Post Test 2 Notes Flashcards
The corpus luteum causes the secretion of which 2 sex steroids?
an erection is caused by
a change in blood flow
What causes ovulation?
A spike in estrogen
uterine wall becomes thicker
perfect time to implant an egg
outer portion of the kidney
renal cortex
How do birth control pills work?
Gives estrogen and progesterone without LH therefore woman cannot ovulate
Sexual excitement (in males) leads to:
- decrease SYMPATHETIC
- dilation of arterioles
- increase blood flow
- increase SYMPATHETIC
- increase HR and CO
movement of sperm from epididymis to ejaculatory duct and secretion from seminal vesicles and prostate (caused by sympathetic input to smooth muscles)
how does the kidney filter out blood?
solutes leave the base of the medulla as URINE and is drained into the RENAL PELVIS
renal medulla
inner portion of the kidney
What are pregnancy tests testing for?
Chorionic Gonadotrophin
Moving sperm through the urethra out of the body
comination of parasymathetic and sympathetic input
follows emission
Fetal hormone only present in mother when she is pregnant
Acts like LH
Chorionic Gonadotrophin
4 embryonic membranes
- amnion
- chorion
- allantois
- yolk sac
inner portion of the kidney
renal medulla
Renal Development
Kidney structures develop frm back to front
1st structure: pronephros
2nd structure: Mesonephros tubules
Estrogen and Progesterone cause
shut down LH production
atrophy of corpus luteum
Moving sperm through the urethra out of the body
comination of parasymathetic and sympathetic input
follows emission
movement of sperm from epididymis to ejaculatory duct and secretion from seminal vesicles and prostate (caused by sympathetic input to smooth muscles)
Stimulates follicles to grow
increases recepors of LH
Sympathetic activity to bulbourethral gland
renal cortex
outer portion of the kidney
Sympathetic activity to bulbourethral gland
What happens when a woman gets pregnant?
Secondary oocyte comes into contact with sperm
uterine lining is maintained by:
high estrogen and progesterone levels
chorionic gonadotrophin is released from placenta in order to maintain corpus luteum
Where is urine collected
where everything is drained into
renal pelvis
Path of urine through the kidney
nephron –> glomerulus–> bowman’s capsule–> proximal convoluted tubule –> loop of henle–> distal convoluted tubule–> collecting duct–> major calyx–> minor calyx–> renal pelvis–> ureter–> bladder–> urethra–> urethral orifice
2 types of nephrons
Cortical nephron and juxta medullary nephron
bowman’s capsule
after glomerulus and before proximal convoluted tubule
has two layers
surrounds glomerulus
Cortical nephrons
has short loops of henle
85% of nephrons in kidney
located in cortex of kidney
Junta medullary nephron
Served by the efferent and afferent arerioles
what is the cause of blood movement through bowman’s capsule?
pressure changes
what is the flomerular filtration rate
115-125 ml fluid/min
job of proximal tubule
reabsorb fluids
65% of fluids that enter the proximal tubule are reabsorbed
fluids that leave the promixal tubule has a different conentration than when they entered
diabetes mellitus
too high of blood glucose
transporters are overwhelmed in the distal tubule which leads to glucose going through the distal tubule into urine
Job of the distal tubule
regulate salt content
does not change the concentration of fluid
Function of the loop of henle
set up concentration gradient in the intersitial fluid inthe medulla
increase the concentration going down and decrease the concentration going up
the filtrate is less concentrated when it leaves compared to what enters
What happens if you drink 800 ml of water
you will want impermeable walls of the collecting duct (water will not be reabsorbed, dilute urine will be excreted)
How is the permeability of the collecting duct changed?
Hormones from the posterior pituitary
causes you to retain water
makes collecting duct permeable to water
decrease osmo conc–> means you have lost water, inhibits ADH
increase osmo conc–> stimulate ADH
causes an uptake of sodium and water in order to maintain blood volume
Macula Densa Cells
sensitive to sodium concentration in the filtrate
inhibit grandular cells from secreting renin
the fusion of two games
the fusion of two gametes
creations of sperm
maturation of sperm (meiosis 1 to meisois 2) spermatocytes–> spermatids
where is sperm stored
this gland produced alkaline fluid to combat acidit of the femal vagina
prostate gland
this gland lubrcates the urethra prior to ejaculation
bulbourethral gland
process of ejaculation
- semen moves down stream via contractions
- shaft of penis becomes engored with blood
- must occur at the right temperature
creanactor muscles
muscles that attach to tissues, when the muscles contract, the testes become closer to the abdomen
if a male has a hernia it is this type
where sperm is stored
seminiferous tubules
long tube that runs from the oary to the uterus
fallopian tube
surround ovary, but do not touch them
both of these hormones are from the pituitary gland
FSH and LH
Luteal Phase
uterine forms pits perfect for implantation
ovarian tissue surrounding germ-line cells
acts on the intersitial cells to cause stimulation
causes the stimulation of the sex steroid
acts on the nearby cells in the testesresponsible for maintaining and forming the corpus luteum
2 phases of the ovarian cycle
follicular phase-14 days
luteal phase-14 days
what separates the two ovarian phases?
medial eminence
give off hormones into the blood
gonadotrophin releasing hormone
comes off the hypothalamus and travels through the portal vein to the anterior pituitary and causes them to release hormones
produced by the nurse cells when testosterone is too high *inhibits the hypothalamus
inhibits FSH production
causes proliferation of the uterus
makes the uterine wall thicker
makes it a perfect place for implantation
Renal Development
Pronephron–> pronephric duct–> mesonephros tubules–> mesonephric duct
surrounds developing embry
filled with fluid
maintains shape of embry
shock absorber
what is the name of the structure that breaks when a womans water breaks?
amnionic sac
along with allantois, forms the placenta
out pocket of the gut tube
helps form the placenta
yolk sac
humans have very small yolk sacs because fetus gets most of its nourishment from the mother’s blood
klinefelters syndrome
genetically female with masuline features
results from nondisjunction
downs syndrome
more common with older mothers
result of non disjunction
non disjunction
abnormal segregation of chromosomes during meiosis
Tuner’s Syndrome
female characeristics
Brain matures and sends different levels of releasing hormones (release gonadotrophins)
girls being oogenesis
Sending oocyte with zone pellucida and coronaradiata surrounding it
if the secondary oocyte is not fertilized, it atrophies
process of sperm gaining the ability to fertilize the secondary oocyte
contains digestive enzymes
head of the sperm
Acrosome reaction
when the head of the sperm opens up and releases digestive enzymes when the sperm meets corona radiation
Cortical Reaction
When sperm meets ooxyte membrane
release of corticalgrangules are triggered
Ectopic pregnancy
implantation that does not occur in the uterus
most common place for an ectopic pregnancy to occur
fallopian tube
3 embrylogical tissues
Surrounds the yolk sac
the endoderm forms the
gut tube
embryonic stage
0-9 weeks
when most of the differentiation occurs
fetal stage
9 weeks-birth
when most of the growing occurs
chorionic gonadotrophin
allows mother to maintain corus luteum
like LH
Chorionic somatotrophin
Placental lactogen
growth hormone
How do chronic somatotrophin/placental lactogen effect the mother?
Reduce glucose uptake (more glucose in blood available for the fetus)
(this is why some women become diabetic during pregnancy)
Sitmulates lipolysis (higher fat content in blood for baby)
Chronic Thryotrophin
acts on mother’s thyroid gland
Parathyroid hormone
if calcium levels get too low, this hormone breaks down the mother’s bones to provide the baby with calcium
stimulated by the corpus luteum
relaxes the femal structures
softens cerix and makes opening bigger
breaks down connective tissue of cervix and pubic symphasis
Estrogen’s effect on the uterus
increases the number of gap junctions between myometria cells
allows it to act like a single uit
increases the number of receptors to oxytocin in the myometrium
stimulates contractions
from posterior pituitary glad
produced by the baby towards the end of development
leaks into amniotic fluid
Corticotrophin releasing hormone
released by the placenta
stimulates anterior pituitary gland to secrete adrenal corititrophic hormone
Adrenalcoticotrophic hormone
causes adrenal gland to produce a variety of molecules such as cortisal and DHEA