CardioVascular Physiology 1 Flashcards
Myocardial Cells (Myocytes)
99% of heart cells, force producing straited musce fibres
- contain actin/myosin and xb’s
Autorhythmic (pacemaker cells
1% of heart cells which generate spontaneous, rhythemic AP’s that signal myocyte contraction
Excitation-Contraction of Cardiac Myocytes
1) AP enters from adjacent cell
2) voltage gated calcium channel opens
3) caclium entry induces calcium release through RyR channels (CICR)
4) local release causes calcium sparks
5) summed sparts generate a calcium signal
6) calcium binds to troponin to initiate contraction
Cardiac Myocytes relaxation
1) relaxation occurs when calcium unbinds
2) calcium is pumped back into the SR, or exchanged with sodium by the NCX antiporter
take blood away from heart
take blood back to the heart
Portal Circulation
blood transfer from one capillary bed to another capillary bed
fluid filled sac of strong connective tissue that wraps around the heart
Cardiac Vs Skeletal Muscle Fibre
Cardiac Muscle Fibers are:
1. smaller with 1-2 nuclei per fibre
2. irregular branching cells connected by intercalated disks
3. larger T-tubules
4. smaller SR
5. mitochondria occupy 1/3 of the volume
Desmosomes function
physical coupling allowing force to be transferred
Gap junctions Function
electrical coupling
Pulmonary Circulation
blood movement between heart and lungs
- right ventricle
Systemic Circulation
blood movement between heart and rest of the body
- left ventricle