Blood Stuff 1.1 Flashcards
Hemostase vs Coagulation
Coagulation is one of the steps of hemostasis
Hemostasis involves all the parts (5 steps) involved in the clot formation
Phase vasculaire
vasoconstriction of the vaisseaux as a response to a breach
This is just to reduce the overal flow of blood into the damaged site
What it is and production
Synthesized in the liver
The liver produces a constant rate of thrombopoietine
If there are a lot of plaquettes in the blood, they will bind to trhombopoetine -> less thrombopoetine gets to the moelle osseuse -> less plaquettes are synthesized and vice versa
a mechanism of regulation
Facteur von Willebrand
Protein that travels in blood and binds on damaged blood vessels
Specifically binds to exposed collagen
When bound, plaquettes can recognize it (FVW) and bind to it to form a blood clot (coagulate)
This step is called addhesion via
Ib-V-IX receptors
When bound, the plaquettes send signals and express Receptor IIb-IIIa
This step in important for aggregation
Récepteur Ib-V-IX
- responsable de l’adhésion
- médiateur : fVW
Récepteur IIb/IIIa
- responsable de l’aggrégation
- médiateur : fibrinogène
Recepteurs Ib-V-IX vs IIb-IIIa
Ib-V-IX receptor is important for initial adhesion where as IIb-IIIa is important for aggrgation
1b-5-9 are the facteur van willbran sensors!
The most important product of coagulation?
It is the goal of coagulation which solidifies the platelets!!!
Why are thre so many facteurs de coagulation
Because coagulation is a dangerous process that needs to be well controlled
Given the cascade of coagulation, what is the ultimate goal?
The transformation of Fibrinogen into Fibrin
La voie commune de la cascade and the involved facterus
10(X) + 5(V) -> 2(thrombin’IIa) -> 1(fibrin; Ia)
Role of thrombin
It is the facteur that allows to go from Fibrinogen -> Fibrin
Temps de prothrombine
Addition of Facteur tissulaire (FT) + Calcium -> activation of extrintic route -> fibrinogene and then fibrin
We can measure the time to get fibrin or the clump as the time for coagulation
PT = play tenis = outside= exogene route
Temps de céphaline active - TCa
Partial thromboplastin time
Similar to the temps de prothrombine, this route tests the speed of the intrinsic route
requires phospholipds
Partial thromboplastin time -> Play Table Tenis -> inside -> intrinec
Role of calcium
Coagulation cannot occur in the absence of Calcium
Where do plaquettes come from?
True or False,
Plaquettes are the most important and strongest response to stop bleeding
Platelets is liek the first step. You need coagulation!!