Cardio 2.2: 54mins Flashcards
Apparition des bruits de Korotkow vs Disparition des bruits de Korotkow
Apparition des bruits de Korotkow = pression systolique
Disparition des bruits de Korotkow = pression diastolique
Pression artérielle moyenne
PAM = (PAsystolique + 2 x PAdiastolique) ÷ 3
La diastole étant plus longue que la systole
Someone who is dehydrated and effect on debit cardaic
Dehydration -> reduction of volume in the blood -> reduction of precharge
a lower precharge -> lower debit cardaic
Les contractions musculaires and effect on precharge
Walking and stretching will allow for the return of blood _> increase prechage
This is why british soldiers have to move once in a while to make sure they don’t pass out
True or False,
Les valvules veineuses sont des structures qui favorisent le retour veineux
These valves assure the unidirectional flow of blood and thus increase the retour veineux to the heart
Why does a deep breath favorise le retour
veineux systémique
By breathing in we reduce the pressure on the right atrium by making more space in the thorac -> more space in the right atrium -> more blood can come back -> greater precharge
Système lymphatique: fonctions
Retour de l’excès de liquide filtré par les capillaires
– Retour lymphatique = 2 litres/24h
* Retour des protéines au sang
* Fonction immunitaire
Auto-régulation du débit local
2 reasons, how it happens
1:40M, p55
Review this cuz buddy fd the tuddy
There will be two reasons why you would want to Auto regulate local blood perfusion
could be that there is a change in the systemic blood pressure whether increased or decreased and you want to maintain a stable perfusion to say the brain regardless of these variations
the second option could be Auto regulate in order to provide blood relevant to the metabolic rate of the tissue for example during exercise muscled might undergo local auto regulation to increase oxygen intake
régulation locale se fait au niveau des artérioles et des sphincters pré-capillaires
Theory myogenique vs theories humorale
The actual smooth muscle senses a change in blood pressure and either constricts to prevent high blood pressure to perfuse the tissue or dilates when it senses low blood pressure
concentration locale de métabolites lors de modification des
besoins métaboliques des cellules et activent la relaxation
ou la contraction musculaire vasculaire par effet paracrine
Either metabolique (like Oxygen, ATP etc)
Or Endothelial secreted substances
Effect of O2, Adénosine, CO2, Potassium
O2: If you have a lot of O2 you wanna vasoconstrict locally as you do not need more
Adenosine: A product of ATP synthesis. If you just made a bunch of ATP you need to get rid of all the CO2. -> vasodilate
CO2 -> opposite of O2
Potassium: increased during muscle activty -> gotta get rid of Co2 -> vasodilation
What are the Substances endothéliales vasoactives
- Endothéline (vasoconstriction)
- Oxyde nitrique - NO (vasodilatation)
- Prostacycline(Prostaglandin) (vasodilatation)
What is angiogénèse?
e réduction du débit sanguin dans un tissu déclenche
la relâche de facteurs favorisant la formation de
nouveaux vaisseaux (angiogénèse)
collateral bypasses that are generated to maintain the blood flow of the affected region
Régulation rapide (nerveuse) de
la pression artérielle due to a low pressure
Baro-receptors in the ascending aorta will send afferent projections to the brainstem which is the center of information integration
once a decision is made in this case due to low pressure efferent projections are sent to the spinal cord which lead to a vasoconstriction of arteries and arterioles in order to increase blood pressure as well as a vasoconstriction of veins in order to
reduce the vein blood storage and thus increase free charge and thus increase blood flow and thus increase blood pressure
on top of this, a signal is sent to SN node to increase firing rate
sent to AV node to increase conduction speed
**accelerate inotropia **(muscle contraction of the myocardium)
Le réflexe ischémique central (“réflexe de Cushing”)
Survient lorsque la pression de perfusion cérébrale baisse
réflexe déclenche une activation sympathique importante avec vasoconstriction diffuse (sauf le système nerveux central) pour maintenir la perfusion cérébrale
Constriction of most arterioles to keep the blood flow constant to the brain.
Le ____________ est une cible thérapeutique importante dans
différentes pathologies cardiac
système RAA (Rénine-angiotensine-aldostérone)
Peptides natriurétiques
Detects l’etirement cardiac (distantion)
which is a measurement of précharge which is a measurement of volume
Nouvelle cible thérapeutique dans l’insuffisance cardiaque
They act on the kindey to increase sodium secretion -> reduce volume
Hormone anti-diurétique
leads to reabsorption of water
involves release of vasopressine
vasopressine can do vasoconstriction and reduce water secretion -> increase of volume -> increase of precharge -> increase of arterial pressure
Angiotensin II
Active form of angiotensin I
angio tensin -> increase tension -> vasoconstrictor
stimulate aldosterone production -> reabsorption of sodium and water