risky society and employment Flashcards
what is the Fordist economy?
industrial society in the 20th century. secure, certain, clearly defined boundaries. “firest modernity”. defined work hours. fixed career ladders, mass production.
what is the Post-Fordist economy?
“risk society”, insecurities, uncertainties, loss of boundaries between work and nonwork. “second modernity”. jobs are detraditionalised and flexible.
what was the 1995 academic?
“jobs for life might be gone… but flexibility can still be a worker-friendly concept. employers have begun thinking about how to get the work done in the most cost-efficient way.”
what is the first peripheral group?
secondary labour market. numerical flexibility
what is the second peripheral group?
things that happen further into the core. eg, part-time contract, job share. you could legally give them different benefits and pay etc.
what is the core group?
they are asked to be functionally flexible, asked to do a lot of things.
whys is flexible specialisation good?
first industrial emergence of mass production. flexible technologies, multi-skilled, small firms.
what was the second industrial drive?
small firms in Italy in the 1980’s, beginning of fast fashion.
what was wrong with lower-wage jobs?
contracting out temporary part-time work, no overtime, 0-hour contract.
what was wrong with higher wage jobs?
freelancing, flexible work hours, performance-related pay and monitoring, “always-on” cultures.
what is reflexive modernisation?
process of modernization that is characteristic of risk society whereby progress is achieved through reorganization and “reform”.
what does Beck say about reflexive modernistion?
“from the perspective of employees, the risks accompanying the forms of underemployment compete with the partial freedom and sovereignty gained in being able to arrange their own lives”
what is wrong with working in the 21st century?
significant expansion with 0 hour contracts. increased massively since 2004.
what is “gig-economy”?
retail and catering dominant, no guaranteed hours contract, over half of the businesses in hotels and catering sectors, 0-hour workforce is most likely to be women and students.
who is at risk?
women and younger worker.
who isn’t at risk?
convectional professions, such as law, accountancy, medicine. they still have strong career lines.