Respiration Lecture Notes Flashcards
Gas Exchange
Cellular Respiration
Uptake of O2 (to mitochondria)
Used as final electron acceptor in electron transport system (chain)
CO2 is produced when you break down pyruvate into acetyl groups
1. Produced as waste in cellular respiration
Bulk Flow
Long distance within a medium
Short distance within medium
Movement of fluid (air) between environments and respiratory exchange surfaces in the lung
Ex: Bulk flow of O2 and CO2
Lines the respiratory system and pockets out
Common to both respiratory (air) and digestive (food) systems;
Between the internal nares and glottis
Hypopharyngeal Sphincter
Closes off esophagus when you breath in so air does not go down;
Swallowing relaxes sphincter
Swallowing Reflex
Larynx moves up and closes epiglottis;
Raising larynx seals glottis against epiglottis and relaxes sphincter
Opening to the windpipe
T or F, Bronchioles can be adjusted by smooth muscles
Little sacs which hold the air;
Walls of the aveoli → where gas is exchanged
What is a lung?
Everything downstream of the trachea; The lung = all the branches; EX: bronchi, etc. Large surface area for exchange; We have two lungs
Lines the respiratory system and pockets out
Common to both respiratory (air) and digestive (food) systems;
Between the internal nares and glottis
Hypopharyngeal Sphincter
Closes off esophagus when you breath in so air does not go down;
Swallowing relaxes sphincter
Swallowing Reflex
Larynx moves up and closes epiglottis;
Raising larynx seals glottis against epiglottis and relaxes sphincter
Opening to the windpipe
T or F, Bronchioles can be adjusted by smooth muscles
Little sacs which hold the air;
Walls of the aveoli → where gas is exchanged
What is a lung?
Everything downstream of the trachea; The lung = all the branches; EX: bronchi, etc. Large surface area for exchange; We have two lungs
Rate of Ventilation
The faster you take away O2 in the pulmonary blood, the faster you need to ventilate (especially during exercise when blood flow increases)
Change in Pressure / Resistance
Why is it easy to pump a gas?
Viscosity is lower than a liquid;
Less resistance of the system;
Less resistance than the cardiovascular system;
Can get away with a low difference in pressure
What happens when we inhale?
Stretch aveolis from the outside and increase pressure on the inside;
Decrease the aveolar pressure below the atria pressure;
Moves rib cage out and diaphragm drops down;
Expand thoracic cavity, expand rib cage via external intercostal muscles;
Stretches parietal pleura
What happens when we exhale?
Increase aveolar pressure above atria pressure;
Passive Expiration – stop contracting external intercostal and diaphragm
Active Exhalation – contract intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles push abdominal visceral upwards against the diaphragm
What happens to the parietal and visceral pleurae during inspiration?
Parietal stretches out during inspiration;
Visceral moves outward during inspiration
Resting Tidal Volume
Volume of air moved out each breath (when resting)
Inspiratory Reserve Volume
Maximum amount inhaled over resting inhalation
Expiratory Reserve Volume
Maximum volume of air exhaled over passive exhalation
Residual Volume
Volume of air that cannot be exhaled (left over after max exhalation)
Total Lung Capacity
Maximum amount of air you can put in your lung;
Vital Capacity
Maximum volume you can move in and out of your lungs;
Inspiratory Capacity
Max amount of air you can inhale after a normal/passive expiration;
Functional Residual Capacity
Volume of air remaining in lung after normal passive exhalation;
Minute Volume
Vm (ml/min) Volume/Time
Vm = Vt X BR
mL air / min = (ml air/breath) x (breath/min)
Cardiac Output
CO = SV x HR
What happens if yo have poor ventilation?
CO2 concentration remains high;
Dilation of bronchioles to make for better ventilation;
Causes vasoconstriction of the arterioles;
With long term abuse, the alveoli can get encapsulated and it will no longer take part in respiration
T or F, does most of the air we breath reach the alveoli?
False, most the air we breath in does not reach the alveoli;
Most air particles settle on the lining of the respiratory tract (bronchi, trachea, etc.);
We secrete mucus from bronchioles to bronchi to trachea to pharynx where it is swallowed; air particles get trapped in the mucus to keep alveoli clean
Composition of air
O2 = 21% N2 = 78% CO2 = .03% Argon = 1%
Why is it hard to breath up on Mt Everest?
The composition of air can determine partial presure; pO2 = (.21)(760) = 159 mmHg
partial pressure on everest is;
pO2 = (.21)(234) = 44 mmHg; it is harder to breathe because there are fewer oxygen molecules per liter of air, there is a smaller driving force
T or F, Tidal volume must exceed dead space volume in order to maintain high O2 concentration in alveoli
4 globulin proteins; 1 heme in each; O2 has affinity to iron in heme
O2 content of blood is lower than it should be;
too little iron, too little hemoglobin, too few RBC
Bohr Shift
Hemoglobin affinity for oxygen (how easily it attaches to heme) is a function of shape and proportion of globins;
Change pH of blood, add acid, shift curve to the right;
More CO2 added = more acidic, lower pH, shift right
Normal pO2 at rest is 40 when blood leaves system; exercise lowers pO2
T or F, Fetal hemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen?
This allows the fetus to extract oxygen easily from maternal blood when the two come close in proximity in the placenta
By havening a higher affinity, it will take oxygen when the two bloods come in close contact
Why do fetal hemoglobins have a higher affinity for oxygen?
Fetal globs cant bind to 2,3 DPT (diphosphoglyceride), like adult ones do, which is why they have a higher affinity
Has 1 globin and 1 heme Located in muscle cells Higher oxygen affinity than hemoglobin 100% saturated O2 stored in muscle tissue Enhances O2 diffusion
How does myoglobin enhance O2 diffusion?
If you have myoglobin in the muscle cell, oxygen diffuses faster
Over time, after endurance exercise, myoglobin builds up in the muscles cells
How does the concentration of CO2 (acidity) regulate ventilation?
Your body uses CO2 levels, which causes a change in acidity
As you exercise, CO2 levels build up in the blood→ becomes more acidic→ these levels are picked up→ ventilation is regulated to decrease levels
What happens when you hyperventilate too much?
You get rid of CO2 faster than you are making it
As a consequence, your blood becomes less acidic (more basic) than it should be
CO2 levels need to build up to what they should be after
Causes APNEA (no breath, no breathing) to build up levels of CO2 after losing too much
Hyperventilation leads to apnea
If you hyperventilate in a paper bag, apnea does not occur because you inhale CO2 rich gases from the bag, you will not become alkaline, therefore, CO2 levels do not need to be built up
T or F, does the extraction of O2 from air (into the pulmonary blood) have to match the extraction of O2 from systemic blood (into cells)
T; when you exercise everything happens at a higher rate
Aerobic Metabolism
Can measure metabolism by heat production
Oxygen Consumption
VO2, the amount of O2 extracted from systemic blood by cells per minute
VO2 = (CO) x (Conc O2 in the arterioles - Conc of O2 in venous blood)
Flow of blood
Cardiac Output
Amount of O2 extracted per mL
(O2 concentration of arteriole blood - O2 concentration of venous blood)
VO2 consumed
(CO)(Concentration of O2 in the arterioles - O2 concentration of blood in venous blood); or
(Minute Volume)(Amount of Oxygen extracted per mL of air);
(Minute Volume = Tidal Vol)(BR)(CO2 inhaled - CO2 exhaled)