Review Chapter 7 Flashcards
Rhetoric and Dramatism
Kenneth Burke DRAMATISM
the study of how language and other symbol systems create the rhetorical worlds in which we live.
Fisher’s Narrative Paradigm
All humans are storytellers, and a story’s form helps
communicate/ understand the reasons and values of our experiences.
Narrative Probability
Whether a story is consistent with itself.
Narrative Fidelity
Evaluates how true the individual components of the story seem to the listener/audience.
Terministic Screens (Kenneth Burke)
How our terms select, deflect, and reflect reality
Identification (Kenneth Burke)
Cooperation is achieved when a speaker and audience identify with each other.
There is some give and take by both the speaker and audience for cooperation, or identification, to be achieved
Identification is created through symbol use in three ways:
Obvious and direct (“I share these values/experiences”)
Through antithesis (“Others don’t share these” US vs. THEM)
Subtle/unnoticed (e.g., “we/us” language)
Pentad (Method)
A method of analysis that focuses the critic’s attention on the types of words used to describe “what people are doing and why they are doing it.
Burke’s Pentad (The 5)
Act: what happens what takes place
Scene: Context or background of the action
Agent: Person or persons who perform the act
Agency: Means through which action takes place
Purpose: Reason an action took place
Stories shared by groups of people
Rhetorical Vision
Results when individuals develop a common way of imagining (re: seeing) the world based on the fantasies they share.
The relationship between two pentadic terms.
Terms of Order
The stages through which tragic redemption occurs. Includes guilt, purification, and redemption. Guilt is CREATED AND REMOVED