S4 Interprofessional Teams Flashcards
Healthcare teams are unique in that they are not designed to be ____, but rather to support each other and respond to the different needs of the patient.
The best course of action for the patient and the means to reach the best outcome for the patient is not through competition but _____.
The interaction among two or more professionals who work in conjunction with each other in order to provide care for a patient.
Related to teamwork in the healthcare field is _____, which exists when health professionals from different disciplines work and learn together to provide patient care.
interprofessional collaboration
The roles of healthcare team members are varied, but the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of the ____ are of paramount importance
Team role: has the skills and expertise required for the specific task at hand. He or she has a strong focus on the task and may get defensive when others interfere with his or her work. Prefers to work alone and team members often have a great deal of trust and confidence in him or her.
Team role: sometimes also referred to as the organizer. Generally disciplined and eager to get the job done. He or she is efficient, practical, and systematic. Well organized and diligent, and quickly turn the ideas of a team into concrete actions and practical plans.
Team role: has a tendency to be reserved and critical. Will also react to plans and ideas in a rational and sensible way. He/she wll favor a prudent approach to matters and will evaluate them according to their accuracy before acting.
Team role: has a strong coordinating role. With an emphasis on procedures, the chairman will try to bring and keep the team together. He or she is communicative and deals with the members of the team in a respectful and open-minded way.
Team role: generally very ambitious and energetic. He or she may appear as impatient and impulsive. Strong motivator and will challenge others at crucial times. Although their actions may sometimes seem somewhat emotional, they do play a crucial role in pushing the team forward to succeed.
Team role: caring, avoids conflicts, and fosters harmony. Being someone who likes to help other people, they are generally considered agreeable and friendly. He or she is diplomatic and emphasizes solidarity and team cohesion.
team player
Team role: very conscientious and feels responsible for the team’s achievements. Concerned when errors are made and they tend to worry because of their controlling nature. Also known as the finisher because they are most effectively used at the end of a task, to polish and scrutinize the work for errors, subjecting it to the highest standards of quality control.
Team role: often the creative generator of a team. He or she has a strong imagination and a desire to be original. Prefers to be independent and tends to approach tasks in a scientific way. As a creative individual they may play a crucial role in the way a team approaches tasks and solves problems.
Team role: generally an extrovert by nature. He or she is cheerful, gregarious. Investigative, interested and curious about things. Because they like to improvise and communicate with others, they will have little problem presenting ideas to the team and developing new contacts
Skills required to be a team player
- trust
- accountabiity
- problem solving
- cooperation/collaboration
- recognizing others
- knowledgeable
- communication skills
- coach and supporter
Team player skill: refrains from gossiping about team members, accountable, objective, reliable re: getting the job done
Team player skill: solves problems as opposed to blaming others, admits mistakes, don’t deflect away from themselves
Team player skill: provides solutions instead of creating problems; takes initiative and helps others develop solutions; ability to look at the “big picture” and see where you want to be instead of being stuck in one aspect of the process
problem solving
Team player skill: believes in consensus; regardless of personal opinions, they will support the team decision; supports decision making and increases other team members buy-in to decisions
Team player skill: shares the glory at work; actively supports others; congratulates a f fellow team member who has successfully implemented a process; thanks team members for their help; encourages them to speak up with suggestions and ideas
recognizing others
Team player skill: shares knowledge and expertise with others in a proactive manner; takes an active role in being a continuous learner; searches new ways or methods to do things that increase quality control assurance and job satisfaction
Team player skill: good listener, active listener, takes time to support and share idea
communication skills
Team player skill: motivator; encourages others to do the best they can; tells coworkers what a great job they are doing; offers help when a coworker is getting behind or learning a new skill
coach and supporter
4 advantages of teamwork
- synergy
- commitment
- job satisfaction
- acceptance
Teamwork advantage: creates enthusiasm and motivation and is an element of cooperation within a team that provides the catalyst or energy to come up with far better outcomes than one single individual working alone and in isolation
Teamwork advantage: teams create motivation and excitement. Teams can create and enable positive working relationships.
Teamwork advantage: one of the essential attributes that a team holds is its _____ to an end product or goal.
T or F. Commitment is shared by all members because there is team pride and the satisfaction of completing a job to the best of the team’s ability. It is essential because without commitment to a goal the team would soon fall apart.
Teamwork advantage: people like to be recognized for a job well done. Teams provide that opportunity to contribute and to succeed. Everyone has a place on a team, and their skills and knowledge contribute to that team’s success. Teams allow the matching of personal skills to tasks and capitalizing on dividing the work and doubling the output.
job satisfaction
Teamwork advantage: as a team we are working together, striving to make a product or deliver a service that all members can be proud of. This is key when we look at the benefits of team members leading by example, as well as shared ownership of accountabilities.
Teamwork disadvantage: individuals may struggle with a loss of personal ____ when on a team.
Teamwork disadvantage: some individuals are only comfortable if they are the center of attention and have great difficulty sharing praise and recognition
Teamwork disadvantage: Members of a team need to come to terms with the relevancy of their contributions to the greater team and the realization that teams utilize individual strengths to excel.
4 teamwork disadvantages
- identity
- team dynamics
- team roles change
- interpersonal conflict
Teamwork disadvantage: teams are constantly changing and growing – this change and growth can sometimes lead to conflict when individuals have difficulty dealing with the changing team
team dynamics
Teamwork disadvantage: members can feel disillusioned, angry and even frustrated with the team process. Individuals sometimes have difficulty working within guidelines that provide a standard of conduct and are goal orientated.
team dynamics
Teamwork disadvantage: depending on what the task is team leader/member roles may change to match the dynamics or required outcomes of the team.
team roles change
Teamwork disadvantage: flexibility is one of the opportunities that teams provide to members, but for some this can be seen as a threat
team roles change
Teamwork disadvantage: often individuals cannot work well with others who have differing points-of-view.
interpersonal conflict
Teamwork disadvantage: sometimes individuals feel that it has to be their-way-or-the-highway; to be an effective team member, people have to allow others the opportunity to explain their viewpoint and to listen to constructive feedback with optimism, as opposed to believing that feedback from others is a personal attack.
interpersonal conflict
Teamwork based on the model of interprofessional collaboration provides the following benefits
- reduces medical errors
- improves the quality of care
- addresses work-load issues
- builds cohesion
- reduces stress and ‘burn-out’
- increases patient safety
- reduces staff shortages
- improves job satisfaction
- improves patient satisfaction
- reduces patient morbidity
Expands on the membership of the team in that it requires an extensive interaction among healthcare providers, patients, their families and caregivers
collaborative care
Builds on the concept of shared decision-making