What are the 4 major ways of being intimate?
(P. Em. C. Ex)
Physical (touching, hugging, kissing, sexual)
Emotional (sharing feelings)
Cognitive (sharing thoughts)
Experiential (sharing activities)
This book focuses on which kinds of intimate relationships?
Dating, marriage, and other romantic or sexual relationships.
The Comprehensive Commitment model predicts what indirectly through what, and what directly independently of what?
Predicts relationship commitment indirectly through relationship satisfaction
- Predict relationship commitment directly independent of relationship satisfaction.
The Comprehensive Commitment Model includes concepts that view relationships from which perspective?
Social exchange perspective.
The eight relationship types are defined by combinations of what three distinctions?
(M or W) (OS or SS) (UM or M)
Combinations of :
1. Men or women
2. In opposite-sex or same-sex relationships
3. Unmarried or married
What two kinds of couples were recruited in Pakistan?
(PC M & OW M)
Parent-choice (“arranged”) marriages and own-choice (“love”) marriages
Why were marriage license applications obtained?
To recruit same-sex and opposite-sex newlyweds in order to compare gay/lesbian marriages and heterosexual marriages
About how many thousand participated in the study, from how many cultural regions?
8,839 people participated from 9 cultural regions
About what percentage were in a Current Relationship?
72% were in a current relationship
T-tests determine how much the distributions of two groups do what, to determine how likely they were to have come from two populations or one?
How much they overlap
Statistical tests estimate the probability that what?
The probability that a group difference that large could have occurred by chance.
A difference is statistically significant if what?
Ff the probability that it was due to chance is less than 5% or p<.05.
How do we check on whether this is the one time when the result is due to chance?
A point-biserial correlation is equivalent to what other test?
T test
Having a current partner risks engaging in what, which reflects poorly on what in those cultures?
Risks of engaging in premarital intercourse
Marriage rituals vary across cultures, but have similar effects on what?
Similar effects on these various types of commitment.