Cardio 1.1 Flashcards
Where do we find valvule mitrale?
Valvule mitrale = left side
coming from lungs into the left ventricle befofe being expulsed into the aorta
Where do we find valvule tricuspide?
On the right
this is where all the blood from the vena cava comes from
Systole vs Diastole?
Systole (contraction) auriculaire
Collection of blood from the lungs in the atrium before contracting to send to ventricle
The ventricle fills passively. This contraction only does 15%
Systole (contraction) ventriculaire
Diastole (relaxation) ventriculaire
True or False,
There is no loss in volume during Systole ventriculaire stage 1.
Volume does not change because at this point the mitral valve and aortic valve are closed untin a certain pressure is achieved
When does the aortic valve open?
It only opens once the pressure in the left ventricle passes the pressure in the aortic valve
What are the 2nd and 3rd phases of systole ventriculaire?
Ejection rapide
Ejection lente
When does the mitral valve open?
During diastole ventriculaire
When the pressure in the left ventricle has reached a lower pressure than that of the left atrium the mitral valve will open to allow for the blood from the lungs to come in.
Pression veineuse centrale
Pressure that we can measure in the juggular vein in a patient
PVC (pression veinesue centrale) different Stages
Onde A: contraction auriculaire
Onde C: contraction ventriculaire avec élévation des valves AV
**Descente x: ** éjection
ventriculaire avec dépression
des valves AV
Onde V: Remplissage auriculaire
Descente y: Vidange auriculaire
et Remplissage ventriculaire
Coeur droit vs. coeur gauche cycle cardiac?
Cycle cardiaque identique avec pression systolique plus basse
pour le coeur droite!!
Bruits cardiaques
We can only hear the closure of the valves
B1: Fermeture des valves AV (mitrale et tricuspide)
**B2: ** Fermeture des valves semi-lunaires (aortique et pulmonaire
En conditions normales, seuls B1 et B2 sont audibles chez l’adulte
Points to hear cardiac noises
Foyer mitral: 5e espace
intercostal, ligne mid-claviculaire
Foyer tricuspide: 5e espace
intercostal, parasternal gauche
Foyer aortique: 2e espace intercostal, parasternal droit
Foyer pulmonaire: 2e espace intercostal, parasternal gauche
What is Débit cardiaque (Q)?
Volume d’éjection (VE)
Fréquence cardiaque (FC)
True or False,
The Debit cardiac of the left heart is larger due to its relation to systemic circulaiton
En situation normale:
Débit cardiaque systémique (Qs) =
Débit cardiaque pulmonaire (Qp)