Respiratory System Flashcards
What are the different pleural structures in the thoracic cavity?
Mediastinal parietal pleura: the serosa on the mediastinum
Pericardial pleura: part of the mediastinal pleura
Costal parietal pleura: the serosa lining the thoracic wall
Diaphragmatic parietal pleura: the serosa lining the diaphragm’s thoracic side
Is there positive or negative pressure in the pleural cavity?
negative pressure.
What structures run through the mediastinum?
Heart, thymus, esophagus, trachea, vessels, nerves.
Which species of animals do NOT have a complete mediastinum and what does that imply?
Dogs, sheep, and horses do not have a complete mediastinum, allowing free communication between the two pleural sacs.
What are the right and left nasal cavities are separated by?
Nasal septum.
Rostral conchae
Dorsal nasal conchae: extension of the ethmoid bone’s cribriform plate
Ventral nasal concha: a separate and distinct bone of the skull
Dorsal meatus
narrow passageway between the dorsal nasal conchae and the nasal bones
Middle meatus
passageway between the dorsal nasal concha and the ventral nasal concha
Ventral meatus
largest meatus located between the ventral nasal concha and the hard palate.
It leads directly into the nasopharynx.
Common meatus
narrow vertical space between the nasal septum and the conchae, from the roof to the floor of the nasal cavity.
Caudal conchae
-ethmoid conchae or ethmoturbinates
-narrow clefts = ethmoidal meatuses
-turbinate mucosa is well vascularized and warms the inhaled air
-olfactory epithelium is located in the caudal portion of each nasal cavity
-more complicated in species with an enhanced sense of smell
What bones make up the nasal cavity?
Nasal, maxillary, palatine, incisive bones make up the nasal region.
What are the boundaries of the nasopharynx?
Nasopharynx - boundaries are the caudal nares and the palatopharyngeal arch
Extends from the caudal nares to the laryngopharynx.
What are the boundaries of the oropharynx?
Oropharynx - Demarcated by the palatoglossal arches and the epiglottis.
What are the boundaries of the laryngopharynx?
Laryngopharynx - demarcated by the epiglottis and the esophageal entrance.