Rheum Flashcards
what hand joints are affected in osteoarthritis
carpometacarpal joint at base of thumb
x ray changes osteoarthritis
loss of joint space
subchondral cysts
subarticular sclerosis
signs of osteoarthritis on examination
crepitus on movement
enlargement of the joint
restricted ROM
herberdens nodes
bouchards nodes
squaring of base of thumb
weak grip
in osteoarthritis when do you get creptius
on movement
what is the typical pattern of bone pain in osteoarthritis
worse with movement and at the end of the day
how is osteoarthritis diagnosed
over 45 with pain worse with movement and no morning stiffness
osteoarthritis mx
conservative= weight loss, exercise, occupational therapy (walking aids etc)
medical= topical nsaids first line, then oral (plus PPI), sometimes intra articular steroids
surgical= joint replacement
how do NSAIDs cause hypertension
they block prostaglandins which are vasodilators
pain relief in osteoarthritis
paracetamol and opiates not recommended
nsaids for short term use
what antibody class is rheumatoid factor
IgM most often but can be others
rheumatoid arthritis antobodies
anti ccp
rheumatoid factor
what is felt on joint examination in rheumatoid arthritis
synovial thickening
they feel boggy
boggy joint indicates
rheumatoid arthritis
rheumatoid arthritis hand signs
z thumb
swan neck deformity
boutonniere deformity
ulnar deviation of hands and MCP
swan neck deformity
flexed DIP
hyperextended PIP
boutonnieres deformity
hyperextended DIP
flexed PIP
what spine change can occur in rheumatoid arthritis
what does this mean
atlanto-axial subluxation
patients should have an assessment before general anaesthetic and intubation as it can cause spinal cord compression
extra articular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis
pulmonary fibrosis
sjogrens syndrome
anaemia of chronic disease
carpal tunnel
eye conditions- scleritis, episcleritis, keratitis
suspected rheumatoid arthritis mx
urgent rheumatology referral (within 3 weeks)
start an nsaid and take bloods while waiting
x ray changes rheumatoid arthritis
periarticular osteopenia
bony erosions
soft tissue swelling
joint destruction
score used to measure functional ability in rheumatoid arthritis
score used to monitor disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis
mx of rheumatoid arthritis
cMARDs or dMARDs
- monotherapy
- combination therapy
- biologics
mildest dMARD for RA
safest dMARDs for pregnancy
TNF inihibitor biologic agents
methotrexate side effects
mouth ulcers
liver toxicity
bone marrow supression
sulfasalazine side effects
orange urine
reversible male infertility
bone marrow supression
leflunomide side effects
peripheral neuropathy
hydroxycholorquine side effects
renal toxicity
blue grey skin pigmentation
hair bleaching
anti tnf medications side effects
reactivation of TB
skin cancer
rituximab side effects
night sweats
psoriatic arthritis antibodies
it is seronegative
oligoarthritis number of joints