runover of research methods Flashcards
other then IV, all other extranous varibales are held constant
so any thing manipulationg DV is the UV
randomlly allockating particpants to different conditions if IV
all participants have exact same experince
have standardised procedure and standardisted instructions
lab experiment
done in lab setting
where there is high control over varibales
can establish cause and effect
lacks ecological validity
demand charctersrics
field experiment
more natural enviroment
IV can still be mainpulated
ADV-high ecological validity
demand charctersitics
DIS-not replicable
natural experiment
experimenter cannot chnage is taken advantage of
adv- no demand characteristics
high ecological valisity
dis-not replicable
cannot establish cause and effect
quasi experiment
iv and DV naturally occuring
can be done in lab or field
adv-easily replicable
dis-lacks ecological vlaidity
harder to establish cause and effect
precise statemnt of why study taking place
more precise then aim
makes prediction of what will happen
testable statment of relationship between 2 variables
2 types
experimental-perdcists what will happen during experimnal method
null-states iv will have no effect on dv
2 types of experimental methods
directional (one tailed)-states diraction between vairbales
more specific
non-directional(two tailed)-does not state direction less specific
used normally wehn past research not been done or not been done very well
experimntal designs
repeated measures-lab
independent groups-field
matched pairs-quasi/natural
repeated measures
where all partcipants part of all conditions of the experiment
particpant varibale is controlled
need to use fewer particopants(less time to recruit them)
may act different as have to do at least two tasks
independent groups
particpants placed into groups
each group represents one condition of eperiment
adv-order of effects not an issue
less liekly to guess aims
dis-less economical
matched pairs design
participants matched based on same characteristics
then put into different conditions of the experiment
adv-only take part of one conditoon so order effects and demand charcetristics less of problem
dis-may be time consuming
way to reduce order of effects
have hlaf doing one condition first then other does the same second
randomly ordering trials
randomly allocated to do one condition or another
etthical guidelines
delibertly witholding info from particpants at any stage of investigation
informed consent
making aprticipants aware of aims of research, the proecuderes etc
particpant should get consent letter to sign that there ok with procedures
preotection of ps from harm
partciapnts should not be placed at any more risk then therir daily lives
should be given full debreif at end of study
privcy confidentiality
partcipants should have right to control info about themselves
risght of privay
personal details should be prottected
measuring strength and direction of relationship between 2 variable
+0.1=positive correlation
-0.1=negative correlation
no correlation=0
method of data collection
closed questions
have fixed number of repsonses
open questions
no fixed rnage of answers
respondents can asnwer the way they wish
adv of questionaires
can be distrubtueted to large groups of people
straightforward to analyse
dis of questionairs
might want to presnt themselves in psotive light so wont answer truthfully
can produce response bias-
peer review
way of checking credability of research
assessing quality and approriaptness of design
quantitive data
adv-easy to analyse and gather
dis-participants cant elaborate answers
qualtative data
subjective and reponsend can ealbaroate
adv-repsondent can elabroate
dis-subjective can be unreliable
primary data
first hand data
may be collected by questionairs or surveys
secondary data
already been published e.g reports, websites , boooks
reesrahc method where primary data from other studies is reanlsied
uses secondary research
adding up all numbers then dividing it by amount of scores
adv-most represnative
takes into account all numbers
dis-can easily be distorted by exterme values
middle value of data set
listen from smallest to biggest
adv-easy to calculate
dis-less sesnsitv ethen mean as not all scores are included
most commonly used value
adv-may be the only one that can be used
dis-may be no mode if all values are different
looks at both exterme values highest to lowest
standard deviation
sophisticated way of disperion
how far all values in data set are from mean
lower the standard deviation, closer the scores are to mean, indicsting particpants repsonded in simialr way to IV
postive scewed distribution
where data is concentrates to left of graph resulting in long tail to right
negaitve scewed distribution
where data concetrates to right of grpah resulting in long tail to left
noraml distrubtion
scewed distribtuion
non symmetrical
nominal data
data that is seperate in non numerical categories
ordinal data
data that is numberical and can be ordered in some way
interval data
where there are equal intervals on measuremnt scale
3 questions you have to ask to find critical value
tailed or non tailed
significance level
number of partcipants
d=relsitonshipn between critical value and calcualted value
critical value must be equal to or below calculated value to be significant
A03 for cogntive neuroscience
Ecological vlaidity
Machine reustionism
wekaness-lacks ecological validity
many experiments of cogntive approach based in lab
does not mimic what happens in real world
e.g memory tests do not use brain for same functions of memory in real world
remebring memory list is not relaistic
wekaness as conveys argument that cognitive approach lacks real life application adn low external velaidity
weakness-machine reductionism
computer analogy analogy ignores influence of human emotion and motivation on the cogntivt system, how this may affect our ability to process information
humanistic approach
differes from most other appraoches in psychholgy
focuses on concsipus experience rather then behaviour
on free will rather then determinism