Rickettsia, Scrub Typhus, Q fever Flashcards
Vector for rickettsia?
Arthropods: ticks, lice, mites, fleas
Organism for spotted fever and typhus?
MT - R.T
T - R.P
Symptoms of rickettsia?
Non specific!
Bloods in rickettsia and scrub typhus?
Raised transaminases
low platelets
Low or high WCC
Low Hb
Hyponatraemia - with rickettsia
Organism for spotted fever rickettsia?
R. rickettsii - USA and S America - Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
R. conorii - Mediterranean and Middle East, SE Asia - Med spotted fever
R. africae - Africa - African tick bite fever (mildest)
Key features of RMSF and organism?
R. rickettsii - most severe
Damage to microcirculation→hypovolemia→ gangrenous skin or digits
Characteristics of rash in RMSF
Rash - very common >90% but usually 2-3 days after start of fever
Starts in hands and feet and moves centrally
No inoculation eschar
Mediterranean Spotted Fever organism?
Rickettsia conorii
Painless inoculation lesion (eschar) after a bite - SINGLE - with a fever and rash in Europe, most likely diagnosis?
Rickettsia conorii - Mediterranean Spotted Fever
2nd most severe species
Organism and Vector for African tick bite fever?
Rickettsia africae
Amblyomma ticks
Presentation of Rickettsia africae?
Eschar, Multiple eschars
Macular rash
Where is African Tick bite fever most common?
Kruger National Park in South Africa.
Organism for epidemic typhus?
Rickettsia Prowazekii
How is typhus transmitted?
Lice bite and excrete faecal material
What is latent and reactivation of typhus called? Who gets it?
Recrudescent Typhus
Brill-Zinsser Disease
Advanced age
ETOH abuse
Physical Stress
Rickettsia prowazekii - Vector?
Pediculus humanus corporis
Lives in clothing of cold weather clothes
Where is typhus most prevalent?
Rwanda, Burundi
What causes murine typhus?
Rickettsia typhi
(Endemic Typhus)
Coastal regions
R.Typhi transmitted by?
Rat fleas
Rickettsia typhi symptoms?
Fever, headache, myalgias ±N/V
Rash presents late - macular, starts on trunk
No eschar no bites
Diagnosis of Rickettsia species?
Serology but only group specific not organism specific
PCR scrap base of eschar
Rx of Rickettsia - all specie?
Organism for Scrub Typhus?
Orientia tsutsugamushi
Vector for scrub typhus?
Vector: chiggers (larva of mite)
Reservoir: chiggers & rats
Presentation of scrub typhus?
Papule forms at bite site - ulcer, eschar
6-18 d after bite, fever, headache myalgia
5 d later maculopapular rash and lymphadenopathy
Where is Scrub typhus found?
S.E Asia
Has been found in Africa and S.America
When is scrub typhus most prevalent? Incubation period?
Dry season, warm months, temperate regions, rural.
Up to 21 days
Signs on examination with scrub typhys?
Rash, eschar - 50% have this!
Fever, myalgia, headache
Odd symptoms in scrub typhus?
Hearing loss in one third of patients
Conjunctiva suffusion (not lepto, because diff season)
Complications of scrub typhus?
Hepatitis* - main one!
Elevated creatinine
CNS involvement (aseptic meninigitis/encephalitis)
LP results with scrub typhus meningitis?
Raised protein
Raised WCC
Mainly Lymphocytes
Diagnosis of Scrub Typhus?
PCR - particularly with eschar
Treatment of Scrub Typhus?
If you add azithromycin, get less organ failure
What organism causes Q fever?
Coxiella burnetti
Small Gram negative coccobacillus
Transmission of Q fever?
High concentrations in placenta -> bacteria released into the air during animals giving birth -> inhaled by humans
Zoonosis – infected cattle, sheep, and goats main sources of human infection
Risks: abattoir workers, vets, farmers
Symptoms of Q fever?
Acute Clinical disease but with >2(to 6) weeks incubation period
Fever, chills, fatigue
Community-acquired pneumonia - causes cough
Chronic Q fever
Generic blood results in Q fever?
Raised ALT/AST/Bili
Raised creatinine
Most common organ affected in acute Q fever?
Pneumonia (and endocarditis)
Most organ affected in chronic Q fever?
Culture negative endocarditis
Endocarditis, aneurysm, hepatitis, osteomyelitis
Diagnosis of Q fever?
Serology (IgM screening, immunofluresence test GS)
Rx of Q fever
(Alternative quinolone)
Organism and syndrome for Rickettsia, Orientia, Coxiella?
Coxiella - Q fever.
Orientia - Scrub typhus
Rickettsia - spotted fever
Rx of endocarditis in Q fever
Long course doxy and HCQ 12-18 months
Risk factors for Q fever?
Summer months, dry seasons
Around animals
What % of acute Q fever progress to chronic?
Pericarditis, endocarditis, hepatitis
Can cause aneurysms
Osteomyelitis in children
Treatment of Coxiella in pregnancy and children?
Leads to very bad outcomes in pregnancy
Where does the chigger bite? What will you see?
Moist region
Necrotic eschar
Prevention of scrub typhus?
Doxycycline 200mg weekly