Review: LA Diseases Flashcards
Most common ovarian tumor of mares & Characteristics:
Granulosa Cell Tumor (+/- theca cells)
Benign, slow growing, and usually unilateral
Clinical symptoms associated with GCT/GTCT:
Behavioral changes:
Aggression, Stallion-like, markedly prolonged estrus, anestrus
Ultrasound findings and Hormonal Analysis consistent with GCT/GTCT:
1 enlarged, 1 inactive ovary
Honeycomb, solid mass, single lg cyst
Low Prog
High Test, Inhibin, & AMH
Surgical removal is curative
Less common types of ovarian tumors in mares:
Terratoma- benign
Dysgerminoma- malignant, rapid spread (SOL)
Ovarian Hematomas in mares:
Ovulation with excessive hemorrhage
May show colic signs
Often luteinize, then respond to prostaglandins
Persistent CL in mares:
failure to lyse at the end of diestrus, continued progesterone production
Responds well to prostaglandins
Hemorrhagic anovulatory follicles in mares:
3-8% of ovulations
Most lutenize & respond to PGF
If not, may spontaneously regress
Prolonged interovulatory pd
Causes of anestrus in mares:
Seasonal, Nutritional, lactation, developmental, senescense, silent heat, endometrial cups (abortion >35 days)
Urine pooling in mares:
Caused by nerve damage/age/poor conf.
Inflammation->Scarring->Reduced fertility
Uterine Lavage & Sx
Cervical/Vaginal Abnormalities of the Mare:
Cervicitis/Vaginitis (often associated with endometritis, or irritation/air)
Persistent Hymen
Lacerations/Foaling Trauma in the mare:
Cervical- evaluate in diestrus, >50% has poor prognosis for future pregnancies
Rectovaginal fistula- sx repair 6wk pp
Predisposing factors for endometritis in mares:
Age, PPID, Degenerative uterine changes, repeated foaling, poor vulvar conformation, abnormal cervix
Infectious causes of endometritis in mares:
Repro tract contamination- Inadequate seal or breeding
Bacti (the normal culprits)
Fungal (Candida albicans, Apergillus spp, Actinomyces fumigatus)
Non-infectious causes of endometritis in mares:
Post mating endometritis (delayed uterine clearance)
Irritants- Air, Urine
Tx of endometritis in mares:
Uterine Lavage, Uterine Infusion, Ecbolic Drugs (Oxytocin, Cloprostenol, PGF)
Systemic v. Intrauterine Abx
Endometrial cysts in mares:
dilated endometrial glands/lymphatic vessels
Similar appearance to early embryos
Contagious Equine Metritis
Taylorella equigenitalis
Grey vulvar discharge
not in US
Viral venereal diseases of horses:
Equine arteritis virus
Equine coital exanthema (EHV3)
Protozoal venereal disease of horses:
Trypanasoma equiperidum
Silverdollar plaques
High mortality
Natural reduction of twins occurs when?
Before 40 days;
Much more likely if both embryos fix in the same horn
When is the ideal time to manually reduce twins?
13-16 days
How can you reduce twins at 16-45 days?
Transvaginal ultrasound guided aspiration
How can you reduce twins at 60-120 days?
Cervical dislocation
How can you reduce twins at 110-130 days?
Transcutaneous ultrasound guided (injection into heart)
Common complications with twins born alive:
Difficult labor
Smaller than normal
Incomplete ossification of the carpal bones
Early neonatal death
Causative factors of vaginal prolapse in cattle:
Inherited predisposition
Poor perineal conformation
High estrogen level (relaxation of pelvic ligaments)
Inc Abdominal Pressure
Increased irritation (drying or frostbite)
Pathophysiology of pregnancy toxemia:
Twin Lamb disease
Ruminant Fetuses trap glucose
Really thin or really fat females
Females cannot consume enough food (fetus takes up space)
Vaginal prolapse is more common in sheep that are _______ in gestation and on _________ forage.
Estrogenic (like clover)
Intersex conditions in goats are associated with what signalment & genetics?
Dairy goats
associated with. the polled gene
False Pregnancy in Goats:
Dairy goats
Due to retained CL
Unknown Cause
Tx w/ prostaglandins
Failure of preputial closure
Mostly in bucks