A03 points approaches Flashcards
A03 points for origins of psychology
Lacks ecological validity
Introspection is subjective
Contribution to approaches in psychology
lacks ecolological validity
(origns of psychology)
-concentrates on objectivity and control in observations
-creates artifical situations
-may tell us little about how people act in natural enviorment
-therefore, lacks mudane realism, not gnerlaisbale to situations outside of lab setting
introspection is subjective
-watson argues wundts intrsopection technnquie is unrealiable data as subjective
-watson states only observable behaviour should be studied
-psychologicstis should as pavolv have made more contributions in psychology then wudnt as produced more relaible findings
conntribution to approaches in psychology
relaied on objective and sysytamtic methods
paved way for study of internal mental processes
cognitive approach used wundts ideas fto develop more scientifc methods of study
stregth as neuronscience has increased credbaility of pscyhology as a science
A03 points for behaviorist approach
Use of animals
A03 points for social learning theory
Demand characteristics
Lack ecological validity