In college, people transition from high schoolers who felt the need to what, to young adults who are discovering what?
- Transition from high schoolers who always felt the need to try to fit in in order to avoid being picked on by their peers
- They move onto becoming young adults who are discovering who they are and who they want to be
The book gives voice by reporting the findings of what, interspersed with what?
The findings of data analyses of the MIQ interspersed with quotes from Self-Identity Papers.
How does life satisfaction differ from happiness?
Happiness : emotional response
Life satisfaction : cognitive evaluation
Seligman explained depression in terms of what?
In terms of the concept of learned helplessness which occurs from feeling a lack of control in an aversive situation.
How does anxiety differ from fear?
Anxiety : a response to a perceived future threat
Fear : a response tp a perceived immediate threat
A certain amount of anxiety is what, while too much is what?
A certain amount of anxiety is motivating, but too much is debilitating.
According to Social Identity Theory, individuals need what in order to maintain a sense of well-being?
A firm sense of group identification
Not being prepared by parents to deal with stressful situations involving race may result in what emotions and awkwardness called what?
White fragility.
The professor’s awareness of White male privilege came as a result of being what, instead of being treated with what?
As a result of being hassled instead of being treated with respect.
Writing about intersectionality has provided a voice for whom, who have felt ignored in movements for whom and for women?
Has provided a voice for Black Women, who have felt ignored in movements for Black rights dominated by men, and ignored in movements for women’s rights dominated by White women
Newman feels that being privileged means he has an obligation to understand what?
Systems of advantages and inequality
Intersectionality means that individuals may have one or more identities that give what, and may have one or more identities that lead to what?
Privileges and oppressions
What three identities were referred to as the “holy trinity”?’
Race, class and gender
Wright Mills described the sociological imagination as the power to do what?
The power to connect private troubles with public issues
What five things does the APA recommend for developing resilience?
- Build your connections
- Foster wellness
- Find purpose
- Embrace healthy thoughts
- Seeking help