Research Study 3 Flashcards
why are there cultural differences in effects of physical discipline on children?
- Deater-Deckert and Dodge: perceptions of normativeness (if a culture thinks spanking is normal, they wouldn’t perceive negative effects on child and vice versa)
- Rohner: perception of maternal hostility (if the mom who spanks is seen as hostile, they expect negative effects on the child and vice versa)
Independent variables and dependent variables in this study
- IVs: physical discipline, harsh verbal discipline
- DVs: child aggression, child anxiety
which country had lowest levels of parental reported physical discipline?
which country had highest levels of parental reported physical discipline?
which country had lowest levels of parental reported harsh verbal discipline?
which country had highest levels of parental reported harsh verbal discipline?
which country had lowest levels of child perceived normativeness for physical discipline?
which country had highest levels of child perceived normativeness for physical discipline?
which country had lowest levels of child perceived normativeness for hash verbal discipline?
which country had highest levels of child perceived normativeness for harsh verbal discipline?
from what country did children report lowest levels of perceived parental hostility?
from what country did children report highest levels of perceived parental hostility?
do research findings suggest there is a positive association between physical discipline and children’s anxiety and aggression?
it depends on who’s reporting - mother’s report of child aggression and anxiety says yes; child’s report of child aggression and anxiety says no
do research findings suggest there is a positive association between harsh verbal discipline and children’s anxiety and aggression?
it depends on who’s reporting - mother’s report of child aggression and anxiety says yes; child’s report of child aggression and anxiety says no
do children’s perceptions of hostility affect the association between mother’s discipline and child adjustment?
yes (except mother’s report of child anxiety)
do children’s perceptions of normativeness affect the association between mother’s discipline and children’s adjustment?
- physical discipline: no
- harsh verbal discipline: yes
Research findings by McLoyd and Smith
- perception of maternal support
- if there’s high maternal support, negative effects of spanking are lessened/not present (and vice versa)