Rh and Common Antigen Frequencies Flashcards
R1 - Black
R2 - Black
R0 - Black
r - Black
R1 - White
R2 - White
R0 - White
r - White
RH haplotype uncommon in white and blacks
r’ > r” > Rz > ry
Most to least common Rh phenotype in White
R1 > r > R2 > R0
More whites are C+ (68%) than Blacks (27%)
Most to least common Rh phenotype in Black
R0 > r > R1 > R2
More blacks are c+ (98%) than whites (80%)
% of blood negative for E-c-
R1R1 or R1r’
What the most common genotypes in Whites?
R1r 35% R1R1 18-19% (c-E-) rr 15% (Nearly all Rh neg) R1R2 13% R2r 12%
What are the most common genotypes in Blacks?
Ror 23% RoRo 19% 40% E-C- R1R1 15% R1r 9% R2R0 10%
What are the two most common genotypes in Asians?
R1 and R2 = 90% of asians
What is the frequency of C antigen in Whites and Blacks?
Whites = 70% Blacks = 30%
What is the frequency of the E antigen in Whites and Blacks?
About 25% for both
What is the frequency of the c antigen in Whites and Blacks?
Whites = 80% Blacks = 98%
What % of whites and blacks are Group O?
45% of White
49% of Blacks
What % of whites and blacks are Group A?
40% of Whites
27% of Blacks
What % of whites and blacks are Group B?
10% of whites
20% of blacks
What % of whites and blacks are Group AB?
What % of whites and blacks are Rh Negative?
15% Whites
8% Blacks
What % of whites and blacks are Fya positive?
70% whites
10 % Blacks*
*70% = Fy (a-b-)
What % of whites and blacks are Fyb positive?
80% whites
23% Blacks*
*70% = Fy (a-b-)
What % of whites and blacks are Jka positive?
75% Whites
90% Blacks
What % of whites and blacks are Jkb positive?
75% Whites
50% Blacks*