Respiratory Foundations 1 Flashcards
Upper Respiratory System
Nasal Cavity -> Pharynx -> Larynx
Lower Respiratory System
Trachea -> Primary Bronchi -> Smaller Bronchi -> Bronchioles -> Alveoli
Respiratory System Function
- Gas exchange
- Homeostatic regulation of body pH (CO2)
- Conditioning Inspired Air
- Protection (filtering/clearing foreign particles)
- Vocalization
pH affect Equation
H2O + CO2 = H2CO3 = H+ + HCO3-
H2CO3 = carbonic anhydrase (weak acid that dissociates)
- increased carbon dioxide leads to an increased internal acidity
External Respiration Steps
- Atmosphere to lung
- Lung to blood
- Transport of gases in blood
- blood to cells (cellular respiration occurs here)
Thoracic Cavity Pressure Gradient
expansion/contraction of the thoracic cavity creates a pressure gradient for air to move accordingly
Ventilation Muscles at rest
- External Intercostals
- Diaphragm
Forced Inspiration Muscles
- Sternocledio mastoids
- scalenes
Forced Expiration Muscles
- Internal intercostals
- abdominal muscles
Pleural Membranes
- fluid filled balloon that wraps around the lungs, sticks to the lungs and the thoracic cage
- made up of secretory epithelial cells
- Visceral = against the lung
- Parietal = against the thoracic cage
Airways Role
- filter our foregin substances
- warm air to body temperature
- add water vapour
Cartilage effect on airways
- trachia/bronchi have cartilage and are unable to change diameter
- bronchioles have no cartilage and are able to change diameter due to neural/hormonal/paracrine effects
Site of Gas exchange
ANS effect on bronchiole radius
SNS - bronchodilate
PSNS - bronchoconstrict
Ciliated Epithelium of the respiratory tract
- cilia move the mucus layer towards the pharynx, removing pathogens
- Mucus layer traps particles
- watery saline allows cilia to push towards the pharynx
- Goblet cells secrete mucus
X-Sectional Area affect on resistance
trachea has smallest x-sectional area, therefor largest resistance
bronchioles has largest x-sectional area, therefor smallest resistance
Modulation of Bronchiolar Radius: increased CO2
- paracrine response that causes broncodilation
Modulation of Bronchiolar Radius: SNS
NE & E bind to Beta2 adrenergic receptors
- increased blood to skeletal muscles
- decreased blood to GI Tract
- causes the relaxation of bronchiole smooth muscle
-Gs pathway
Modulation of Bronchiolar Radius: Histamine
paracrine response causing bronchoconstriction
Modulation of Bronchiolar Radius: PSNS
ACh binds to M3 muscarinic receptors causing the constriction of bronchiole smooth muscle
-Gq pathway
Alveoli Cell Type
secretory epithelial cells
Type 1 Alveolar Cells
- gas exchange
- 95% of SA
Type 2 Alveolar Cells
- make and secrete surfactant