Hematology Lab Part 1 Flashcards
Functions of Blood
Provides a medium for the maintenance of homeostasis in the cell’s environment Functions as a transportation system, bringing nutrients and oxygen to the cells and removing wastes and carbon dioxide from interstitial fluid around the cells Integrates various organs through hormones Provide buffers for acid-base balance Destroys foreign organisms through phagocytosis and antibody action Provide distribution of body heat & heat conservation Prevent its own loss through hemostasis (coagulation) mechanisms
The percent volume of whole blood that is occupied by red blood cells
Determined by comparing the height of the red cell in the centrifuged tube to the height of the total column of blood
Blood Hematocrit
Normal values of male Hematocrit values and range
Average = 46% Range = 43 - 49%
Average = 46% Range = 43 - 49%
Males Hematocrit Levels
Average = 41% Range = 36 - 45%
Females Hematocrit Levels
Severe Anemia
Hematocrit may fall to as low as 15%
Hematocrit may fall to as low as 15%
Severe Anemia
Normal Values of Females Hematocrit & Range
Average = 41% Range = 36 - 45%
The percent volume of whole blood that is occupied by red blood cells
Hematocrit may rise to as high as 70%
Hematocrit rises to as high as 70%
Calculating Hematocrit
Hct (%) = height of red cells (mm) / height of red cells and plasma (mm) x 100
Amount of O2 which blood can carry is closely related to
Concentration of hemoglobin
Each gram of hemoglobin when completely saturated is capable of carrying
1.34 ml of oxygen
34% of the red blood cell by weight is
Hemoglobin; it is essentially a bag of hemoglobin
Average = 15.4 g/100 ml blood Range = 13.6 to 17.2
Average concentration/Range of Hemoglobin in Males
Average: 13.3 g/100 ml blood Range: 11.5 to 15.0
Average concentration/Range of Hemoglobin in Females
Less than 10g/100ml of blood
Less than 10g/100ml of blood
Calculation of Total Maximum Oxygen Carrying Capacity
Total blood Hb (g) = blood volume (ml of blood) X hemoglobin concentration (g Hb/ml of blood) Total oxygen carrying capacity = (total g Hb) X (1.34 ml O2/g Hb)
Each gram of hemoglobin is capable of carrying
1.34 ml of oxygen when completely saturated
Strenuous exercise, rheumatic fever, severe burns
Neutrophilic Leukocytosis
Blood Volume for Females
65 ml blood per kilogram body weight +/- 10% (1 kg = 2.2 lbs)
Differential white blood cell count
The percentage of each type of white cell in the total leukocyte population is calculated
Average concentration/range of hemoglobin in Males
Average = 15.4 g/100 ml blood Range = 13.6 to 17.2
Neutrophilic Leukopenia
Protozoan infections, malnutrition, aplastic anemia
Neutrophilic Leukocytosis
Strenuous exercise, rheumatic fever, severe burns
Scarlet fever, parasitic infections, allergic reactions
Average concentration/Range of Hemoglobin in Females
Average: 13.3 g/100 ml blood Range: 11.5 to 15.0
Protozoan infections, malnutrition, aplastic anemia
Neutrophilic Leukopenia
Mumps, German measles, whooping cough
Blood volume for Males
79 ml blood per kilogram body +/- 10%
Mumps, German measles, whooping cough
Scarlet fever, parasitic infections, allergic reactions
Chronic diseases, such as tuberculosis & leukemia
Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils
Chronic diseases, such as tuberculosis & leukemia
Administration of glucocorticoid drugs
Administration of glucocorticoid drugs
2-4% of total WBC 13 microns diameter Bilobed nucleus Coarse red-orange cytoplasmic granules, blue-purple nucleus
Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils
65% of total WBC 10-12 microns diameter Multi-lobed (3 or more) nucleus Small pink cytoplasmic granules, purple nucleus
Small Lymphocytes
20-25% of total WBC 7 microns diameter Very large, spherical nucleus surrounded by a thin cytoplasm Light blue cytoplasm (nongranular), deep blue or purple nucleus
65% of total WBC 10-12 microns diameter Multi-lobed (3 or more) nucleus Small pink cytoplasmic granules, purple nucleus
2-4% of total WBC 13 microns diameter Bilobed nucleus Coarse red-orange cytoplasmic granules, blue-purple nucleus
0.5% of total WBC 14 microns diameter Bilobed nucleus Black nucleus is usually completely obscured by large, deep-blue or reddish-purple cytoplasmic granules
0.5% of total WBC 14 microns diameter Bilobed nucleus Black nucleus is usually completely obscured by large, deep-blue or reddish-purple cytoplasmic granules
Agranulocytes (Mononuclear Leukocytes)
Small Lymphocytes Large Lymphocytes Monocytes
20-25% of total WBC 7 microns diameter Very large, spherical nucleus surrounded by a thin cytoplasm Light blue cytoplasm (nongranular), deep blue or purple nucleus
Small Lymphocytes
Another name for Granulocytes
Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes
Large Lymphocytes
3% of total WBC 10 microns diameter Large oval, indented nucleus Light blue cytoplasm (nongranular), dark purple nucleus
Another name for a RBC
3-7% of total WBC 15 microns diameter Large, deeply indented nucleus (horseshoe-shaped) Light blue-gray cytoplasm (nongranular), blue or purple nucleus
3-7% of total WBC 15 microns diameter Large, deeply indented nucleus (horseshoe-shaped) Light blue-gray cytoplasm (nongranular), blue or purple nucleus
Normally, each 100 mL of blood will contain approximately:
15 grams of hemoglobin, which is distributed among the 500 billion red cells in each 100 mL of whole blood
Another name for red blood cell
3% of total WBC 10 microns diameter Large oval, indented nucleus Light blue cytoplasm (nongranular), dark purple nucleus
Large Lymphocytes
In our lab we measured our hemoglobin concentration in
% = g Hb/100 ml of blood
Major difficulties seldom develop until
level of 7.5g/100ml of blood is reached
A rat has approximately how much blood per kilogram?
70 ml blood per kilogram body weight
average leukocyte count
7,500/mm^3 average
Another name for Agranulocytes
Mononuclear Leukocytes
Function of Heparin
inhibits coagulation