S2 - Electricity (complete) Flashcards
This deck covers the Electricity topic covered in S2 Science. Electricity is a Physics topic.
Static electricity
Build-up of stationary electric charges
(stationary = not moving)
Applications of static electricity
Photocopiers, laser printers, electrostatic spraying
Electric charge
Something which produces electric forces; can be positive or negative
Opposite charges _______.
(positive and negative)
Like charges _______.
(e.g. positive and positive)
Subatomic particle with a positive charge

Subatomic particle with a negative charge

Symbol for wire

Symbol for a cell

Symbol for a battery

Symbol for a power supply

Symbol for a switch

Symbol for a bulb

Symbol for an ammeter

Symbol for a voltmeter

Symbol for a resistor

Symbol for a fuse

Current electricity
Flow of moving charges
Material which can conduct electricity
Material which cannot conduct electricity
Examples of conductors
Metals, graphite
Examples of insulators
(e.g. glass, rubber, wood, etc.)
Voltage source
Provides energy to charges to make them move, e.g. cell or battery
Continuous path of conductor from one end of a voltage source to the other
Energy given to the current by a cell/battery
Volts (V)
Units for voltage
Used to measure voltage
Number of charges passing by in one second
Amps (A)
Units for current
Used to measure current
Series circuit
Circuit with only one path for the current to follow

Parallel circuit
Circuit with more than one path for the current to follow

What is the rule for current in a series circuit?
Is = I1 = I2 = …
Current through each component, e.g. bulbs, is equal to current through supply.
What is the reading on A1?

3 A
(series circuit = all current readings will be the same)
What is the rule for voltage in a series circuit?
Vs = V1 + V2 + …
Voltage across each component, e.g. bulbs, adds up to to voltage across supply.
What is the reading on V1?

6 V
(series circuit = voltage across components adds up to voltage across supply , 9V)
What is the rule for voltage in a parallel circuit?
Vs = V1 = V2 = …
Voltage across each component, e.g. bulbs, equal to voltage across supply.
What is the reading on V?

6 V
(Parallel circuit = voltage the same at all points)
What is the rule for current in a parallel circuit?
Is = I1 + I2 + …
Current through each component, e.g. bulbs, adds up to to current through supply.
What is the reading on A1?

2 A
(Parallel circuit = current through componenets adds up to current through supply, 5 A)
Which pair of metals gives the highest voltage when used to make a lemon battery?
zinc iron copper lead
Zinc and copper