Respiratory diseases Flashcards
What organs are included in the upper respiratory system?`
Eyes, mouth, nose, oro,naso, laryngopharynx, larynx, trachea
What organs are included in the lower respiratory system?
Bronchi, primary bronchi, bronchioles, lungs
What is the mode of transmission for the respiratory system?
Inhalation through mouth or nose, or pathogenic contact w/ mucous membranes in the eyes and ears.
Who is Rebecca Lancefield and what did she do?
She discovered the M protein in Strep. pyogenes and demonstrated that streptococci can be classified by cell wall carbohydrates
Name a few diseases or infections that are specific to the lower and upper respiratory tract respectively.
Upper: Common colds, flu
Lower: Pneumonia, TB
What bacteria are the main culperates in respiratory infections?
What are some of the functions of the respiratory System?
Gas exchange, produce sound, odor detection
Infections in what portion of the respiratory system are usually serious or lethal?
Lower respiratory system infections are more fatal as they can damage respiratory tissue.
What is the proper name for Pink-Eye and what microbe causes it?
Conjunctivitis and it is caused by haemophilus influenzae and/or Strep. pneumoniae.
Causes inflammation, pus formation, eyelid swelling, amd redness
Otitis Media is what in layman’s terms and is caused by what bacteria?
Severe earache that is also caused by either haemophilus influenzae or Strep. pneumoniae
Causes severe pain in the ear canal sometimes enough to cause emesis
What are the 3 types of Pneumonia and the two ways they can be acquired?
Pneumonia can be viral, bacterial, and fungal. Can be acquired from pers
What is difference between Strep Groups A, B, D?
What is strep throat and its symptoms?
Strep throat is an inflammation of the throat that causes fever diff. swallowing pus formation and petechiae.
Its caused by a Group A strep: Strep pyogenes.
Infects humans only via respiratory droplets or contaminated food.
Also called whooping cough and is prevented by vaccination. Has 3 stages: Catarrhal (inflammation of mucous membrane), Paroxysmal (Repeated/sudden attacks), and Convalescent (recovery)
Caused by Bordetella pertussis that is inhaled and has 3 exotoxins
Sensitive to sunlight
Path: Increased mucus production and decreased ciliary movement. Collapsed bronchioles. Secondary infection of pneumonia is usually fatal.
Strep Agalactiae
What group are flesh eating bacteria grouped into?
Group A