Resocialization Flashcards
What is the relationship between reference groups and membership groups?
References groups : are created when we look to groups with whom we identify with
- Usually reference groups are Membership Groups, but they do not have to be
How does this relate to the concept of anticipatory socialization?
One can desire or expect to become a member of a reference group.
- This can result in Anticipatory Socialization, in
which you try to think, dress, and act like members
of the group
What are the two functions of reference groups?
(N & C)
- Normative : norms for appropriate behavior
- Comparative : to evaluate ourselves and our beliefs, e.g., how intelligent, athletic, religious, masculine or feminine, etc.
According to Schein, what five things were used to achieve Thought Reform among the general Chinese population?
(E. H. U. Te. Th.)
- Encourage grievances against non-Communist groups or ideas, e.g., corrupt landlords (criticize the old Reference Groups)
- Heavy reliance on group discussion (compare the Asch situation or Groupthink)
- Use mutual and self-criticism to destroy emotional ties with the past (tear down old identities)
- Teach Communist doctrine in a group setting (provide a new Reference Group, which builds a new identity and new set of beliefs)
- Threat of expulsion from the Communist Party for those unwilling to reeducate themselves (backup sanction to gain compliance)
By what two processes were Western prisoners in Peking led to understand the nature of their crime and confess their guilt?
( U & C )
- Unfreezing (tearing down old self concept)
- Changing (creating new self concept)
In both examples, what were the agents of change? What social influence studies are we reminded of here?
- Unfreezing : (P. So. Se)
- Changing : (I & R)
Unfreezing involved the following:
- Physical resistance – undermined by inadequate diet, loss of sleep due to interrogations, illnesses. beating by cellmates, etc.
- Social supports – undermined by being cut off from outside and from old reference groups
- Self-image – undermined by tear down of self concept, humiliations, dependence on cellmates
Changing involved the following:
- Identification with cellmates (provide new reference group)
- Re-evaluating past behavior (building new identity & beliefs)
How was brainwashing explained in class in terms of reference groups?
Reference groups play an important role in resocialization
- The most extreme form of resocialization is Brainwashing
What gives rise to “role dispossession”? Explain.
There is a barrier between the inmate and the wider world
This can be achieved with :
- walls – such as at a prison
- distance – such as at a work camp
- rules – such as at a convent in a city
This results in role dispossession, an inability to carry out previous role-identities.
What does physical nakedness symbolize?
It symbolizes the removal of the old identity and being provided a new identity
- It specifically refers to the leaving off and taking on concept
What kinds of gestures or verbal responses are often involved?
Demeaning ones
- Being called names, cursed, talked about as if not present etc
What are examples of contaminative exposure?
Contaminative exposure : violations of privacy
- Information files about you, open to staff
- Doorless toilets and showers
- Possessions searched or held by staff
What are the 5 types of Total Institutions identified by Goffman?
( C. UT. IT. W. R )
- Caretaking (with no threat to community) – e.g., orphanages, homes for blind or elderly
- Unintentional threat – e.g., TB sanitarium, AIDS hospices
- Intentional threat – e..g, prisons, POW camps
- Work-like task – e.g, oil rigs, work camps, military camps, naval ships
- Religious retreats and training stations – e.g., monasteries, boarding schools
What are the 6 functions of Total Institutions described in class?
(L. Is. Insu. Inst. R. S)
- Life support
- Isolation
- Insulation
- Instrumental
- Retribution
- Social Influence
Kanter studied what kind of Total Institution?
Utopian communities
What were the three social system problems that Kanter identified?
(Con. Coh SC)
1.Continuance – keeping participants in the system
2. Cohesion – keeping the group from splitting up
3. Social Control – obtaining obedience to group norms