malaria Flashcards
how many people have died due to malaria in the last 100 years?
as many people as who now live in the USA.
what causes malaria?
protozoan parasites of the genus plasmodium
how many species of plasmodium is there?
5 can produce the disease in its various forms.
what is the most dangerous forms of malaria?
plasmodium falciparum.
where is plasmodium falciparum found?
Sub-Saharah Africa.
how deadly is plasmodium vivax
less deadly but can lead complications in the Amazon and South East Asia.
what is the most common malaria?
Plasmodium vivax.
how many episodes of clinical malaria are there?
196-263 million.
how many deaths in 2017?
435,000 deaths- mostly children under 5 years old.
how many countries have malaria present?
what are the leading infectious killers?
Acute respiratory infections > AIDS > diarrhoeal diseases > TB > Malaria > measles.
what are the impacts of malaria?
malaria affects those living in poverty, having malaria causes poverty. vicious circle.
what are the health impacts of malaria?
jaundice, kidney failure, respiratory distress, anemia, pneumonia, stillbirths, coma, deaths.
what is the burden of disease?
measured as DALYs. includes deaths and impact fo disabilities and illnesses.
what is DALYs?
disability adjusted years lost.
what are the socio-economic impacts of malaria?
inability to go to school or work, needs family members to look after them, high costs of treatments. travel, time off work, medications, high costs of providing treatment, high cost of control programmes, reducing productivity , death, seasonality.
how can you control malaria?
break the parasite lige cycle. insecticide treated bed nets. drugs, indoor spray, larval source managamenet, eduation, landscape modificatins, housing imporvements, vaccines in development.
what does ITN stand for?
insecticide treated beds.
where did Malaria used to be?
Russia, France, Spain, Australia, USA
what did WHO Global Malaria Eradication Programme do?
they eradicated malaria out of many countries. 1955-1969.
how can land cahnge help malaria eradication?
marsh drainage, urbanisation, livestock increases, deforestation.
what are examples of house improvements?
windows, doors, sealed roof eaves, screens air conditioning.
how can medical and enginerring advances help?
sanitation, drug efficiency, case management, access to treatment, control method improvements.
why measure malaria?
to understand the epidemiology, clinical outcomes, control methods (testing, efficiency, demand), drugs, socioeconomic burden, inherited blood disorders.
what does CDR stand for?
centres for desease control and prevention.
how can malaria be measured?
maps, travelers, underlying population prevalence, parasite prevalence or rate, risk of infection acquisition, entomological inoculation rate, etc. number of clinical cases per year.
how do climate and seasonality affect?
tend to be geographically limited. due to variation in physical and or biological conditions.
how does climate affect malaria?
precipitation, breeding, and survival of mosquitoes, creation, and destruction of habitat. temperature- breeding and survival of parasites.
what does ITN stand for?
Insecticide-treated nets
what does IRS stand for
Indoor residual spraying
what does ACT stand for
artemisinin-based combination therapy
what was WHOs target of reducing case incidence of malaria?
reduce by 75% relative to 2000 levels
what is the absolute maximum and minimum value of proportion?
0, at 0%, and 1 at 100%
why are all images colour coded to the same scale>
to ensure the code is universal and people are not confused.