agreements recorded on email exchanges
How enforce? - Not a matter of enforcement (contractor’s profits will be protected)
What’s the incentive/discipline for the contractor to cooperate in this manner? - Contractor has a wider relationship/commitment with the Client on other projects
What was the ‘understanding’? - WW: Can say, operated on understanding that contractor’s costs/profit will be accommodated when required - a COLLABORATIVE RELATIONSHIP! - [review and discussion of AFA and programme in weekly progress meetings]
You have mentioned a potential impact on terminating the project to be ‘loss of profit’ to the Contractor. Can you please explain the process you would have gone through to determine what this was.
Loss of profit through Termination:
L&E claim based on VIASI (particularly SI ie Suspension, Impediment by Client).
Heads of Claim for L&E are PTUIOPFAC (loss comes under U and P ie Underemployment of plant or labour; Loss of profit.
The contractor would have notified the client of the claim - what based on and where losses occured. This then followed by substantiation of loss of profit incurred eg:
-The elements of contract works would have had a % addition for OHP (% for each known) and this % addition for profit only would be the baseline profit (together with Preliminary items profit).
-If the works are ‘cut’ short, …..
Cost checks based on:
timesheets; staff grades and rates; project codes; payroll burden; invoices; subcontract accounts; applications and payments; materials invoices; dates; rates; quants; delivery tickets; etc
Identify overhead costs.
Allocate costs to the event.
Determine allocation basis.
Maintain detailed records.
Apportion costs to affected period.
Quantify additional costs.
Document event impact comprehensively.
Ensure accuracy and support.
Substantiate claim for loss and expense.
Enhance chances of successful resolution.
Document baseline profit.
Assess event impact on profitability.
Quantify profit loss.
Document causation.
Demonstrate mitigation efforts.
Consider expert analysis.
Ensure comprehensive documentation.
Increase claim resolution likelihood.
Construction Tech:
Can you talk us through the differences between strip and pile foundations, including when they would be used and advantages and disadvantages?
Guidebook Decks
Construction Tech:
On St Monica’s church hall you have described installation of a flat roof as part of the works, can you talk us through a typical build-up of a flat roof.
Guidebook Decks (flat, warm, inverted)
Experience Justification Decks
Construction Tech:
Please talk us through the process of underpinning use at the Fireman’s Cottages project?
Experience Justification Decks
Construction Tech:
Can you talk us through how you costed for the water penetration prevention at the British Museum Hirayama Studio?
Experience Interpretation or Justification Decks.
Contract Practice:
Can you explain some differences between a JCT minor works and a JCT Intermediate contract?
Guidebook Decks
Contract Practice:
Can you explain to us how you implemented partial possession on the South Dock Marina project?
The works were not complete to the extent that the client could take full ‘beneficial occupation’ therefore only Partial Possession was certified.
-Electronic remote controls of pedestrian and lock gates were not in operation (reprogramming and cabling still required)
-Lock gates still required ‘worn parts’ to be replaced
-O&M Manuals had not been finalised
-H&S File had not been finalised
-Temporary shut down of gates for a period required to allow contractor to finish Lock Gate repairs.
The whole site formed the area consisting of the ‘partial possession’ to allow full control of the site which was needed (consequently the whole site reverted back to the client’s insurance)
Implementation: Guidebook Deck? Key Document Deck?
Contract Practice:
Can you explain some mechanisms the Client can use within JCT to protect themselves from risk, and how and when you would advise a Client to use them? (Collateral warranty, performance bond, bid bond, PCG, AP bond, retention bond, EL, PL, PI, LADs, retention)
When - for all the below, before tender issue.
Collateral warranty - Draw up a ‘Rights Particulars list’? - Detailed in Preliminaries doc; 3rd party has financial investment
Performance bond - proforma in tender pack. - Detailed in Preliminaries doc Risk contractor might fail/no parent company
Tender bond - proforma in tender pack. - Detailed in Preliminaries doc Risk tenderer won’t enter into contract
PCG - proforma in tender pack. - Detailed in Preliminaries doc Risk contractor might fail/not expense of performance bond/parent company won’t fail
Advance Payment bond - proforma in tender pack - Detailed in Preliminaries doc; items with long lead in times, provisions put in place ie vesting certificate to be obtained
Retention bond, - proforma in tender pack - Detailed in Preliminaries doc; wish to maintain contractor cash flow (difficult economic conditions)
Employer’s Liability - Detailed in Preliminaries doc
Public Liability - Detailed in Preliminaries doc
PII - Detailed in Preliminaries doc; when contractor has CDP items to design
LADs - Detailed in Preliminaries doc; based on client’s own calculation and realistic; incentive for contractor; protection to cover client costs
Retention - Detailed in Preliminaries doc; incentive to contractor to complete, fall back in case of failure in performance
Contract Practice:
Whats the difference between a default and on demand bond?
On Demand - automatically pays out when claimed
Default - pays out when default occurs which must be proved including the costs incurred
Quant and Costing:
Please tell us the Order of a cost estimate under NRM?
Key Document Lists Flashcards
Quant and Costing:
What rates did you advise on concrete repairs on the Peabody Measured Term contract?
This was a Measured Term Contract - these were SoR items. The rates advised were those in the SoR!
Quant and Costing:
On the British Museum project, can you explain your process for analysing the L&E claim, including loss of profit? (relevant matter/relevant event).
Refer to Flashcard above, Termination and loss of profit.
Quant and Costing: (CASE STUDY QUESTION)
On the Haringey hubs project, what was the process used for agreeing variations, including what formed the basis of the rates?
Refer to Flashcard above. Relevant extract below:
Compiled and compiling variations would be budgeted on contract rates (to obtain a budget AFA and projected prolongation) and firmed up on priority basis (programming requiring Instruction). Management of budgeted items items based on AFA and the VE/Scope Reduction measures required.
What was the ‘understanding’? - WW: Can say, operated on understanding that contractor’s costs/profit will be accommodated when required - a COLLABORATIVE RELATIONSHIP! - [review and discussion of AFA and programme in weekly progress meetings]
What works would be subject to ‘open-book’ - those works which were still ‘budgeted’ by contract rates and formal agreement (with Instruction and cost stated) not yet achieved - to these items, whenever the contractor stated they needed to increase costs to maintain profit (and hence submission of evidence of costs/payments - open book).
Conflict and Dispute:
Can you tell me the differences between adjudication and arbitration?
Refer to other Flashcard decks.
Conflict and Dispute:
Who was the named adjudicator in one of you JCT contracts? (You answered correctly, just don’t say RICS, Say Royal Institutions of Chartered Surveyors)
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Conflict and Dispute:
What is a dispute board?
??????? - ref also earlier card on this question which is a slightly different answer.
Definition: A panel of independent experts established at the start of a project.
Role: Provides timely resolution of disputes during the project.
Types: Dispute Review Board (advisory), Dispute Adjudication Board (binding decisions), Combined Dispute Board (both roles).
Function: Minimizes delays and legal costs by resolving issues on-site.
Effectiveness: Promotes continuous project progress and maintains relationships.
Please explain to us what management accounting is and how it can be used?
Guidebook Deck
If you were considering using a contractor unfamiliar to you, how would you assess their financial accounts? Any external resources you can use? (Request a copy of the contractor’s company accounts for the last 3 years which would include the Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement. Dun & Bradstreet, Mint)
Request a copy of the contractor’s company accounts for the last 3 years which would include the Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement. [From Companies House, or direct from the contractor?]
Dun & Bradstreet [Credit Check],
Mint [???]
If setting up a RICS regulated firm, what other accounting principles and procedures would you have to take into consideration? (Clients money)
Set up a company bank account?
Set up an account for Clients?
Handling Client’s Money Procedures?
RICS’s Client Money Protection Scheme?
Whats the difference between a cashflow, a profit & loss account and a balance sheet? (Cashflow shows the actual receipts and expenditure and includes VAT. Profit & loss is a summary of a business’s income and expenditure transactions usually prepared on an annual basis. A balance sheet is a statement showing a business’s financial position at a point in time)
Cashflow shows the actual receipts and expenditure and includes VAT.
Profit & loss is a summary of a business’s income and expenditure transactions usually prepared on an annual basis.
A balance sheet is a statement showing a business’s financial position at a point in time)
Client Care:
Can you talk me through your company’s complaints handling procedure and how it conforms to the RICS requirements?
Guidebook Decks
Client Care:
Can you talk me through the insurances required if you were to set up an RICS chartered company?
Employer’s Liability
Public Liability
All Risks
Client Care:
What does good client care require? (A clear understanding of the client’s objectives and aims, A professional approach, Clear, concise communication, A quality assurance policy, Complaints handling procedure, Professional Indemnity Insurance)
A clear understanding of the client’s objectives and aims,
A professional approach,
Clear, concise communication,
A quality assurance policy,
Complaints handling procedure,
Professional Indemnity Insurance)
Health and Safety:
Please tell us about one heading under the CDM regulations and what it pertains to?
Heading - within the document itself?
Duty Holders - Identification of those entities/persons responsible for managing risk on the project:
Designers - all those feeding in to the design development eg architects, engineers, qs
Principal Designer - Responsible for managing, coordinating, collating, providing CDM information and preparing the PCI document, requirements of the H&S file, working with the contractor to ensure safety during the works.
Health and Safety:
Please tell us about the different types of asbestos?
Refer to Level 1 Competencies Decks
Health and Safety:
When attending a construction site. Is there anything you do before arrival? (RAMS, PPE, inform team)
Surveying Safely document
Before leaving office:
Undertake RAMS (not just at site but getting there and returning),
PPE - what required?
inform team - in the office; put in calendar
Advise contractor I will be attending
Agree procedure for my arrival with contractor
At Site:
Report to reception
If first visit: undertake Induction
Report to Site Manager
Health and Safety:
Can you tell us about any H&S clauses that form part of a standard JCT contract?
Clause 3.18.1 in the IC 2011, the Employer shall ensure that the CDM contractor carries out all his duties and if the contractor is not the Principal Contractor the Employer shall ensure that the Principal Contractor carries out all his duties under the Regulations.
Regulation 9 (IC 2011) of the Regulations states that the Client takes all reasonable steps to ensure arrangements are made for managing the project to ensure the construction work carried out so far as reasonably practicable is without risk to the health and safety of any persons, etc.
Clause 2.1 is required to “complete the Works in a proper and workmanlike manner” and to comply with the Laws of the country, including Health and Safety
Supplemental provisions - health and safety (nr 2)
Health and Safety:
Can you tell me how you would go about understanding a potential new contractor’s H&S record?
At the pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) stage information will be required on potential contractors’ health and safety management arrangements:
Health and Safety Record: A good contractor takes health and safety seriously. Check their past records for any violations, accidents or complaints. The contractor should have a robust safety program in place, which includes regular safety training and on-site safety protocols.
For evaluating a contractor’s health and safety practices before considering them for a tender, you can request the following specific health and safety documentation:
Health and Safety Policy:
A comprehensive statement of the company’s commitment to health and safety, outlining their approach to managing health and safety risks.
Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS):
Detailed documents showing how they identify, assess, and manage risks for various activities and processes.
Accident and Incident Records:
Logs or reports of past accidents, incidents, and near-misses, including details on how they were addressed.
Training Records and Certifications:
Evidence of health and safety training for employees, including certifications (e.g., CSCS cards, first aid training, asbestos awareness).
Health and Safety Audits and Inspection Reports:
Results from internal and external audits, site inspections, and any actions taken in response to findings.
COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Assessments:
Documentation of how they handle and manage hazardous substances.
First Aid Procedures and Records:
Information on first aid provisions, including trained personnel and incident response procedures.
Emergency Procedures and Plans:
Plans for emergency situations, including fire evacuation procedures, spill response, and other emergency actions.
Occupational Health Surveillance Records:
Records of health surveillance programs for employees exposed to specific health risks.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Records:
Information on the provision, maintenance, and use of PPE.
Safety Data Sheets (SDS):
Sheets for any hazardous materials used, detailing safe handling and emergency measures.
Toolbox Talk Records:
Logs of regular safety briefings and toolbox talks given to workers.
Safety Committee Meeting Minutes:
Minutes from safety committee meetings, showing ongoing commitment to health and safety discussions and improvements.
Subcontractor Management Policies:
Procedures for vetting and managing subcontractors’ health and safety practices.
Health and Safety Statistics:
Data on key performance indicators such as accident frequency rates (AFR), lost time injury rates (LTIR), and reportable incidents under RIDDOR.
Certification and Accreditation:
Copies of certifications such as OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001 or memberships with safety schemes in procurement (SSIP) like CHAS, SafeContractor, or Constructionline.
Safety Inspection and Maintenance Records:
Records of regular safety inspections and maintenance checks on equipment and machinery.
Policy on Drugs and Alcohol:
Procedures and policies regarding the management of drugs and alcohol on-site.
Health and Safety Communication Plans:
Strategies for communicating health and safety information to all levels of staff.
Records of Enforcement Actions:
Documentation of any enforcement actions taken against the company by health and safety regulatory bodies, including resolutions and improvements made.
These documents will give you a comprehensive view of the contractor’s health and safety performance and their commitment to maintaining a safe working environment.
Can you tell me about some provisions within the Equality act 2010 with regard to diversity and inclusion? (Read this and remember 2/3)
Protection against discrimination based on protected characteristics (e.g., age, disability, gender, race, religion)
Requirement for reasonable adjustments for disabled individuals
Equal pay for equal work
Harassment and victimization prevention
Positive action to support underrepresented groups
Inclusive recruitment and promotion practices
Can you give any examples of internal diversity and inclusion polices within your company? (Check direct policies)
Equal opportunity policy
Anti-discrimination policy
Harassment prevention policy
Diversity training programs
Inclusive recruitment practices
Flexible work arrangements
Accessibility policy
Can you tell us about the Tuckman theory? (form, storm, norm perform), Herzberg theory of motivational theory on motivators and de-motivators)
Other Flashcard Decks
Comms and Negotiation:
Please tell us about any negotiation theories you know?
Zero-sum, win-lose negotiation.
Win-win, collaborative approach.
Evaluating alternatives.
Identifying acceptable range of agreement.
Focus on interests, not positions (principled).
Strategic decision-making.
Comms and Negotiation:
Can a verbal instruction be legally binding? If so, when? How would you prevent risk?
Legally Binding: Yes, if clear and agreed upon by both parties.
When: Terms are definite, parties intend to be bound, and there’s consideration.
Prevent Risk:
Confirm in writing.
Keep detailed records.
Seek legal advice.
Ensure clarity and mutual understanding.
Comms and Negotiation:
Can you explain how you would change the information you communicate to different project team members, using for example, the Client’s Managing Director, and an assistant engineer? (The higher they are, the less specific detail generally discussed. Client will be more output driven, design team will be more processeses and specifics)
The higher they are, the less specific detail generally discussed.
Client will be more output driven,
design team will be more processes and specifics)