Duffy Flashcards
What chromosome is FY gene located on?
Chromosome 1
Syntenic to Rh
Far enough away that Rh and Duffy are not linked
What is the gene name for FY?
Duffy antigen receptor for cytokines
What antigens are present if FY*01 is present?
Fya, Fy3, Fy5, Fy6,
What antigens are present if FY*02 is present?
Fyb, Fy3, Fy5, Fy6
What antigens are present if FYmod is present?
Fy Mod phenotype called Fyx Reduced expression of Fyb antigens Caused by SNP Occurs in White population May require adsorption/elution
What antiges are present if FY01N or FY02N is present?
FY null = no Fy antigens
Present in Blacks
What is the frequency of Fya in Japanese?
96% are Fya+
What is the frequency of Fy(a-b-) in whites and blacks?
Very rarely occurs in whites
67% of blacks are Fy(a-b-)
- also lack Fy3 and Fy5
What is the frequency of Fya in Whites and blacks?
66% of whites are positive
13% of blacks are positive
What is frequency of Fyb in Whites and Blacks?
83% of whites are positive
23% of blacks are positive
What are the characteristics of Duffy antigens?
Well developed on cord cells
Destroyed by enzymes and ZZAP (contains enzyme)
Not affected by DTT
At what gestation can Duffy antigens be detected?
As early as 6 weeks
Where are Duffy antigens found?
Found in tissues through out the body such as the brain, lung, spleen, thyroid, thymus, and kidney
What are the characteristics of anti-Fya and anti-Fyb?
Mostly IgG1 Shows dosage Anti-Fya is common in Whites - Anti-Fya is 3x more common than anti-K Causes HDFN and TRN TRX Enhanced by LISS
What is Fy3?
High freq. present when either Fya or Fyb is present
not destroyed by enzymes (located further down protein)
Anti-Fya is usually formed first, then Fy3