IPCC report Flashcards
what is the IPCC report?
special report on the impacts of global warming if 1.5 degrees C increase.
how do we reduce GHG’s?
geoengineering? there are 2 mitigation processes
what are the 2 mitigation pathways to reduce GHG’s?
stabilising global temperature at/below 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels
or exceed 1.5 degrees at around 2050, remain for a few decades and then return to below 1.5 by 2100
what does GHG stand for?
greenhouse gases.
what are the 4 pathways for reducing GHG’s?
P1, P2, P3, and P4- all have different levels of CO2 per year
what is P1 in the pathway to reduce GHG?
lower energy demand, while living standard rise. CO2 emissions are evenly distributed, rapid decarbonisation of energy supply. afforestation is only a CDR option. neither fossil fuels or BECCs are used. with this pathway, we have to leave fossil fuels by 2020.
what is P2 in the pathway to reducing GHG?
sustainability including energy intensity, human development, international cooperation.. low carbon technology, well managed and systems.
what is P3 in the pathway to reducing GHG?
middle of the road scenarios. historical patterns, achieved by changing ways of energy and products.
what is P4 in the pathway to reducing GHG?
business as usual. resource and energy-intensive scenario. adoption of greenhouse gas-intensive lifestyles. emission reductions are mainly achieved through technological means.
which pathway is the only one which would allow is to not go over 1.5 degrees by 2050?
what happens if the overshoot is large?
the larger and longer overshoot, the greater the reliance on practices or technologies that remove CO2 from the atmosphere, on top of reducing the sources of emissions.
whats wrong with CO2 removal techniques?
end up competing for land and water. and larger and longer overshoot, increase the risk for irreversible climate impacts.
what is charismatic mega fauras?
poster animals that are critical for changes in climate. shows how ecosystems are changing. shows awareness.
what was the guardian coverage for the IPCC report?
very high certainty facts.
how many peer-based reviewed studies did IPCC use?
what does climate relate risks to?
health, livelihood, food, water supply, economic growths.
what is the biggest difference of species in the temperature change?
coral reefs. 25% of all marine species replies on coral reefs. vulnerable to hotter and more acidic water. the rise of 1.5 degrees will lose 80% of all coral reefs.
what are the changes of no remaining artic sea ice?
summer with no remaining arctic sea ice, 10 x more likely at 2 degrees than 1.5 degrees.
what is connected to the dissapearing sea ice?
the jet stream is connected to sea ice, which causes weather systems to get stuck in place, leading to heatwaves, floods, and droughts.
how has the volume of sea ice declined?
7-% in the past 40 years.
what does IPCC conclude about 2 degrees of global warming compared to 1.5 degree world?
lead to more heat-related deaths, smaller crop yields, worse extreme weather events, slower economic growth, more people on poverty, increase in population facing water stress by up to 50%, compared to a 1.5 degree world
how has the level of global warming affect impacts with the reasons for concern systems?
5 RFC illsutrate impacts and risks of different levels of global warming for people, economies, ecosystems.
what does RFC stand for?
Reasons for Concern
what does purple represent in the RFC graphs?
very high risks of severe impacts and the presence of significant irreversibililty or the persistence of climate-related hazards, and the ability to adapt due to the nature of the hazard
what does red represent in the RFC graphs?
severe and widespread.
what deos yellow and white represent in the RFC graphs?
risks are detectable and attributable to climate change, and no impacts are detectable.
what are the 5 reasons for concern?
threatened systems, extreme weather events, global aggregate impact, larger-scale singular events.
what are the 10 natural, managened and human systems?
warm-water corals, mangroves, small scale fisheries, artic region, terrestrial ecosystem, coastal flooding, fluvial flooding, crop yields, tourism, heat-related morbidit,y and mortality.
what is the most affected natural system?
warm water corals and artic region, with large purple colours.
what is the msot affected RFC?
unique and threatened systems
what is the direct relationship between increasing temperature?
intensifying storms, elevated thermal stress, loss of tropical coral reefs.
what are the top 10 countries for all emissions?
china, united states, EU, india, russia, japan, braxil, indionesia, canada, mexico.
what are the 3 areas which all emmisions go to?
largest is energy, then agriculture and industry.
what fundamental cahnges are needed in the world to help?
transportation, agriculture, housing, infrastructure.
what does IPCC say about global CO2 emissions?
they will have to have halved by 2030, and reduce more or less by 0 by 2050. this would still not be enough.