Resp 1.2 Flashcards
Circulation bronchique function?
Fonction nutritive: oxygénation des structure pulmonaires jusqu’aux bronches terminales
a patient is bleeding from his mouth and having trouble breathing, what could this be related to and solution
lungs, specifically bronchial arteries. we can catherize one of the bronchial arteries AND NOT Pulmonary!
what is special about the veines bronchiques?
2/3rds of the bronchique blood will go into the pulmonary vein circulaition (which contains oxygenated blood) the rest goes to superior vena cava to go to the heart
Pression capillaire pulmonaire bloquée
catheter de Swan Ganz, cathéter est poussé via une veine périphérique
et le cœur droit dans une petite branche de l’artère pulmonaire.pression pulmonaire « wedge » ou pression capillaire pulmonaire bloquée reflètela pression dans l’oreillette gauche
pulmonary artery pressure
= 15 mmHg
hypertension arteriel pulmonaire =
when the tension arteriel pulmonaire moyenne is larger than 20mmHg
true or false, sytemic blood pressure is lower than the pulmonary circulation
FALSE, systemic blood pressure is about 100mmHg vs 10mmHg in pulmonary
What is the importance of RÉSISTANCE dans la circulation pulmonaire?
it is there to protect the alveoli from being filled with blood. Lorsque le débit cardiaque augmente de 5 à 25 litres/minute durant un exercice violent, la résistance doit diminuer dans la circulation pulmonaire.
What is vasoconstriction
hypoxique? effect of a decreased PO2 alveolar on pulmonary circulation
vasoconstriction hypoxique: block in an alveoli reducing gas exchange capacities leads to a vascoconstriction of local capillaries in order for more blood to prefuse in healthy alveoli
Some of the affected capillaries will constrict to allow for more efficent gas exhange in the unnafected ones!!! The opposite is also true, more PAO2 -> a vasodilation of the capillaries
Vasoconstriction hypoxique généralisée
during a general hypoxia touching most alveoli or an overall reduction in PO2 -> vasoconstriction de la circulation pulmonaire totalle. This can lead to many issues so must administer oxygen to patients
what does it mean for an alveoli to be perfused or ventilated?
Ventilation is the process of moving air in and out of the alveoli, and perfusion is the process of delivering blood to the alveolar capillaries.
Effets shunt vs espace mort
when an alveoli is gettin oxgygen (ventilated) but not perfused -> espace mort
when an alveoli is not getting oxygen but still perfusing -> effet shunt
normal est 0.8.
because of gravity, the alveolar ventilation is not homogeneous from the base to the top of the lung. Especially when standing up!!
Ta ventilation alvéolaire et la circulation capillaire pulmonaire sont toutes les deux plus grandes aux bases pulmonaires qu’aux sommets des poumons.
Finally this can be divides into 3 zoness de West
oxygen in blood bound vs free
most of oxygen is bound to hemogloblin (98%) only 1.5% is free in blood. This is what generated the pressure in oxygen
what is pouvoir oxyphorique du sang
La capacité maximale de fixation de l’O2 par hemogloblin
what is saturation en O2
amount of oxygen that is bound to hemogloblin
what is effet de Bohr
the reduction of hemoglobling affinity for Oxygen when there is an increase of CO2 levels or a decrease in pH -> this allows hemogloblin to give more blood to cells and thus reduce acidity. this is closely related to PO2
what would hemogloblin saturation be in someone hiking to a high altitude?
he will have a lower hemogloblin saturation which allows him to feed his tissues mroe efficently
true or false, the courbe of the dissociation de l’oxyhémoglobine does not vary
FALSE, it changes based on pCO2, pH, temerature and glycolysis levels ([2,3 DPG]). See page 81. For example, in a muscle cell because of working out that has increased pCO2, lowered pH, increased temerature and increased glycolysis, the curve shifts to make it easier to give oxygen and vice versa. THis is not directly related to PO2
how is CO2 transported
also two forms. dissolved or combined. In combined in can be sous forme de ions bicarbonates or carbamino-hemogloblin (connected to hemogloblin HbCO2)
what is carbamino-hemoglobline
Co2 that is combined to hemobloblin HbCO2
Effet Haldane
La présence d’Hb réduite (non combinée à l’oxygène) dans le sang périphérique favorise la captation de CO2 alors que l’oxygénation qui se produit dans le capillaire pulmonaire favorise sa libération. This facilitates the removal of Co2 from tissues via Hb in scarce O2 times
hemogloblin reduit
hemogloblin that is not combined to oxygen avorise la captation de CO2